*** Science Or God? ***

Science or God?

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Cyborg Agent
when talking about veg or nonveg, i must say :
"If you cant create a new one, don't kill it"

@rhitwick : man !!!.. you are such a writer...:shock:
perfect for a book on the subject.. :shock:



Staff member
I read through the texts too, but after a point this all seems moot when your life is like less than 100 years. Just live as you want but don't be an ******* to other.

Simple enough philosophy.


Super Moderator
Staff member
>Eating beef was allowed in Hindu religion long ago
It is still allowed.

Only disallowed in Yindooism. That's the religion most Yindians follow today.

If one doesn't eat non-veg out of his own will, that's the best thing.

I don't eat pork. Pigs in India are unclean.

But people often choose to be stupid to cite a loltext or a lolreligion.


Ok, the topic was science and god, but has turned "too" religious now.. :p
well, i am like rhitwick's friend was, atheist, and i don't give a damn on what our or any other religion preaches, coz what i have seen is religion just divides people, nothing else, we say india mei saare religions baste hai and live in unity, and numerous times i have witnessed in real life how this concept is burned into ashes..
heck, even on fb, just one post if a muslim did something, and i have seen not one, but hundreds of people posting "bhej do saale muslims ko pakistan" or somethings too offensive i could'nt post here, all those are mindsick, i know that, but yahi hota hai humari country mei.. :(
I have had a conversation with this "douchebag" who claimed himself to be a master of hinduism, he told me that "hinduism is the best religion, and i can prove that", and i asked "any other guy of any other religion would say the same for his religion" and he was numb.. :p
religion divides people in my opinion and i just see everyone as humans and nothing else.. :twisted:


It is still allowed.

Only disallowed in Yindooism. That's the religion most Yindians follow today.

If one doesn't eat non-veg out of his own will, that's the best thing.

I don't eat pork. Pigs in India are unclean.

But people often choose to be stupid to cite a loltext or a lolreligion.

i eat meat... because it is delicious.

i dislike eating veggies... because i dont like the flavor/texture. for example, i cannot eat dal with "chowk", you know the bits of fried onions and tomatoes, it actually makes me physically nauseous. mom makes separate food for me, or removes a portion of the food before putting the vegetables in.

for the same reason, i dont usually eat indian cuisine at resturants. who knows what veggies they might have put in.


Firecracker to the moon
In my city due to this so called moral police..
Pork is not served in any huge restaurant expect those marriage caterers


Game on
Faith is a strong or unshakeable belief in something, without proof or strong evidence.
Furthermore their is just one creature(species) with faith.

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
- Epikouros (341 - 270 BC)


i do believe in science but i believe in god/ghosts/evil/satan/narak/yamraj so i can exploit people by using there faith in god/ghosts/evil/satan/narak/yamraj....

for me if by saying "god/ghosts/evil/satan/narak/yamraj/whatever" fulfill my interest/to avoid a useless discussion yes god/ghosts/evil/satan/narak/yamraj/whatever exists..


i do believe in science but i believe in god/ghosts/evil/satan/narak/yamraj so i can exploit people by using there faith in god/ghosts/evil/satan/narak/yamraj....

wtf is this , i dont even....

you dont have to "believe" in science. science does not need your agarbattis and devotion. it is pure and exists because it is the unchallengable and unshakable truth.
can you say the same about your "god/ghosts/evil/satan/narak/yamraj"?

faith is an imaginary veil that humans use to hide their guilt, fear, shame and other negative emotions. it is about as useful as a wall of ice against hot lava.


A must watch video

Shraddhalu Ranade's Inspiring Lecture on The Indian Genius - YouTube

Please don't ignore just because the guy is sporting a beard.


wise but not owl
tell me, from where these books came from(bible,torah,vedas,quran, etc...)and the people who had the distance of ceenturies but thought the same thing.(jesus pbuh, moses pbuh, gautam buddha, etc...)


Game on
People wrote then, of course :facepalm:
Do you know how many religions have been there in the world?
Religion is a tool for the rich to control the masses.

thought the same thing,
well all the religious people wouldn't fight among themselves if they thought the same thing, moreover Buddhism doesn't even believe in a creator god, so I don't know how they thought the same thing except for morals, which is common sense.


Sith Lord
Staff member
this is Arthur C Clarke quoting a broadcast by professor Derek Lawden in voices from the sky
I think man will see himself as one agent by which the whole universe of matter is slowly becoming conscious of itself. He will cease to feel an alien creature in an indifferent world, but will sense within himself the pulse of the cosmos. He'll become familiar with the marvelous and varied form which can be assumed by matter . . . and he's certain to develop a feeling of reverence for the awe-inspiring whole of which he's a very small part. I suggest to you that his reaction to these impressive experiences will find its expression in a pantheism which will at last provide a philosophy of life and an attitude to existence which is in harmony with science. . . . It may be objected that the physical universe could never become the object of worship. I ask anyone who denies this possibility to turn his eyes skyward on a clear night. . . . Others may object that such a religion would possess little moral content. I would reply that this is by no means self-evident, but that, in any case, the conjunction of religion and ethics . . . is certainly not invariable; in fact, there's an excellent case for keeping the two separate.


A must watch video

Shraddhalu Ranade's Inspiring Lecture on The Indian Genius - YouTube

Please don't ignore just because the guy is sporting a beard.

did'nt watch the whole video, just half hour of it, but whatever i concluded from it was how our vedas and puranas depict certain methodologies and elements, that are very difficult for modern science to understand, but hey this is not something new, we all know that our ancestors (not only indian) were much more advanced than we are..
Example: Pyramids in egypt, still no technology exist that can create such marvels, each pyramid was created with some relation to the position of stars and constellations, The Greek Mythologies, depicting almost the same thoughts as our vedas do, with different means, those mummies stored in the pyramids, scientists still have'nt fully understood the composition of material used, by which those bodies are preserved till today after thousands of years and the list goes on, what i mean to say is that our vedas or puranas are'nt anything special or god-created, they are just written by the person as you and me are, it's just that they have poured in their centuries of research and analysis into those vedas, but still it's just what they concluded, it still does'nt explain the natural laws of universe, i loved how he said in video that science just say there was a big-bang and universe was born, but how it occurred, they can't explain it, and in vedas it's depicted as timeless, spaceless, masless thing that has that energy to hold the contents of universe together, but still he did'nt explained how it's timeless??? they definitely researched much more than modern science, but still they were humans too, and they also have to stop to a point where things just can't be explained by humans...


Sith Lord
Staff member
more advanced is misleading. more adept at living in the wild is more like it. many of these traditions survive by default. something as basic as using only 1/2 of the body, which automatically makes sure another 1/2 survives if anything goes wrong. there is no science saying we only have to use left hand or right hand.


Always in Dreams...
did'nt watch the whole video, just half hour of it, but whatever i concluded from it was how our vedas and puranas depict certain methodologies and elements, that are very difficult for modern science to understand, but hey this is not something new, we all know that our ancestors (not only indian) were much more advanced than we are..
Example: Pyramids in egypt, still no technology exist that can create such marvels, each pyramid was created with some relation to the position of stars and constellations, The Greek Mythologies, depicting almost the same thoughts as our vedas do, with different means, those mummies stored in the pyramids, scientists still have'nt fully understood the composition of material used, by which those bodies are preserved till today after thousands of years and the list goes on, what i mean to say is that our vedas or puranas are'nt anything special or god-created, they are just written by the person as you and me are, it's just that they have poured in their centuries of research and analysis into those vedas, but still it's just what they concluded, it still does'nt explain the natural laws of universe, i loved how he said in video that science just say there was a big-bang and universe was born, but how it occurred, they can't explain it, and in vedas it's depicted as timeless, spaceless, masless thing that has that energy to hold the contents of universe together, but still he did'nt explained how it's timeless??? they definitely researched much more than modern science, but still they were humans too, and they also have to stop to a point where things just can't be explained by humans...

You just watched half an hour of the video, took 2-3 concepts out of many he presented, and you think you've understood it all, to reach to a 'conclusion'?? Is that how you pursue 'Science'? He talked about Sanskrit. He talked about why it is the 'only' natural language, and why it is the most suitable language for Artificial Intelligence. He talked about the 'Vimana Shastra' (Science of Aircraft), and how detailed and comprehensive explanation of the parts and machines used in Vimanas, and 'Dresses' that a pilot should wear to protect himself from the radiation on various levels, even in the outer space. He explained the difficulties of replicating 'Vimanas' depicted in the Shastra. About the domain of 'Meta-Materials'. He talked about Ayurveda, and how it is a 'Science of Life'. Being a scientist himself, he presented a very comprehensive overview of the essence of Indian Science.
But you seem to be ignoring everything to reach to your narrow conclusion. Please, this is not how 'Science' works.

Listen, Indian Science is not about explanation, it's all about 'Experience', and 'Realization'. Experience which is not pursued by external objective means i.e. machines, but by internal subjective means, by penetrating the layers of your own individual 'consciousness', which is a part of the whole, 'Universal Consciousness'. By the means of Yoga, or 'Union' with the Ultimate Cosmic Energy. The Energy which is Sat-Chit-Aanand, Sat means it is the Ultimate Truth. Chit means it is Self-Conscious, and Aananda means it is pure 'Bliss'. Every Indian Science, whether it is Indian Classical Music or Indian Classical Dance, is based on this concept of experience only. Great Indian Classical Musicians, in their Interviews, have repeated this concept only. Take for example Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, the most renowned Sarod Player of world today. He says it is the union with the God, the ultimate truth, which makes his music. Sarod playing is a means for him, to reach God. And this applies to every single Classical Musician and Dancer of India, without exception.

And at last, how can you explain something which is 'Timeless'? Tell me! Grow up man. If it is Timeless, means it is beyond the scope of our intellect, since our intellect works in Time and Space. In order to understand something which is Timeless, you will have to go beyond the time. How can you explain the method of going beyond the time, when you are just stuck in time bound intellect itself! This is where Indian Science 'Begins'. You may or may not agree with this, but you can't just simply 'deny' it because you are a Rationalist. You will find it hard to incorporate the more subtle aspects of consciousness and experience that is unique to our ancient world with its many planes of existence. But it doesn't mean you will 'conclude' it.
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You just watched half an hour of the video, took 2-3 concepts out of many he presented, and you think you've understood it all, to reach to a 'conclusion'?? Is that how you pursue 'Science'? He talked about Sanskrit. He talked about why it is the 'only' natural language, and why it is the most suitable language for Artificial Intelligence. He talked about the 'Vimana Shastra' (Science of Aircraft), and how detailed and comprehensive explanation of the parts and machines used in Vimanas, and 'Dresses' that a pilot should wear to protect himself from the radiation on various levels, even in the outer space. He explained the difficulties of replicating 'Vimanas' depicted in the Shastra. About the domain of 'Meta-Materials'. He talked about Ayurveda, and how it is a 'Science of Life'. Being a scientist himself, he presented a very comprehensive overview of the essence of Indian Science.
But you seem to be ignoring everything to reach to your narrow conclusion. Please, this is not how 'Science' works.

Listen, Indian Science is not about explanation, it's all about 'Experience', and 'Realization'. Experience which is not pursued by external objective means i.e. machines, but by internal subjective means, by penetrating the layers of your own individual 'consciousness', which is a part of the whole, 'Universal Consciousness'. By the means of Yoga, or 'Union' with the Ultimate Cosmic Energy. The Energy which is Sat-Chit-Aanand, Sat means it is the Ultimate Truth. Chit means it is Self-Conscious, and Aananda means it is pure 'Bliss'. Every Indian Science, whether it is Indian Classical Music or Indian Classical Dance, is based on this concept of experience only. Great Indian Classical Musicians, in their Interviews, have repeated this concept only. Take for example Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, the most renowned Sarod Player of world today. He says it is the union with the God, the ultimate truth, which makes his music. Sarod playing is a means for him, to reach God. And this applies to every single Classical Musician and Dancer of India, without exception.

And at last, how can you explain something which is 'Timeless'? Tell me! Grow up man. If it is Timeless, means it is beyond the scope of our intellect, since our intellect works in Time and Space. In order to understand something which is Timeless, you will have to go beyond the time. How can you explain the method of going beyond the time, when you are just stuck in time bound intellect itself! This is where Indian Science 'Begins'. You may or may not agree with this, but you can't just simply 'deny' it because you are a Rationalist. You will find it hard to incorporate the more subtle aspects of consciousness and experience that is unique to our ancient world with its many planes of existence. But it doesn't mean you will 'conclude' it.

I will just leave these links here :
Savitri Era Open Forum: Holy war between Peter Heehs and Sraddhalu Ranade
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