*** Science Or God? ***

Science or God?

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Sith Lord
Staff member
nobody gets offended anymore for any reasons what so ever. getting offended = getting trolled
cudnt really get the bold bit, but let's say if at all we judge nihilists, that includes the little bit of nihilists in ourselves, and the extent to which anyone may be nihilist
yeah we rushed through loads of interesting offshoots there focus seemed to be the texts

how do we even form morals without a religion? should laws be the reference point for our morals? so like we have to base on morals on 150 year old ideas? like those are not messed up... or what.... these texts are a reference point, a start, not an end. Should we look at video games and form our morals? or movies?

let's forget about texts, let's look at things before texts also, oral traditions only, think this is an important part of our culture.

don't think those people are morally and culturally corrupt

so there you go, the benefit of repeating the same old thing in diff ways (repeating a mantra over and over again)... a superstitious ritual... is to make sure that the specific sounds don't drift across generations, so people have the same accents across time. Compare that to our modern society, you cant even understand books from a hundred years ago, no wonder nobody is interested in em. The Queen's English: changes through the years - Telegraph No, that's not about the language, it's about the Queen.

the benefit of the Shiva cutting Ganesha's head story is a way to introduce jealousy, anger, irrational actions, remorse and maybe surgical procedures to little children, it does not need to have actually happened to be relevant


Staff member
Lord of the Rings is a good moral lesson :lol:

But I'd say morality gets supplemented from the surrounding you are in during your childhood but the main impetus is from within your self. The drive is in your hands. I watched a movie a month back "The Last House on the Left" and pretty much it summed up that even living with murderers and molesters will not make you the same. There is a choice which you and only you can make.

The more you read, listen and watch, and then cogitate, the more you get wiser.


Democracy is a myth
how do we even form morals without a religion?
I still don't understand why do you think a religion is necessary to form a moral?

should laws be the reference point for our morals? so like we have to base on morals on 150 year old ideas? like those are not messed up... or what.... these texts are a reference point, a start, not an end.
Do you really need to refer a book to do good? I help the needy...why it has to pass a criteria test according to some x y z book to determine if it was good deed by me.

Should we look at video games and form our morals? or movies?
I don't get this ideology too. What is the issue here too? Should you have a problem with the medium if the message is right?

let's forget about texts, let's look at things before texts also, oral traditions only, think this is an important part of our culture.
don't think those people are morally and culturally corrupt

so there you go, the benefit of repeating the same old thing in diff ways (repeating a mantra over and over again)... a superstitious ritual... is to make sure that the specific sounds don't drift across generations, so people have the same accents across time. Compare that to our modern society, you cant even understand books from a hundred years ago, no wonder nobody is interested in em.
And that IS your logic to prove what?

If you agree with evolution theory then I can tell you that our ancestors could only make some basic sounds and signals to communicate with each other. According to you they should consider the mantras a deformation to their practiced language.

A language goes through various changes through time. Our hindi vocabulary embraced so many Urdu, Portuguese, English words that you no more look at 'em differently. The changes keep it alive.

the benefit of the Shiva cutting Ganesha's head story is a way to introduce jealousy, anger, irrational actions, remorse and maybe surgical procedures to little children, it does not need to have actually happened to be relevant
What you've just told, is what you've imagined right now. What if I say that is just a story, nothing else.

About ancient scripts, IMO, the scholars then tried to explain the world with their limited knowledge and understanding. Hindu scriptures thus has such vivid imagination and description of events. I think things described there might just be exaggerated version of actual events.

Neither you can prove who actually wrote them or under what circumstances or why...nor you can just claim they are all true. What if I say they all are just stories? How can you prove me wrong?

And a few lines on language,
Linguistic evolution

The ongoing struggle between languages is a process very similar to evolution. A word, like a gene, will travel and prevail according to its usefulness. A word's fitness to survive may derive from being attached to a desirable new invention or substance, or simply from being an amusing or useful concept.

'Aspirin', coined in 1899 by its German inventor from the opening letters of Acetylirte Spirsäure (acetylated spiraeic acid), immediately became an international word. In a less serious context 'snob', first given its present meaning in English in the mid-19th century, is now naturalized in a great many languages.

As with evolution, the development of language is an irresistible force - though traditionalists invariably attempt to build barriers against change. The useful word 'hopefully' (long available to Germans as hoffentlich, and meaning 'it is to be hoped that') has in recent years been steamrollered into the English language by the public against howls of protest from the purists.

On a grander scale, the French government from time to time legislates ineffectually against English words straying into French. These are the hybrids described as franglais. A good example of their impertinence is the enticing notice on a tweed jacket seen in a Parisian shop window: Très snob, presque cad (very snob, almost cad).
If interested try to read the Source


Super Moderator
Staff member
Do you really need to refer a book to do good? I help the needy...why it has to pass a criteria test according to some x y z book to determine if it was good deed by me.
and that's exactly how I roll. Don't judge/link actions with hilarious texts.

If someone asks me to use an adjective for these texts, I won't hesitate to use the word 'hilarious'. Despite the fact people may say I "believe" in them or whatever. And no, this doesn't make me a hypocrite.

I also find this interesting - *en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_rate_of_growth


Sith Lord
Staff member
^it's like birdsong, maybe anthropologists and linguists may get some clues if they study these chants
this particular language evolved with a set of rules for speaking that included preserving the exact sound's across thousands of years, not something every language set out to do
it's very healthy for languages to evolve and change, that is one of the reasons they survive

not saying religion is necessary to form morals. religion is a wealthy bank of morals tho, some solid pointers over there. no, you do not need to refer to a book to do good. but it helps to figure out how much lying is too much, how much stealing is too much. There are good ways to do bad things, and bad ways to do good things, if you have a guide, or even better a guru, you can constantly do more than good, you can participate in some form of ulterior good along with other followers of the guide or the guru. at least some people have figured out how to do this without getting into anyone else's way.

religion should totally be private

What you've just told, is what you've imagined right now. What if I say that is just a story, nothing else.
hmm... no because it is a vast epic endless story that no one in the world claims to know fully, and you can reveal bits of it or go on telling it for days, it is more than a complete study set on human behavior, things that are programmed within us, if you do have to teach a kid the intricacies of adult life, these stories will do just fine as any other, donno why search for anything else or invent your own when you already have these. This is totally the purpose of these stories.

really like games, it's one place where people of all ages still interact, not so much movies, think it has become too fashionable to explore negative aspects of humans recently.

these texts are not irrelevant. no text is in fact, you can trace the same flow of ideas from modern writers, to classical ionian scholars, and to arab, chinese and indian writings. Those irrelevant texts are the ground on which modern ideas stand.
Nothing more relevant than the Ramayan and Mahabharat here, and nothing ever will be. You may say the works of Tulsidas are not important, but him and other devotees like him across the ages sang Ram's name up and down the country elevating him to the status of God. His works are may not be directly relevant to us, but has influences artisans, painters, stoneworkers across the ages.

yeah we can exist in a state of hivemind without a religion, or a belief in god, totally agreed on that. that seems like an ideal situation, where there is no different religions, no belief in god, but everyone is working toward's the same goal. donno how to argue with this, thinking about why humans need to continue with individual different religious beliefs.
all I can think of is that we may have a vestigial part of our brain that forces us to acknowledge god, again, wud say there is a natural aspect of belief. scientists should get together and ask people of different religions to pray and see if the same parts in their brains get activated. Perhaps it is some form of mental exercises, a part of the process that gives us creativity and allows us to invent things. maybe we have become so advanced that we already think god is not powerful enough.


Democracy is a myth
scientists should get together and ask people of different religions to pray and see if the same parts in their brains get activated. Perhaps it is some form of mental exercises, a part of the process that gives us creativity and allows us to invent things. maybe we have become so advanced that we already think god is not powerful enough.

I actually have something for you, I really should not do this 'cause you would be anyway use it against me :p

Here you go,
Noetic Science :p

In simple exaggerated words "Distant healing power of prayers" :)
The Institute of Noetic Sciences proposes noetic sciences as an alternative theory of "how beliefs, thoughts, and intentions affect the physical world.


Sith Lord
Staff member
^looks interesting, will check out
was thinking of something closer to Information on the power of prayer on MedicineNet.com, always suspected that prayer was a natural way for humans to get out of trouble
check out

Hospitalized people who never attended church have an average stay of three times longer than people who attended regularly.

Heart patients were 14 times more likely to die following surgery if they did not participate in a religion.

Elderly people who never or rarely attended church had a stroke rate double that of people who attended regularly.

In Israel, religious people had a 40% lower death rate from cardiovascular disease and cancer.

another meaningless statistic? what's weird is this does not depend on the patient, but depend's on the surgeons as well... also, perhaps there is no study yet to see which particular religion's prayers are more effective, but I guess they should more or less be as effective

and, as an example of progress vs culture, here is an indian studies on how many babies live

Ceck out The puzzle of Muslim advantage in child survival in India, pdf is also here
The results of this study contribute to a recent literature that debates the importance of socioeconomic status (SES) in determining health and survival. They augment a growing literature on the role of religion or culture as encapsulating important unobservable behaviours or endowments that influence health, indeed, enough to reverse the SES gradient that is commonly observed.

basically, religion is sooo good, that it makes economically backward people catch up and get ahead of these educated people in terms of health


Cyborg Agent
^looks interesting, will check out
was thinking of something closer to Information on the power of prayer on MedicineNet.com, always suspected that prayer was a natural way for humans to get out of trouble
check out

another meaningless statistic? what's weird is this does not depend on the patient, but depend's on the surgeons as well... also, perhaps there is no study yet to see which particular religion's prayers are more effective, but I guess they should more or less be as effective

and, as an example of progress vs culture, here is an indian studies on how many babies live

Ceck out The puzzle of Muslim advantage in child survival in India, original pdf is also here

basically, religion is sooo good, that it makes economically backward people catch up and get ahead of these educated people in terms of health

Your statement makes no sense.Try reading it once again and figure out the meaning of your sentence.
Oh do you mean to say that all the followers of a particular religion are backward and others are superior in terms of social status.
Why can't people be just people.Most people have got their religion by birth.Maybe there are some who convert from one to another.
Is following a religion something of a credit to take of?No because most get their religion by birth not by choice.
Just do your 'karma'.

Topic is "science and god" not "science and religions" or "religions".


Sith Lord
Staff member
^no man not all that at all, it's simpler
it's a demographic study on how religion affects survival rates.
just read this pls was talking about that >> The puzzle of Muslim advantage in child survival in India here
at the end of the paper, the conclusion is that there can be no other factor for such a predicted affect except that they follow the faith

you do not have to believe it, or agree with it, or it may not even make sense to you at all, but it was puzzling enough deviation from the expected for the study to note

quoting religious texts - questioning the relevance of religion and traditions - because god is traditional - as against technology and science where there is supposedly no place for god - that is the thread I think ok... you need to get here to say why you need god
the first bit is about prayer, and worshiping god

Also, that Hindu growth rate chart is revealing, if only because it is getting pointed out when predicting future growth rates

anyway this about sums all of it up: *theoatmeal.com/comics/religion especially the * at the end


rhitwick said:
Do you really need to refer a book to do good? I help the needy...why it has to pass a criteria test according to some x y z book to determine if it was good deed by me.
I know your reply is regarding Religion in context of @Anorion's understanding.

But regarding the shrutis and a general discussion on if we need texts -: You may or you may not. :)

One cannot always assume about the world and conclude on the way he looks at it through his senses all the time or how it is functioning presently forgetting all the past. Vedas only echo the highest wisdom embedded in one's heart. You may achieve that wisdom by getting closer to that inner audience inside of you, the speech behind your speech, the eyes behind your eye, the mind behind your mind, that part within you, the world which one experiences even when he thinks he sleeps.

If reading a book was of no use, then why would they even send you to schools? A child may not know what is good or bad in this world, let alone what is dharmic or adharmic (terms which are beyond good or bad). He may not know whether eating too much chocolate or Uncle Chips is doing good or bad. Who tells him if he shoud not eat so much and what not? A person may not know how to play a guitar. How does he learns guitar? Many people think that they view the world in present. But the 'hilarious texts' tell us that we are always viewing the external world in the past. The light of the sun reaches 8 minutes to reach us. Even when you are talking to your friend you may be viewing him some nanoseconds in the past. There are people who are full of "I" telling their achievements as to how many books they read per day, whereas their "actions" tell they only judge without reading. But other 'hilarious texts' and our own wisdom which tells that physically, we are growing daily. The change is very slow as per our perception and it is unobservable. We are not the same person who existed some ten years ago. The physical image of our face, weight, shape, size, height etc have all changed. Chemically, we are losing millions of molecules per second in the form of breath (exhale), perspiration, excreta, urination, farts and intaking other molecules in the form of breath (inhale), drinking, eating etc. In brief, a person does not have the same set of molecules or atoms that he had a second ago. Mentally, our thoughts are changing too. What we were thinking a second ago is not the same. Mentally we evolve and our knowledge increases every passing second. So how can we be the same even in a seconds differentiation? Are our eyes decieving us when we look into the mirror? How can one even prove his her own existence, when object to prove has become the past, in this constantly unfolding space and time, the very instant of your calculations, let alone conclusions?

bhagvada-gita said:
Fearlessness, purity of temperament, steadfastness in the Yoga of Knowledge, giving, self-control, sacrifice, the study of Scripture, askesis, candour and straightforwardness, harmlessness, truth, absence of wrath, self-denial, calm, absence of fault-finding, compassion to all beings, absence of greed, gentleness, modesty, freedom from restlessness, energy, forgiveness, patience, cleanness, absence of envy and pride - these are the wealth of the man born into the Deva nature. (BG-16.1-3)

Even the siblings fight amongst each other. History is a witness how the great nations were divided over cousins trying to fight over a piece of land where one of the clans didn't even want to provide an inch of land and wanted to kill the other clan. It is the innate nature of the humans to get attached to name, fame, greed, lust and lose control and take actions under anger which they may regret most of their life. If everyone was capable of wise actions, if everyone was born with divine qualities, if everyone was born knowledeable then what was the need of parents giving advices, guidance that is received from many stories and the ideals of living which reflect the deepest standards of the wisdom embedded in one's heart which most are unable to experience? If that was the case, then there would have been no terrorism, violence, rapes, crimes etc in the first place, let alone getting influenced by any of the external phenomenons! Maya is not only an external phenomenon, but also a world which manifests because of our own blindedness and ignorance, because of attachment and our inability to do our objective duties. Therefore, the external environment can be understood better, if their is peace and hygene in our inner environment.

Many people think that the shrutis tell you what to do. But there is a difference between "guiding and telling" one what to do. Even a kid might be told as to what to do forcefully, even when he has not asked for help. It may be for his own good. He may not understand it at that point of time and may abuse and curse his own parents like everyone does in their childhood at some point thinking their parents are their enemies and continues to demean them in front of their "perceived friends" at that point of time. Whereas, guidance is usually given when sought. There is a part in all of us which usually reveals a glimpse of himself/itself/herself in most terrible situations in life when our mind stops working and we want a desperate guidance. The voice that comes usually surpasses any logic of the mind. The mental conditioning may still make him believe that he is still a child, whereas the vibrations from the infinite echoed from that deeper voice may tell him something else. As a result, a child may suddenly become an adult when responsibilities become heavy on him, an arrogant kid may become a loving son towards his old parents and perhaps the society and a person living in the world of lower intellect identified with divisions, may rise beyond the world of mind living in true bliss which is beyond any divisions.

If one thinks that it is logic that changes the person, then why don't the people who drink and smoke even after knowing that it is injurious to health, change their habits? If one thinks that it is logic that makes an affect, then why don't criminals and rapists change their behaviour even after perceiving that some harm is being caused?

Some other "hilarious texts" state that "Fools make their own experience". If a person grows up without the understanding of 'hilarious texts' or guidance from elders, which is often for your own benefit, the highest which is based on the science of detachment and responsibilities, then one may come to that wisdom through his own experience at a later stage/age in his life or he may never. Whereas, if one listens to the elders who have seen life or listen to those ideals of shrutis, he may understand the working of the world at a younger age only.

The shrutis speak of detachment, yet the people who ignore it, drink excessively, smoke and take drugs. As a result, money is wasted on these materialistic activites, the definition of "entertainment" which is often borrowed from the west or the herd they were influenced from and then the money is wasted again after these people with the "I don't care" attitude lose their liver, kidneys, brains etc. Therefore, it is also not guaranteed that shrutis or any advice of the elders will definitely make a person wise.

This transformation from an ignorant to wise depends, if one is really looking for guidance. The person who has chosen to ignore that love of the parents mistaken as "force" or the shrutis, will obviously continue to drink and smoke. But a person who will seek and listen will remember what his parents told him or what he read in that "hilarious text". This constant listening and seeking is called as "bhakti" or devotion as per the shrutis and perfecting the connection via bhakti without assuming and judging is called bhakti-yog. (Bhakti is not the same as they show us on the TV shows)

IMO, it is not the guru who choses the disciple, but the disciple who choses the teacher. The teacher can only measure his willingness and if he is really seeking and then only reveal him the knowledge/technique/art etc. That teacher, can be in the form of shrutis compiled in written form by VedVyas, random wisdom from Paulo Coelho , one's own parents, the teacher in the school etc.

Upanishad said:
This Self is not won by exegesis, nor by brain-power, nor by much learning of Scripture. Only by him whom It chooses can It be won; to him this Self unveils its own body. (manduka Upanishad 3.2.3, Page 145)

Anyways, shrutis unlike abrahamic texts that we recently discussed do not have any criteria tests. It is a science of consciousness promoting an understanding of self, art of detachment, objective duties (the yoga of karma) etc which only promotes the path towards the highest consciousness not in form of mechanical knowledge, but mostly in the form of metaphors and riddles i.e the knowledge presented in the form of creativity i.e poetry (Vedic poetry), stories (shrutis presented in the form of stories in some puranas, where smritis are meant to be remembered and compared to the ideals of the shrutis) and idols where Vishnu (the binding force of the ideal ocean) dreams in this ocean of infinity i.e Ananta, where the Nataraja (from sanskrit nrtraj) presents the supreme consciousness manifesting and dissolving while dancing over the personified demons of the human psyche.

Anorion said:
basically, religion is sooo good, that it makes economically backward people catch up and get ahead of these educated people in terms of health
Religion basically divides. Any form of ism that one identifies to and attaches itself to leads to the first step towards the division. While Islam puts it explicitly, definies and divides, Hinduism, Buddhism etc are mere words where the essence teaches to detach and decondition, but most of the followers ignorant about the essence attach to and treat themselves differently. Even atheism is a religion only, where the followers perceive themselves as superior to theists, sometimes abuse the theists, condescend and form atheist groups. Though the atheist proclaim to be scientific, many atheists still follow the science blindly, attach to one angle which is often propogated by the modern scientists and will not even consider pondering over any other angle or anything of their own and will stick to that conditioning, unable to decondition helplessly. This forum alone has provided ample proofs where people, reducing themselves to the tags of atheist, who never read even the Gita presumpuously associated it to a religion, saw Indians worshipping to cows, horses and soma as some alcoholic wine and fell into the traps of the likes of the missionaries like Max Muller and Macaulay whose aims were to distort and demean alone and the corruption of some brahmins who reduced the understanding of the Vedas to a meaningless set of rituals where the meaning of sacrifice was distorted totally and identified by killing .

A wonderful read : The Max Muller Syndrome: Deceiving Hindus (Part 2) | The Chakra News

Regarding the distortion done by the corrupted brahmins (i.e brahmins only for namesake) : Aurobindo's, The Secret of the Vedas : *www.sriaurobindoashram.org/ashram/sriauro/downloadpdf.php?id=30

There are even more serious cases who will ignore the history under the pretext of their theory of "hilarious texts" and plethora of assumptions and then continue thinking that the shrutis force something upon you. There are many people who continue to divide, ignore, assume etc. It doesn't matter whether they label themselves as scientific, atheist, theist etc. Its the essence that matters, not the tag or any ism, no matter how pleasing it may sound to a subjective mind.
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One question - How do we define GOD and Science ?

Thousands of years ago , people considered several scientific phenomenon like Thundering , Earthquakes , etc as supernatural. Now since we have logical explanation for them and its no more "Supernatural".

Similiarily , there are many other questions that have not yet been answered , and are considered supernatural till now.When we will have answers for them , it will no longer be supernatural.

Its all about logic. When we can't put correct logic , they call it supernatural.

My 2 $nts. :)


Cyborg Agent
I really wish I lived in a world where all humans were called just "Humans" and not Hindu, Christian, Muslim etc. In that case I would look at any one as just another person like me and not a follower of mine or "rival" religion (Yes I call it rival, nobody obeys other religions). I would have no reason to hate that person. If a muslim is killed in some place, the whole nation will suffer riots as muslim retaliate and same the other way around, ie. vice versa (just an ex.).

Also, we wouldn't have had these last 2-3 pages of discussion then.



Ambassador of Buzz
I still don't understand why there has to be either science or god. Why can't they just exist together, peacefully. Actually they do, but people are just too ignorant to accept it. What I believe is that yes science does provide answers to some of the most sought after questions but I also believe that there was someone above everyone who put those questions in place in the first place. I accept science for the answers it has given to me for some of the most mysterious questions in my mind but I also accept an almighty which has placed those questions in the first place.

You may call it faith, belief whatever you may like. But the fact of the matter is that it won't change my beliefs or faith. It isn't doing me any harm, if not benefiting. I was born in a wonderful home with a great family and everything one needs for a satisfactory life. What should i call it? fate or probability? Even if i call it probability, i was lucky enough to be born in such great circumstances, which again leads my argument to fate. What is fate? Who decides what my fate would be? Can science ever answer these questions? Can science prove that some of the sperms, which go on to form a baby, are luckier than the others? There will always be some questions which science can not answer, and for me that is fate or god or whatever you may like to call it.

I believe in my dharma i.e. Hinduism but more than that I believe in karma. From whatever little knowledge i have about my religion it stresses completely upon karma. If you don't follow your karma then in no way can you follow your dharma. It is completely against violence of any manner whether to promote religion or for any other reason whatsoever. I too dream of a world where every one will be just a human being and not a hindu, muslim, christian, sikh etc. But even if the presence of various religions is causing communal problems then whose fault it is? Is it religion's fault? Coz I never heard of a religion which promotes violence for a religious propaganda. Instead of blaming religions why don't we start blaming ourselves and our conscience for such regretful events?

What would be ideal is if the people who believe in science but do not believe in god will also respect the beliefs of people who believe in god but also look forward to some of the explanations provided by science for some of the most mysterious questions on this earth and this universe.

One more point, you can call veda's explanations all the funny names you want but the fact of the matter is that the people i those times believed in them just like you believe in theories like big bang etc etc. I am sure someone would be laughing at us in the future for the theories that have been put today in the future. Coz then there will be some new inventions, obeservations and theories and theories of today(some if not all) will become obsolete and laughable. So instead of asking for proof at every point of argument for the existence of god, its better to accept the belief and faiths of the others and still be happy with the beliefs of yourselves.
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Democracy is a myth
Do you think our constitution would have been better if "Bed" and "Upanishad" were referred while preparing it? (Considering that our constitution was not made referring these texts)


Staff member
Looks like we are going in circles.

But even if the presence of various religions is causing communal problems then whose fault it is? Is it religion's fault? Coz I never heard of a religion which promotes violence for a religious propaganda. Instead of blaming religions why don't we start blaming ourselves and our conscience for such regretful events?

You must be new on Earth.


Sith Lord
Staff member
respectfully agree with most of the points raised by forum members here, was just arguing for no reason
dont really believe in god myself, but find traditions cute
think we may find answers to our questions here itself, and our way of life is totally worth preserving
think god serves a useful role as a fantasy of what all is possible for man to do, something to aspire to, maybe other animals also have such a concept

science. there is faith and belief in science too. you guys have heard of conjectures? they are things that appear to be true, intuitively, but there are no proofs
taking example of collatz conjecture

Take any natural number n. If n is even, divide it by 2 to get n / 2. If n is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1 to obtain 3n + 1. Repeat the process (which has been called "Half Or Triple Plus One", or HOTPO) indefinitely. The conjecture is that no matter what number you start with, you will always eventually reach 1. The property has also been called oneness.

there you go, they bruteforced it to a few gazillion digits, and they didn't find any exceptions so far. there is no proof of this tho. apparently scientists all over the world, and atheists too, "just know" that this is true.
now you have to believe it's true, that's a little piece of science that works on faith alone.


Ambassador of Buzz
^He did not read last two pages...leave alone the thread :p
No I did not read the whole thread or the last two pages as I had started reading from the page 1. I don't think it was necessary to read the whole thread before posting as it is not a thread where we are trying to help someone and the points should not be repeated. It is a thread where i can give my views on this particular topic. My views may have been echoed or ridiculed by someone already on the earlier pages but still I put it in my own words. This topic will never reach its conclusions, not until both sides accept each others view and respect them.

@Faun Pretty old actually :). All I meant to say was its us who distort religion for our own benefits. No religion at its core promotes violence.
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Staff member
@Faun Pretty old actually :). All I meant to say was its us who distort religion for our own benefits. No religion at its core promotes violence.

May be you should do your research before saying that. It's a gross generalization that you have there.

You know there are some practicing satanists too. And then some more mainstream religions where you can explicitly see a very handsome number of instances where the torture methods were worse than your worst nightmares, innocents bore the brunt of unsolicited conquests and the sole reason of their existence is to prove their point that they are the best religion out there.
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