*** Science Or God? ***

Science or God?

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@Makx,religious matters & mythology is not exact science where you can prove/disprove by presenting a Phd thesis of some standard text.if not going into details just use common sense.it is a well established fact that holy trinity in Indian mythology consists of Brahma,Vishnu & Shiva & is the manifestation of supreme being in 3 aspects of creation,caretaking & destruction.it is also established that asuras worshiped Brahma to get such powerful boons that vishnu has to take avatar to kill them.how can someone who is a part of eternal trinity & with such power be not immortal especially when he is considered the lord of creation?also i will take TV serials any day over wiki regarding matters concerning Indian mythology.ever wonder why Brahma was never portrayed as mortal/not eternal in any TV serial?reason is there is no credible/widely accepted religious text & if someone dare do this i am sure there will be many filing cases in courts citing volumes of religious texts.all of the links you gave rely solely on a single interpretation of a particular passage in Srimad-Bhagavatam while there are many more texts like vishnu puraan which differ not to mention the logic i gave above.

anyway i am ending this discussion because it is not relevant to the topic not to mention only those who undertook years of study in ancient indian religious/mythological texts are qualified enough to discuss such matters in detail.


Sith Lord
Staff member
there are n number of stories showing why any one of the trinity is better than the rest, and often these are the same stories with the remaining chars interchanged.
there is no single passage, but there are schools of thought. some say no god, some say universe is made out of atoms, some say take care of yourself, that is only worship. some say smear ashes on yourself and celebrate cemeteries. there are as many schools of thought as gurus, and many of these traditions are still oral, waiting to be written down.

imagining vedic people to be very bored for a very long time. they simply figured all of it out and put it in a rhyme, just so it is easy to remember. you could choose any of the myriad vidya to follow. the puranas were the wikipedia of that time.


Game on
religious matters & mythology is not exact science where you can prove/disprove by presenting a Phd thesis of some standard text.
there are n number of stories showing why any one of the trinity is better than the rest, and often these are the same stories with the remaining chars interchanged.
So religious texts like vedas,puranas,upnishads are useless in matters of religious mythology?
I am sure the stories with interchanged characters can't be there in those texts and surely made up by people.


whitestar said:
also i will take TV serials any day over wiki regarding matters concerning Indian mythology.ever wonder why Brahma was never portrayed as mortal/not eternal in any TV serial?reason is there is no credible/widely accepted religious text & if someone dare do this i am sure there will be many filing cases in courts citing volumes of religious texts.all of the links you gave rely solely on a single interpretation of a particular passage in Srimad-Bhagavatam while there are many more texts like vishnu puraan which differ not to mention the logic i gave above.
This is again an instance where the Indian science is being looked through a narrow abrahamic framework or something we call as "widely accepted" religious text.

In Devi Bhagwat Purana, the feminine aspect i.e Shakti is the given the supreme importance. In the Veda, it is the Aditi which is the mother of all the devas. But "what" exactly are these : Aditi, Shakti, Saraswati, Ela, Ushma, Usha? But are we really giving importance to feminine in Devi Purana or masculine in Shiva Purana etc? Is the individual mind really so low that it will stick to the name/pronoun and ignore the essence being delivered through that language construct?

If we keep going by "name", then we are bound to get confused and stuck to the lower realms of mind. Not all Puranas talk of the "holy Trinity". Even Brahma ariving from Vishnu's navel is metaphorical concept. But those who stick to names forget what the shrutis say, "ekam sat vipra bahuda vadanti" (this is common sense IMO). How can we forget that in our argument then?

Just like many blind people can tell which known person is coming near them just by the sound of their foot steps, similarly it is the essence behind the "names" that a wiseman should look after.

Krishna, the personification of supreme consciousness, in Gita delivers to the perturbed and depressed mind i.e Arjun through the riddle of I/Me :

Of the twelve Adityas I am Visnu, of all luminaries the radiant sun, of the seven Maruts I am Marici and of the constellations I am the moon. (Bg 10.21)

Of the eleven Rudras I am Siva and of Yaksas and Raksasas I am Kuvera the treasurer of the demigods, of the eight Vasus I am Agni the fire god and of mountains Meru (BG 10.23)

Of the many headed non-poisonous serpents I am the divine serpent Ananta, of all aquatics I am Varuna the demigod ruling the inhabitants of water, of diefied anscestors I am Aryama and of administrators of justice I am Yamaraja the judge of all beings at the time of death. (BG 10.29)

Of the Daityas I am Prahlada, of measurements I am time, of all the animals the lion and of birds I am Garuda. (10.30)

Of letters I am the first letter A, and of compound words the dual word, I am eternal ever flowing time and the four-faced Brahma. (BG 10.33)

So where is the "holy trinity" seen as supreme in the Bhagvad-Gita? Remember, there is nothing supreme or inferior like a hierarchy as in corporate jobs. Agni is not inferior to Indra, nor Indra to Vishnu! Neither form is inferior to formless nor vice versa.

If you go by TV serials, then Devo Ke dev Mahadev is based on Devdutt Patnaik's works who is worshipper of Wendy Doniger who has reduced Indian works to sex. Moreover, not everything is true or researched there. Similarly, Amish Triparthi's work has reduced Shiva, the epitome of detachment, yoga, consciousness and knowledge, to a human playboy who runs afer girls hiding behind trees, ogling them, doing drugs, aggressively and arrogantly speaking like teenagers in American Slang. Tomorrow a TV serial can be made out of that as well.

Just like rear/rare, their/there, here/hare sound similar or the same, but the listener can distinguish by its usage and hence transcending beyond the sound to know the meaning or the essence, similarly we need to go beyond the language limitations to know the depths of consciousness studies.

Here's a great read : Quantum Physics came from the Vedas: Schrödinger, Einstein and Tesla were all Vedantists. | Krishna Path

An intersting line :

There is no kind of framework within which we can find consciousness in the plural; this is simply something we construct because of the temporal plurality of individuals, but it is a false construction… The only solution to this conflict insofar as any is available to us at all lies in the ancient wisdom of the Upanishad.”
(Source: Mein Leben, Meine Weltansicht [My Life, My World View] (1961) Chapter 4)

The above speaks of infinity or the brahman only!

He is indivisible and the One, but seems to divide himself in forms and creatures and appears as all the separate existences. All things are eternally born from him, upborne in his eternity, taken eternally back into his oneness. (BG 13.17)

PS - This oneness does not refer to "one god"/monotheism. Similarly, divisibility does not refer to multiple gods or polytheism! :'(
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wise but not owl
I don't understand why everyone is talking about scientific theories(doughnot theory or whatever), while the only subject which is true is "mathematics". No other scientific theory has a rigoruous proof, they are just hypothesis(even conservation principles). if anyone has a rigorous mathematical proof of there scientific theories, post it and we will accept it as it is not going to change forever, untill then i will trust the words of god.


Staff member
I don't understand why everyone is talking about scientific theories(doughnot theory or whatever), while the only subject which is true is "mathematics". No other scientific theory has a rigoruous proof, they are just hypothesis(even conservation principles). if anyone has a rigorous mathematical proof of there scientific theories, post it and we will accept it as it is not going to change forever, untill then i will trust the words of god.

Buy my God is better than yours.


On a lighter note, I would hate it if I found out that the whole universe is just a copy of a SimCity like game being played by some being higher up in the simulation chain. :p

god(s) may be playing universe version of simcity. source :


Oooo!!!, then all the gods might be fighting with eachother.....

OMG!! who's running the universe!!!.

then Indra might be fighting with Zeus, or Ganga with Amphitrite.. :p
btw, universe indeed runs itself.. :)
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wise but not owl
Those are fake.
If all gods want the good of human being and are the smartest, but still fight with each other then they are not the gods.

In my view if god exist he is only one orelse he doesn't exist.
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