A Weird DATAONE problem...plz read and post your opinions/solutions
I request you guys to atleast read thorugh my problem even if you dont know the solution.
I'm havin a Home500 plan and it was functioning well since a couple of weeks back. Then, some weird problems started:
1. I couldn't access the net alltime. It was UP only at random times and after repeated number of ON/OFF cycles or even waiting 15-30 minutes.
2. Even when I can surf the websites, None of my download managers (IDM, FlashGet) could connect to any server in the web. But, uTorrent works at that time.
3. After some time of connectivity, the connection drops and i cant access any site, nor the torrents work. BUT, THE Router Status shows the condition as "UP".
This was the problem. I tried many combinations of diferent things, but nothing helped. So i decided to go to the BSNL office.
1. There, it was confirmed that it was not any problems related to my phone line as the DSL INDICATOR LED was lighted always.
2. Next, they said me to make sure that these entries are as follows:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Alternate DNS:
These values dint match my default settings as shows by running the "ipconfig" command in DOS.
So, i manually entered those values given by the officer in the connection properties.

, still it doesnt solve the problem.
Now, I can surf the web for sometime before the connection drops, and that too at atrociously-low-speeds. And also, none of the download managers work.
Well, i know this is a long post. COnsider this as a discusion rather than a request. I'm not getting the whats the problem behind this problem!!!!!
Displaying webpages is done by downloading images and stuff to your computer. It works. But then why the download managers doesn't work, Can download thorugh the Browser though, and torrents DO work.
As you can see, this is really confusing and weird. I am left helpless, so i shared with you ppl. If you could post a reply, it WOULD BE A GREAT HELP.
Atleast, reply with what you think might be the problem...