*** Science Or God? ***

Science or God?

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Always in Dreams...
I will just leave these links here :
Savitri Era Open Forum: Holy war between Peter Heehs and Sraddhalu Ranade

Do you know what is this all about? Who is Peter Heehs, and what's the matter in Sri Aurobindo Ashram about Peter Heehs? Do you know about the book 'The Lives of Sri Aurobindo?' authored by Peter Heehs, and the outrage after it? Do you know about the worldwide protests of people against Peter Heehs's book? Do you know the interfere of people like Ramchandra Guha, Sagarika Ghose, and media like CNN-IBN? Then how dare you put these selective random links from random websites?? With no official authenticity? Sraddhalu Ranade is a scientist in Sri Aurobindo Ashram. He is a part of Global Oneness Project.. He is a prominent figure among Sri Aurobindo Society. Don't dare question his authority. And provide official records if you attempt to do so.

Listen, the matter is- Peter Heehs, a so called 'researcher' in the Ashram, wrote a book- 'The Lives of Sri Aurobindo'. He left no stone unturned to defame Sri Aurobindo, and to label him as some psycho, or mad, whose spiritual experiences were lies. He called him 'A Coward and a Liar'. He said that the mother of Sri Aurobindo had bipolar disorder, which Sri Aurobindo inherited. A big storm took place after the publication of his book. Peter Heehs is charged with criminal offenses and copyright infringements like Editing the writings of Sri Aurobindo. Peter Heehs is said to have edited his works as he edited a line of Savitri in the chapter The Return to Earth which reads, ‘Our bodies need each other in same last’ to ‘Our bodies need each other in same lust’. A massive outrage is there to expel him from the Ashram. Odisha Government 'proscribed' this book via an Gazette notification. But still, due to strange reasons, some people are letting him stay in the Ashram. The matter is far more complex.

Now, there are people like Sraddhalu Ranade who are strongly against Peter Heehs, and his book. Ranade's talk on Peter Heehs' obnoxious book on Sri Aurobindo, was cancelled deliberately by Bharat Nivas Authorities. The lecture was supposed to be held at SAWCHU in Auroville on Friday 11th of May, 2012 at the invitation of a small group of Aurovillians who dared to stand up for the freedom of expression of Mr. Ranade. Mark the hypocrisy of the WC and BN who have fought tooth and nail for the freedom of expression of Peter Heehs but flex their muscles and even threaten to use police force in order to bar the same freedom of speech to Mr. Ranade.

Now my only advice to you is- Don't poke your nose in affairs you are unaware about. I have personally met Ranade in Pondicherry, as he stays in the Ashram, and I know who he is. He doesn't need any Certificate from anyone. And No 'Expose' can defame him. Because people like me love him. Ranade is being attacked again and again since he stands against Peter Heehs, who is being protected by International Vested Interests, CNN-IBN being one of them.

And PLEASE, don't DIVERT the topic. PLEASE. If anyone, including you, wants to reply. Reply to my first post. Don't drag the discussion in unknown direction by 'SELECTIVE URL MINING' . It's sad, what a pathetic turn this debate has taken.
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Even if that is true, it doesn't invalidate his other activities.
Ashram authorities have expelled him. He is a self proclaimed scientist. No different that other god-men in India who keep talking how advanced our ancestors were and how everything being researched or discovered is already in the ancient scriptures. Funny how these people can't predict the next big discovery based on those scriptures.


Democracy is a myth
There are two ways to reach the truth.

One is science and another is Philosophy.

Science is a slow process. It takes time to verify everything, Even after verifying it tries to reproduce the same result under different environments. If the result changes, it tries to put it into a logic. So, after a long time may be a truth worth of 1 penny was established. This truth is based on statistics, formulaes, proper guidelines to reproduce and a list of conditions on doing what the deisred output might get changed. Even teh exceptions are known.

Whereas Philosophy does not care about statistics rather work on faith and belief. It too has its own logic which are very strong but almmost all the times based on some non-verifiable allegedly fact.
Taking the road of Philosophy too we can reach the same truth but it depends on you what road you want to take.

The journey in the way of science is too long and too tough. Question, counter question, experiments, what not. You might get tired and on your weaker time tend to look for answers by other means. And having a logical and open mind you have the risk of liking the philosophical explanations of the same issue you are working on.

You know what is important? Its important for science guys to stick to science and philosophers to Philosophy only. May be then, by taking two different ways and not looking into other's notebook we one day would land in same goal.


Always in Dreams...
Even if that is true, it doesn't invalidate his other activities.
Ashram authorities have expelled him. He is a self proclaimed scientist. No different that other god-men in India who keep talking how advanced our ancestors were and how everything being researched or discovered is already in the ancient scriptures. Funny how these people can't predict the next big discovery based on those scriptures.

Who The Hell told you that Ashram Authorities have expelled him???? Who the hell are you to make such comment, that he is a self proclaimed scientist?? Dare to show any official record which says Sraddhalu Ranade is expelled! Dare to show any record which disapproves his Authority and Eligibility! Otherwise don't show how dumb you are! He stays in the Ashram, and will continue to do so till the end of his life! It's Peter Heehs who was going to be expelled. Just get off if you can't put facts and proofs. He is a scientist, and a part of Global Oneness Project (see my previous post). Now don't argue with me unless you come up with facts, not with allegations and defamation acts. And Don't come back with more silly allegations!

And for those who want to know about Sraddhalu Ranade, here it is, from Global Oneness Project.

"..Sraddhalu Ranade is a scientist, educator and scholar at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram where he grew up in the care of the late Sri M. P. Pandit. He is presently involved in the production of video programs based on India's cultural roots, and conducts teacher-training programs based on a soul-centered approach to education. He has conducted numerous intensive teacher-training workshops on Integral and value-based education all over India. Over 4,500 teachers from more than 200 schools and colleges have benefited from these programs. He has been involved in various research projects including artificial intelligence based on neural networks, multimedia search and retrieval, and educational tools. He is a frequent speaker at international conferences on science and spirituality and lectures around the world on the yoga teachings of Sri Aurobindo..."
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Always in Dreams...
There are two ways to reach the truth.

One is science and another is Philosophy.

Science is a slow process. It takes time to verify everything, Even after verifying it tries to reproduce the same result under different environments. If the result changes, it tries to put it into a logic. So, after a long time may be a truth worth of 1 penny was established. This truth is based on statistics, formulaes, proper guidelines to reproduce and a list of conditions on doing what the deisred output might get changed. Even teh exceptions are known.

Whereas Philosophy does not care about statistics rather work on faith and belief. It too has its own logic which are very strong but almmost all the times based on some non-verifiable allegedly fact.
Taking the road of Philosophy too we can reach the same truth but it depends on you what road you want to take.

The journey in the way of science is too long and too tough. Question, counter question, experiments, what not. You might get tired and on your weaker time tend to look for answers by other means. And having a logical and open mind you have the risk of liking the philosophical explanations of the same issue you are working on.

You know what is important? Its important for science guys to stick to science and philosophers to Philosophy only. May be then, by taking two different ways and not looking into other's notebook we one day would land in same goal.

Though I may not fully agree with you. But I admire your views, and a kind of 'unconditioned' thought. What we need, is a constructive, receptive approach to the views of each other, instead of deny and abuse approach.

I think there are not two, but many ways to reach the 'Truth'. I gave the example of classical musicians and dancers of India. That' one of them. And it's their own, inner experience which they share. We can't just verify this with external tools, but then we can't just deny it. It is that experience and realization of 'higher consciousness' in their own being, that such people get by following different methods. Something which gives them a glimpse of that 'Truth'. Anyone may argue that it is just 'human imagination', or 'dream', or anything like that. But then they are imagining, too. They try to put everything into the framework of rationality. And anything which seems 'irrational' to them, is an imagination, or lie. And going by that logic, millions of people in the world, following the path of Spirituality, Yoga, Meditation, are liars. This isn't a scientific approach. Just because something is beyond the domain of modern scientific understanding, we can't call it 'imagination', as many people do.


You just watched half an hour of the video, took 2-3 concepts out of many he presented, and you think you've understood it all, to reach to a 'conclusion'?? Is that how you pursue 'Science'? He talked about Sanskrit. He talked about why it is the 'only' natural language, and why it is the most suitable language for Artificial Intelligence. He talked about the 'Vimana Shastra' (Science of Aircraft), and how detailed and comprehensive explanation of the parts and machines used in Vimanas, and 'Dresses' that a pilot should wear to protect himself from the radiation on various levels, even in the outer space. He explained the difficulties of replicating 'Vimanas' depicted in the Shastra. About the domain of 'Meta-Materials'. He talked about Ayurveda, and how it is a 'Science of Life'. Being a scientist himself, he presented a very comprehensive overview of the essence of Indian Science.
But you seem to be ignoring everything to reach to your narrow conclusion. Please, this is not how 'Science' works.

Listen, Indian Science is not about explanation, it's all about 'Experience', and 'Realization'. Experience which is not pursued by external objective means i.e. machines, but by internal subjective means, by penetrating the layers of your own individual 'consciousness', which is a part of the whole, 'Universal Consciousness'. By the means of Yoga, or 'Union' with the Ultimate Cosmic Energy. The Energy which is Sat-Chit-Aanand, Sat means it is the Ultimate Truth. Chit means it is Self-Conscious, and Aananda means it is pure 'Bliss'. Every Indian Science, whether it is Indian Classical Music or Indian Classical Dance, is based on this concept of experience only. Great Indian Classical Musicians, in their Interviews, have repeated this concept only. Take for example Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, the most renowned Sarod Player of world today. He says it is the union with the God, the ultimate truth, which makes his music. Sarod playing is a means for him, to reach God. And this applies to every single Classical Musician and Dancer of India, without exception.

And at last, how can you explain something which is 'Timeless'? Tell me! Grow up man. If it is Timeless, means it is beyond the scope of our intellect, since our intellect works in Time and Space. In order to understand something which is Timeless, you will have to go beyond the time. How can you explain the method of going beyond the time, when you are just stuck in time bound intellect itself! This is where Indian Science 'Begins'. You may or may not agree with this, but you can't just simply 'deny' it because you are a Rationalist. You will find it hard to incorporate the more subtle aspects of consciousness and experience that is unique to our ancient world with its many planes of existence. But it doesn't mean you will 'conclude' it.

yes i watched just half an hour of it, but it had all the material in it which you spoke about here, the vimana-shastra and all that, that's why i gave the examples of pyramids of egypt, just like there existed a metal that never corroded even in thousands of years during that time, same goes with the pyramids, though they used to be white as milk that time, but still they are standing strong and a marvelous example of engineering, i am not trying to say that ranade is wrong, what i am trying to say that he showed our "indian" ancestors to be the leaders of the world, knowing everything in the deep and analysing everything layer by layer, but actually the whole world at that time was like that, not only indians, but every other race at that time used to research using their methods and they are right according to them, we humans are hardwired to think that what we know is right, you personally know ranade, so you won't hear a word against him, it's natural, but we all others are independent viewers analysing him just on his presentation and giving a perspective of what we make out of him, neither we are right, nor you are, only ranade himself know what's right, whether he got expelled or something..
And yes, timeless things cannot be defined, and that's where ranade's thoughts are contradicting, our ancestors just said that it's timeless, so there's no point of understanding it further coz you can't define what's timeless, philosophy stops there, i don't know (and don't think so) that if science can find out how universe was born, but atleast they are motivated to find out to the extent of their limits, not just sitting around saying: "This is timeless, there's no use of proceeding further". Till you don't try, you won't find out the details of it..


Democracy is a myth
I think there are not two, but many ways to reach the 'Truth'. I gave the example of classical musicians and dancers of India. That' one of them. And it's their own, inner experience which they share. We can't just verify this with external tools, but then we can't just deny it. It is that experience and realization of 'higher consciousness' in their own being, that such people get by following different methods. Something which gives them a glimpse of that 'Truth'. Anyone may argue that it is just 'human imagination', or 'dream', or anything like that. But then they are imagining, too. They try to put everything into the framework of rationality. And anything which seems 'irrational' to them, is an imagination, or lie. And going by that logic, millions of people in the world, following the path of Spirituality, Yoga, Meditation, are liars. This isn't a scientific approach. Just because something is beyond the domain of modern scientific understanding, we can't call it 'imagination', as many people do.

First Spirituality, Yoga and Meditation do not fall in same category. Yoga is a form of physical exercise including meditation. And I would not call them liars just cause their views differ with mine. They would be liar if they knew that they are lying. They are experiencing a trance state which they are referring to "being with God". How are you being sure its God they are feeling in that state?

Secondly there are drugs which causes the same effect i.e being in trance state, hallucinating. Now, you may argue they are/were not under the effect of drugs at that time. But, let me tell you too much dedication, love and wanting to believe something would show you the thing everywhere you would look.
Romantic Love Affects Your Brain Like a Drug
Let me google that for you


Super Moderator
Staff member
@Rishabh_sharma1990,exaggerating claims about Indian traditional sciences is not new.now don't think that i don't value traditional Indian science.i appreciate the contributions of Aryabhatta,Brahmagupta & Bhaskara because their contributions are fact not some hypothesis which can't be analyzed.what irritates me is when someone start claiming that vedas have quantum physics,space travel,missiles,aircrafts etc which i don't believe.the hard truth is that we are at present much more advanced than 5000 years ago.ayurveda can not compare to advances in modern medical sciences & how can it when people in those times couldn't even dream of Scanning Tunneling Microscope.if you really want people to take seriously the contributions of ancient Indian sciences give example of Aryabhatta,Brahmagupta & Bhaskara not vimanas/"meta-materials" in vedas.


@Ratul : Though i appreciate your views. But can you tell me where is the boundary of the universe? How far? If it has boundary, then whats beyond that? Does that has a boundary too? If it has a shape, form, boundary, then is it rotating itself and revolving around something higher. Does that has a boundary too? Is that also revolving around something higher? If you understand these questions, then you'd understand as well that these questions will go on recursively. Hence infinitely. Logically, universe is infinite! Now not many people actually understand infinite, even though they have read about it. If you understand infinite, then you'd understand that infinite "cannot be analyzed". You cannot divide, multiply, add, divide it by a finite number to get a different result. Once you understand that, you'd also understand that infinite has no beginning, no end. There the question comes, when did this infinite come into being? A different aspect concerning time has come into picture which by the same reasoning, makes it timeless. If you go by the shape, then also, by the same reasoning, it becomes shapeless, formless. Hence upanishads say, it is timeless, yet seems to exhibit time, formless yet seem to exhibit forms. Why?

How much can your senses analyze? Understand that your eyes are like HD widescreen, but yet limited. They can only absorb a limited environment. Same goes for ears, they cannot hear highest or lowest frequencies, sounds from distant places etc. This limitedness is absorbed by the senses and hence giving an illusion of limitedness.

Your body is a collection of energy and matter, uses energy and matter and dissolves into energy and matter. Thus, what makes us think that we are apart from the nature?

When a man liberated, free from attachment, with his mind, heart and spirit firmly founded in self-knowledge, does works as sacrifice, all his work is dissolved. Brahman is the giving, Brahman is the food-offering, by Brahman it is offered into the Brahman fire, Brahman is that which is to be attained by samadhi in Brahman-action. ( BG 4.23-24)

Therefore, understand that there is a reason behind why it is called eternal, timeless, infinite, unmanifest etc.

I can keep writing, but instead of boring you I'd suggest you to read Aurobindo to go to the profound depths of science and a scientific mind. Mind is just one of the lowers realms, why don't you explore that which speaks to you even in dreams? What is that which gives you ideas even in a peaceful state? That which is beyond all division, taggings, beyond mind, unlimited, infinite and giving us infinite possibilities, different ways to work? Won't you like to experience a thoughtless state? Most cannot control their thoughts even for a second. Aren't you curious, to know the "side effects" of the state that "transforms" if you could control your thoughts and make yourself without thoughts for even 10 minutes freeing yourself from slavery and attachment to senses and sense-objects e.g lust, greed, power etc?

How can you know that 'eternal' by dwelling just in time and space (perceptions of mind), when "that" is beyond "time and space"? Remember, time and movement go hand in hand together. How will you know time if there everything is static (sky doesn't change color, or celestial objects do not move)? Please ponder and experience this! Why is it that when you sleep, you lose all essence of time and space? Yet, you can still experience a world where time and space lose their significance. Does "that" which speaks to you also die when body dies? Can our material science, particle physics ever verify that? The questionings can go and grow more and more, which will enable you to understand "that" which you seek cannot be known by tools of limitedness i.e language, tools based to analyze limitedness, in a limited framework, to establish a limited aim!

Shraddhalu Ranade, only speaks on how then, it was possible for the Vedic seers to know the various sciences, the various levels of matter, consciousness, energy, body, plants etc. You cannot now french, if you assess it using german. Similarly, you cannot know this science that the seers present or used, if you use "modern science" as base or don't decondition or empty yourself from it. If you spent 18 years studying "modern science", then why a quick judgement on vedic science? Don't you think it would be fair if you give it atleast 2-3 years to absorb and understand with the same devotion and concentration (bhakti) you showed for "modern science" or any other area of you expertise?

@Rhitwick : Science and philosophy aren't separate from each other. Philosophy is the mother of all sciences, just like you got your dream car or dream job because of a simple thought of it consciously or sub-consciously. Similarly, the highest experience of "that/he/she" which is explained through riddles in upanishads is coherent and explained through different ways with the "same conclusion". This experience of "rising consciousness' runs through the vedic poetry like an experience, imagery, visualizations. Just like you cannot lift heavy weights in gym on the first go, similarly meditation or consciousness also goes in steps.

1. Indra: It is not now, nor is It tomorrow; who knoweth that which is Supreme and Wonderful? It has motion and action in the consciousness of another, but when It is approached by the thought, It vanishes.

2. Agastya: Why dost thou seek to smite us, O Indra? The Maruts are thy brothers. By them accomplish perfection; slay us not in our struggle.

3. Indra: Why, O my brother Agastya, art thou my friend, yet settest thy thought beyond me? For well do I know how to us thou willest not to give thy mind.

4. Indra: Let them make ready the altar, let them set Agni in blaze in front. It is there, the awakening of the consciousness to Immortality. Let us two extend for thee thy effective sacrifice.

5. Agastya: O Lord of substance over all substances of being, thou art the master in force! O Lord of Love over the powers of love, thou art the strongest to hold in status! Do thou, O lndra, agree with the Maruts, then enjoy the offerings in the ordered method of the Truth

The above is a metaphorical conversation between "devraaj Indra" and seer Agastya who tried to go without the proper steps of raising consciousness to merge into the supreme reality of which the sages describe as "that" or Vishnu or Shiva in Tantras or Shiva Purana, or sat-chit-anand. The above stresses on the "ordered method of the Truth". In my last posts, I already gave the symbology for Agni. Again, it would be better to read Aurobindo!

Once you understand this science of "self" or atma-gyan, you'd also understand it is a tool for detachment from what call as "faith and belief", and path towards realization, or transcension from the world of dynamism to seek the permanence. How can anything which is based on questioning, perfect mind control and detachment be having any subsets for "faith and belief", a religious sense?

Just like science and religion are poles apart, similarly philosophy and religion are poles apart for "questioning" is basic essence of philosophy with "why, what, where, when, who, if, but" etc.

RigVedic hymn of creation :
There was neither non-existence nor existence then.
There was neither the realm of space nor the sky which is beyond.
What stirred?
In whose protection?
Was there water, bottlemlessly deep?
There was neither death nor immortality then.
There was no distinguishing sign of night nor of day.
That One breathed, windless, by its own impulse.
Other than that there was nothing beyond.
Darkness was hidden by darkness in the beginning,
with no distinguishing sign, all this was water.
The life force that was covered with emptiness,
that One arose through the power of heat.
Desire came upon that One in the beginning,
that was the first seed of mind.
Poets seeking in their heart with wisdom
found the bond of existence and non-existence.
Their cord was extended across.
Was there below?
Was there above?
There were seed-placers, there were powers.
There was impulse beneath, there was giving forth above.
Who really knows?
Who will here proclaim it?
Whence was it produced?
Whence is this creation?
The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.
Who then knows whence it has arisen?
Whence this creation has arisen
- perhaps it formed itself, or perhaps it did not -
the One who looks down on it,
in the highest heaven, only He knows
or perhaps even He does not know.

Anyways, you need to understand the basic meaning of Yoga. It simply means to unite or perfect. When used with bhakti i.e bhakti-yog, it means perfection in devotion/surrender. Like I stated before, how can you learn let alone perfect playing a guitar or any science if you do not devote to it? Similarly, karm-yog means perfection in actions. Actually, karma is terminology which is much beyond actions. Similarly, gyan-yog means perfection in knowledge. Again, Gyan is a terminology which is beyond the usage of science today.

The physical excercise that you speak of is just a small part of various "asanas". It is not a physical exercise that one has to sweat over to self-assure that he has done great. Instead, once you understand of what you call as physical exerice, it actually rejuvenates and replenishes you with abundant energy. Its not a "physical exercise" because

- It involves breath control, which is a basic foundation. In gym we are out-of-breath most of the times. Do you call that breath control?

- It involves pure concentration, bhakti as well as gyan as well as karma yog. Hence in Gita, Krishna says, no matter which path you follow, the result is the same, for edison failed 999 times to create a bulb. Karma yog is a side effect of bhakti which ultimately results in gyan yoga. Similarly, gyan yoga perfects bhakti and karma yoga.

Thus, while doing asanas, one has to surrender all his thoughts!

- It Involves "knowing" every experience and snapshot of time and space that your body goes through

- It involves static as well as dynamic elements which may be done sequentially.

Again, you need to know why it has been called "timeless" and the basic meaning of yog to understand the concepts which are based on it.


The realm of "matter" and senses are lowest in the scale of consciousness. So please don't casually judge yoga and meditation as "physical exercises". Please understand th terminologies they are based on, the usage and science which derives them!

Once again for the umpteenth time : Links between Vedas, Upanishads, Tantra and Puranas | Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother

Let us not judge, rather let know what we are talking and devote the same time to the different subjects we debate! 18+ years to modern science and physical exerice. Atleast we can devote 5 years to yoga, meditation, vedic science? :)


Sith Lord
Staff member
universe is torus shaped, it bends on itself, just like walking in a straight line on the surface of the earth will get you back where you started, spaceshipping in a straight line through the universe should get you back where you started. so no start, no end, and no boundries, but still finite.
Doughnut theory of the universe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Always in Dreams...
yes i watched just half an hour of it, but it had all the material in it which you spoke about here, the vimana-shastra and all that, that's why i gave the examples of pyramids of egypt, just like there existed a metal that never corroded even in thousands of years during that time, same goes with the pyramids, though they used to be white as milk that time, but still they are standing strong and a marvelous example of engineering, i am not trying to say that ranade is wrong, what i am trying to say that he showed our "indian" ancestors to be the leaders of the world, knowing everything in the deep and analysing everything layer by layer, but actually the whole world at that time was like that, not only indians, but every other race at that time used to research using their methods and they are right according to them, we humans are hardwired to think that what we know is right, you personally know ranade, so you won't hear a word against him, it's natural, but we all others are independent viewers analysing him just on his presentation and giving a perspective of what we make out of him, neither we are right, nor you are, only ranade himself know what's right, whether he got expelled or something..
And yes, timeless things cannot be defined, and that's where ranade's thoughts are contradicting, our ancestors just said that it's timeless, so there's no point of understanding it further coz you can't define what's timeless, philosophy stops there, i don't know (and don't think so) that if science can find out how universe was born, but atleast they are motivated to find out to the extent of their limits, not just sitting around saying: "This is timeless, there's no use of proceeding further". Till you don't try, you won't find out the details of it..

At first you are saying 'Yes, timeless things cannot be defined', and then at last you say 'Till you don't try, you won't find details of it". It's your thoughts which seem to be contradicting, not Ranade's.

Now, try to just speculate a place, which is timeless, and space-less. The statement itself is inconsistent in itself. First, how can you 'speculate' if there is no time? You can't, you know it! Because it's a state of No-Motion! Any kind of speculation is not possible there. And second, if there is a 'place', there is space. How can a place be space-less? Getting it? The very question of 'trying to find the details of timeless and space-less' is faulty. How can anything, which operates in time and space, whether it's mind or machine, can know something beyond time and space? This is a fundamental error.

Ranade said what Upanishads say, that the ultimate reality is formless, timeless and space-less. And yet from it, everything including time, space and forms emerge. So the essence of Indian Science is, as said by Sri Aurobindo is-

"Behind the appearances of the universe there is the Reality of a Being and Consciousness, a Self of all things, one and eternal. All beings are united in that One Self and Spirit but divided by a certain separativity of consciousness, an ignorance of their true Self and Reality in the mind, life and body. It is possible by a certain psychological discipline to remove this veil of separative consciousness and become aware of the true Self, the Divinity within us and all. "

The Rishis didn't try to explain that Reality. This is where you are getting it completely wrong. They 'experienced' the reality. They became 'one' with the reality, through the practice of Yoga, which translates nearly in English as 'Union'. They actually 'saw' the truth. By 'saw', doesn't mean by eyes, but by a total vision that is beyond the senses. A vision that itself is timeless and space-less.
This is something not I am telling. This is what every single Yogi has said till date, without exception.

First Spirituality, Yoga and Meditation do not fall in same category. Yoga is a form of physical exercise including meditation. And I would not call them liars just cause their views differ with mine. They would be liar if they knew that they are lying. They are experiencing a trance state which they are referring to "being with God". How are you being sure its God they are feeling in that state?

Secondly there are drugs which causes the same effect i.e being in trance state, hallucinating. Now, you may argue they are/were not under the effect of drugs at that time. But, let me tell you too much dedication, love and wanting to believe something would show you the thing everywhere you would look.
Romantic Love Affects Your Brain Like a Drug
Let me google that for you

Yoga is a form of physical exercise? What makes you say this? The word itself translates (though incompletely), as 'Union'. No real Yogi will ever say that Yoga is physical exercise. Sri Aurobindo puts it in right terms-

"The first process of Yoga is therefore to open the ranges of this inner being and to live from there outward, governing his outward life by an inner light and force. In doing so he discovers in himself his true soul which is not this outer mixture of mental, vital and physical elements but something of the Reality behind them, a spark from the one Divine Fire."

The problem is the superimposition of 'western' understanding of Yoga upon the real, which is by authentic Indian Yogis themselves.


At first you are saying 'Yes, timeless things cannot be defined', and then at last you say 'Till you don't try, you won't find details of it". It's your thoughts which seem to be contradicting, not Ranade's.

Now, try to just speculate a place, which is timeless, and space-less. The statement itself is inconsistent in itself. First, how can you 'speculate' if there is no time? You can't, you know it! Because it's a state of No-Motion! Any kind of speculation is not possible there. And second, if there is a 'place', there is space. How can a place be space-less? Getting it? The very question of 'trying to find the details of timeless and space-less' is faulty. How can anything, which operates in time and space, whether it's mind or machine, can know something beyond time and space? This is a fundamental error.

Ranade said what Upanishads say, that the ultimate reality is formless, timeless and space-less. And yet from it, everything including time, space and forms emerge. So the essence of Indian Science is, as said by Sri Aurobindo is-

"Behind the appearances of the universe there is the Reality of a Being and Consciousness, a Self of all things, one and eternal. All beings are united in that One Self and Spirit but divided by a certain separativity of consciousness, an ignorance of their true Self and Reality in the mind, life and body. It is possible by a certain psychological discipline to remove this veil of separative consciousness and become aware of the true Self, the Divinity within us and all. "

The Rishis didn't try to explain that Reality. This is where you are getting it completely wrong. They 'experienced' the reality. They became 'one' with the reality, through the practice of Yoga, which translates nearly in English as 'Union'. They actually 'saw' the truth. By 'saw', doesn't mean by eyes, but by a total vision that is beyond the senses. A vision that itself is timeless and space-less.
This is something not I am telling. This is what every single Yogi has said till date, without exception.

dude, you did'nt understood what i meant to say, my thoughts are very clear, i never said that how universe was born is timeless or spaceless, i just said "timeless things cannot be defined", and philosophy says it's timeless, what i mean to say is that if ranade or any other philosopher or our purana said it's timeless thing, it should'nt mean that we should stop taking it the other way, they did their research and concluded it's timeless and spaceless, let us do our research and let's see what we conclude...
Your thoughts seems to be contradicting to me (and see it's human nature, we both are trying to prove and think that we are right :p), you yourself says it's a fundamental error, but that's on the basis of what ranade presented to you, what if he's wrong, what if our puranas are wrong, after all they too are written by us mortals on the basis of our research, not on the basis of what is written by nature, you getting my point??? and if they say that before universe was born, the thing was timeless and space-less or massless, how these things came into existence, how does anything like time came into existence when it did'nt existed at any time?? all these fundamental errors are created if we see things the way our puranas and ranade want us to see, why not break the ice, try to go against whatever it's written in there, and research on what you think, what we think, and conclude something considering it not to be timeless, what's the harm in that??? after all what's written thousands of years ago does'nt mean that it has become nature's law, it's still a research by the beings on a planet which constitutes 10^-31 % of the observable universe, it's the part of evolution dude, we can't stop on just one thought, if one door closes, we evolve ourselves to use the other one, if they say it's timeless thing, let us see what's the output if we consider it the opposite...
I support neither of them, neither pure science nor pure philosophy, ranade is just mumbling what he has experienced or has learned, he has'nt researched himself and wrote those puranas, he's just a presenter who is presenting his views on what he concluded after reading those puranas, let him do what he's doing, let us live our lives the way we want to... :twisted:


@Anorion - There is something I debated long back, when I was judged as "science opposer"/"religious" by the science fanatics who didn't have the tolerance to understand what I stated.

Q1 - Is it 'perfectly' torus shaped?
Q2 - How did they observe it, for the universe that is analyzed basically 'includes' something called 'observable universe'.
Q3 - What is beyond that finite? Is that finite like panet earth rotating, revolving around something higher?

Please read my post holistically. Dissecting what one says demeans its essence. Anyways, the more our microsopes and telesopes grow stronger, the more will be the divisibility and amplification. Today, microscopes will yield 1/10 th of an image, tomorow 1/100000000000000000000000 and so on. But again "something" remains and the material science will eternally keep going on a wild goose chase trying to find smaller than the smallest and larger than the largest! Like I stated, we need to experience and know infinity. Half of the problems and questions will synchronize there only. :)


Always in Dreams...
dude, you did'nt understood what i meant to say, my thoughts are very clear, i never said that how universe was born is timeless or spaceless, i just said "timeless things cannot be defined", and philosophy says it's timeless, what i mean to say is that if ranade or any other philosopher or our purana said it's timeless thing, it should'nt mean that we should stop taking it the other way, they did their research and concluded it's timeless and spaceless, let us do our research and let's see what we conclude...
Your thoughts seems to be contradicting to me (and see it's human nature, we both are trying to prove and think that we are right :p), you yourself says it's a fundamental error, but that's on the basis of what ranade presented to you, what if he's wrong, what if our puranas are wrong, after all they too are written by us mortals on the basis of our research, not on the basis of what is written by nature, you getting my point??? and if they say that before universe was born, the thing was timeless and space-less or massless, how these things came into existence, how does anything like time came into existence when it did'nt existed at any time?? all these fundamental errors are created if we see things the way our puranas and ranade want us to see, why not break the ice, try to go against whatever it's written in there, and research on what you think, what we think, and conclude something considering it not to be timeless, what's the harm in that??? after all what's written thousands of years ago does'nt mean that it has become nature's law, it's still a research by the beings on a planet which constitutes 10^-31 % of the observable universe, it's the part of evolution dude, we can't stop on just one thought, if one door closes, we evolve ourselves to use the other one, if they say it's timeless thing, let us see what's the output if we consider it the opposite...
I support neither of them, neither pure science nor pure philosophy, ranade is just mumbling what he has experienced or has learned, he has'nt researched himself and wrote those puranas, he's just a presenter who is presenting his views on what he concluded after reading those puranas, let him do what he's doing, let us live our lives the way we want to... :twisted:

A kid could easily understand what I actually wanted to convey, regarding time and space. That was nothing related to Ranade's views, or Upanishadic views, but that was a simple example, based on sheer common sense. Just broaden your dimensions of thought, only advice I can give you. Better know about Indian Science from original sources like Sri Aurobindo's writings. Read about Indian concepts of Existence, Consciousness, Shruti, Smriti etc. instead of senselessly judging and assuming silly things about it. Many genuine debaters on the forum have done that research, instead of wasting others' time repeating same narrow ideas all over again. Good luck, have fun.


Wouldn't comment otherwise. Gave up after a while.

Stories are okay though. People think of them as reality. I've got problem with that. Source of many present day misconceptions i.e. Yindooism.

Fair enough. I agree that people always take the relatively insignificant stories, which are metaphorical at best, and blow them out of proportion, while completely ignoring the broader metaphysical questions the Purans pose.

To brand as Purans are outright rubbish, though, seems to me a bit, idk... extreme?


A kid could easily understand what I actually wanted to convey, regarding time and space. That was nothing related to Ranade's views, or Upanishadic views, but that was a simple example, based on sheer common sense. Just broaden your dimensions of thought, only advice I can give you. Better know about Indian Science from original sources like Sri Aurobindo's writings. Read about Indian concepts of Existence, Consciousness, Shruti, Smriti etc. instead of senselessly judging and assuming silly things about it. Many genuine debaters on the forum have done that research, instead of wasting others' time repeating same narrow ideas all over again. Good luck, have fun.

haha, if a kid could have understood this, then we all are mind****ed bro.. :p what i understood from your thoughts had been conveyed in my previous posts..
your common sense was based on puranas bro, coz this was what you said:
Rishabh_sharma1990 said:
Ranade said what Upanishads say, that the ultimate reality is formless, timeless and space-less.

all your post was surrounding this idea, my post was that put this thing into crap, let us start from scratch, taking the opposite, assuming it to have some form, in a particular time and in a space, and now start research on it (coz researching on something formless or timeless would be inappropriate, as our ancestors were'nt able to describe it further, they gave this statement so further research could never be carried), and let's see where it leads us to, upnishads or puranas conveys nothing special, they just give you another view to see things, that's it..
and thanks, i don't have any interest in aurobindo or any other's writings on indian science (or any other science that bores me.. :p), better luck reading our history bro, you like that it's cool, hope you'll be the next big ranade for our country.. :doublethumb:.

@Ratul : Though i appreciate your views. But can you tell me where is the boundary of the universe? How far? If it has boundary, then whats beyond that? Does that has a boundary too? If it has a shape, form, boundary, then is it rotating itself and revolving around something higher. Does that has a boundary too? Is that also revolving around something higher? If you understand these questions, then you'd understand as well that these questions will go on recursively. Hence infinitely. Logically, universe is infinite! Now not many people actually understand infinite, even though they have read about it. If you understand infinite, then you'd understand that infinite "cannot be analyzed". You cannot divide, multiply, add, divide it by a finite number to get a different result. Once you understand that, you'd also understand that infinite has no beginning, no end. There the question comes, when did this infinite come into being? A different aspect concerning time has come into picture which by the same reasoning, makes it timeless. If you go by the shape, then also, by the same reasoning, it becomes shapeless, formless. Hence upanishads say, it is timeless, yet seems to exhibit time, formless yet seem to exhibit forms. Why?

How much can your senses analyze? Understand that your eyes are like HD widescreen, but yet limited. They can only absorb a limited environment. Same goes for ears, they cannot hear highest or lowest frequencies, sounds from distant places etc. This limitedness is absorbed by the senses and hence giving an illusion of limitedness.

Your body is a collection of energy and matter, uses energy and matter and dissolves into energy and matter. Thus, what makes us think that we are apart from the nature?

When a man liberated, free from attachment, with his mind, heart and spirit firmly founded in self-knowledge, does works as sacrifice, all his work is dissolved. Brahman is the giving, Brahman is the food-offering, by Brahman it is offered into the Brahman fire, Brahman is that which is to be attained by samadhi in Brahman-action. ( BG 4.23-24)

Therefore, understand that there is a reason behind why it is called eternal, timeless, infinite, unmanifest etc.

I can keep writing, but instead of boring you I'd suggest you to read Aurobindo to go to the profound depths of science and a scientific mind. Mind is just one of the lowers realms, why don't you explore that which speaks to you even in dreams? What is that which gives you ideas even in a peaceful state? That which is beyond all division, taggings, beyond mind, unlimited, infinite and giving us infinite possibilities, different ways to work? Won't you like to experience a thoughtless state? Most cannot control their thoughts even for a second. Aren't you curious, to know the "side effects" of the state that "transforms" if you could control your thoughts and make yourself without thoughts for even 10 minutes freeing yourself from slavery and attachment to senses and sense-objects e.g lust, greed, power etc?

How can you know that 'eternal' by dwelling just in time and space (perceptions of mind), when "that" is beyond "time and space"? Remember, time and movement go hand in hand together. How will you know time if there everything is static (sky doesn't change color, or celestial objects do not move)? Please ponder and experience this! Why is it that when you sleep, you lose all essence of time and space? Yet, you can still experience a world where time and space lose their significance. Does "that" which speaks to you also die when body dies? Can our material science, particle physics ever verify that? The questionings can go and grow more and more, which will enable you to understand "that" which you seek cannot be known by tools of limitedness i.e language, tools based to analyze limitedness, in a limited framework, to establish a limited aim!

Shraddhalu Ranade, only speaks on how then, it was possible for the Vedic seers to know the various sciences, the various levels of matter, consciousness, energy, body, plants etc. You cannot now french, if you assess it using german. Similarly, you cannot know this science that the seers present or used, if you use "modern science" as base or don't decondition or empty yourself from it. If you spent 18 years studying "modern science", then why a quick judgement on vedic science? Don't you think it would be fair if you give it atleast 2-3 years to absorb and understand with the same devotion and concentration (bhakti) you showed for "modern science" or any other area of you expertise?

@Rhitwick : Science and philosophy aren't separate from each other. Philosophy is the mother of all sciences, just like you got your dream car or dream job because of a simple thought of it consciously or sub-consciously. Similarly, the highest experience of "that/he/she" which is explained through riddles in upanishads is coherent and explained through different ways with the "same conclusion". This experience of "rising consciousness' runs through the vedic poetry like an experience, imagery, visualizations. Just like you cannot lift heavy weights in gym on the first go, similarly meditation or consciousness also goes in steps.

1. Indra: It is not now, nor is It tomorrow; who knoweth that which is Supreme and Wonderful? It has motion and action in the consciousness of another, but when It is approached by the thought, It vanishes.

2. Agastya: Why dost thou seek to smite us, O Indra? The Maruts are thy brothers. By them accomplish perfection; slay us not in our struggle.

3. Indra: Why, O my brother Agastya, art thou my friend, yet settest thy thought beyond me? For well do I know how to us thou willest not to give thy mind.

4. Indra: Let them make ready the altar, let them set Agni in blaze in front. It is there, the awakening of the consciousness to Immortality. Let us two extend for thee thy effective sacrifice.

5. Agastya: O Lord of substance over all substances of being, thou art the master in force! O Lord of Love over the powers of love, thou art the strongest to hold in status! Do thou, O lndra, agree with the Maruts, then enjoy the offerings in the ordered method of the Truth

The above is a metaphorical conversation between "devraaj Indra" and seer Agastya who tried to go without the proper steps of raising consciousness to merge into the supreme reality of which the sages describe as "that" or Vishnu or Shiva in Tantras or Shiva Purana, or sat-chit-anand. The above stresses on the "ordered method of the Truth". In my last posts, I already gave the symbology for Agni. Again, it would be better to read Aurobindo!

Once you understand this science of "self" or atma-gyan, you'd also understand it is a tool for detachment from what call as "faith and belief", and path towards realization, or transcension from the world of dynamism to seek the permanence. How can anything which is based on questioning, perfect mind control and detachment be having any subsets for "faith and belief", a religious sense?

Just like science and religion are poles apart, similarly philosophy and religion are poles apart for "questioning" is basic essence of philosophy with "why, what, where, when, who, if, but" etc.

RigVedic hymn of creation :
There was neither non-existence nor existence then.
There was neither the realm of space nor the sky which is beyond.
What stirred?
In whose protection?
Was there water, bottlemlessly deep?
There was neither death nor immortality then.
There was no distinguishing sign of night nor of day.
That One breathed, windless, by its own impulse.
Other than that there was nothing beyond.
Darkness was hidden by darkness in the beginning,
with no distinguishing sign, all this was water.
The life force that was covered with emptiness,
that One arose through the power of heat.
Desire came upon that One in the beginning,
that was the first seed of mind.
Poets seeking in their heart with wisdom
found the bond of existence and non-existence.
Their cord was extended across.
Was there below?
Was there above?
There were seed-placers, there were powers.
There was impulse beneath, there was giving forth above.
Who really knows?
Who will here proclaim it?
Whence was it produced?
Whence is this creation?
The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.
Who then knows whence it has arisen?
Whence this creation has arisen
- perhaps it formed itself, or perhaps it did not -
the One who looks down on it,
in the highest heaven, only He knows
or perhaps even He does not know.

Anyways, you need to understand the basic meaning of Yoga. It simply means to unite or perfect. When used with bhakti i.e bhakti-yog, it means perfection in devotion/surrender. Like I stated before, how can you learn let alone perfect playing a guitar or any science if you do not devote to it? Similarly, karm-yog means perfection in actions. Actually, karma is terminology which is much beyond actions. Similarly, gyan-yog means perfection in knowledge. Again, Gyan is a terminology which is beyond the usage of science today.

The physical excercise that you speak of is just a small part of various "asanas". It is not a physical exercise that one has to sweat over to self-assure that he has done great. Instead, once you understand of what you call as physical exerice, it actually rejuvenates and replenishes you with abundant energy. Its not a "physical exercise" because

- It involves breath control, which is a basic foundation. In gym we are out-of-breath most of the times. Do you call that breath control?

- It involves pure concentration, bhakti as well as gyan as well as karma yog. Hence in Gita, Krishna says, no matter which path you follow, the result is the same, for edison failed 999 times to create a bulb. Karma yog is a side effect of bhakti which ultimately results in gyan yoga. Similarly, gyan yoga perfects bhakti and karma yoga.

Thus, while doing asanas, one has to surrender all his thoughts!

- It Involves "knowing" every experience and snapshot of time and space that your body goes through

- It involves static as well as dynamic elements which may be done sequentially.

Again, you need to know why it has been called "timeless" and the basic meaning of yog to understand the concepts which are based on it.


The realm of "matter" and senses are lowest in the scale of consciousness. So please don't casually judge yoga and meditation as "physical exercises". Please understand th terminologies they are based on, the usage and science which derives them!

Once again for the umpteenth time : Links between Vedas, Upanishads, Tantra and Puranas | Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother

Let us not judge, rather let know what we are talking and devote the same time to the different subjects we debate! 18+ years to modern science and physical exerice. Atleast we can devote 5 years to yoga, meditation, vedic science? :)

wow bro, you got some skills in writing, such a long post.. :shock:
i can understand what you mean to say, but i don't think that way bro, i don't know what universe is, infinite, timeless or something i don't know, but i do know that it has to have boundaries somewhere, coz something that was'nt present at some time and then at some point something happens and all these stars, planets are born, there has to be some boundaries to it, else universe was always there and never born, which anyhow does'nt make sense in itself.. :? saying it to be infinite just means that we don't have any idea (like if i give you a room full of rice, and tell you to count the no. of rice grains in that room, for you it's infinite, but it still has a definite quantity, it's just we are not capable of counting it), but it does'nt mean that it's truly infinite, it has to have some boundaries, but currently it's out of our league to measure it..
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