All the new Dataone users (with ip 117.x.x.x) will NOT be able to use the old bsnl site/software like dataone usage finder/datafox etc.
For checking usage you gotta login to * and enter your portal id and the password. PORTAL ID is a 14digit id issues for you for port binding (meaning your connection is bound to your number and nobody else can use it). This is NOT the same as your loginid/username. If you don't haf this get it from BSNL. Use the login password in the password. After loggin in you can change your login and email a/c password, view usage, view plan details etc.
The blank page appears for 2 reasons:
1) you a/c on the usage site is not activated (usually takes under a week)
2) you've entered a wrong portal. (confirm your portal and also ensure that its 14 digits.)
At the moment none of those usage finders will work. You gotta login to that site.
@VG is the IP address of your router (modem in layman's term). You can change its settings there - like changing from pppoe to bridge mode, DNS etc.
Also, the speed you are getting corresponds to 2mbps. If you've got this plan then its fine.