@gollum, nice explanation. But wasn't exactly what skud was saying, he meant the controls are sluggish regardless of the peripheral using, KB, controller or whatever.
Anyway, here's what I wanted to say about that design choice. Back in the original Most Wanted, the cars didn't jump straight into 150mph, the devs put the realism aside and made the cars feel super heavy, which became one of the trademarks of Most Wanted followed by Carbon. The cars weren't responsive, they didn't go super fast as soon as you held the trigger or hit the up arrow key, there was a lot of drag and felt like the cars were fighting with some opposing force. Now if you are going to make a Most Wanted re-imagination, I'm sure you would want to keep that core aspect of Most Wanted there, it definitely wouldn't be a MW game without the cars that feel heavy or in your words, sluggish.
Good thing about the original most wanted days and before that, was that the gamers played what they got, meaning they got along with it and had fun, and the internet whining phenomenon wasn't as rapid as it is now, which I believe brings a lot of premature negative judgement in people, just as it did to me, as if its cool to hate the game.
An fps player jumping from quake to halo can be a good example, quake's characters moved super fast(strictly talking about the character's body mechanics here) and its quake's own style, and Halo on the other side felt sluggish(few of my cod frnds never wanted to play halo just because of this reason, the same reason as yours
) and Bungie chose that style over fast moving characters. Now obviously if you want your character heavy, you would make them move slow, and how do you do that in a game? add a little lag between the input and the character animation. Same goes with trucks or buses in games like GTA or midtown madness, we don't complain about that do we?
The controller suggestion has nothing to do with this, I just meant that the analogs and triggers give you control over how much you accelerate and steer, KB cannot do that can it?