Need for Speed Most Wanted reboot


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Staff member
Not really. But there was a barricade which I bypassed. And the checkpoint was just in the next lane, albeit a different off-road path. Anyway, does it matter which route I take as long as I start from point A and finish at point B? And this is not a rally race where things like cutting corners will attract penalty. Even if it was, a 5sec penalty was more logical rather than telling you are 2nd. You call it feature, I call it dumb.

Just for the fun of it, this was the final straw. :lol:

this type of checkpoint **** can be found on some other games like GTA SA, Mad Riders .....

Every game must have some common sense at least.

Commonsense meaning senseless driving only to reach the finish line? :p

at-least in a arcade racer like this .....

One thing I couldn't understand why game developers are so hell bent on taking control away from the gamer. Max Payne 3 & Sleeping Dogs are also prime example of this.

just play dishonored then

Common sense is definitely not:-
1) Showing your track green when it should be red.
2) Showing your position as 2nd when you are ahead of your rival on the same lap
3) Closing your options and calling it open world. :p

the first two can be fixed with an update patch if they ever going to release one .......


Living to Play
Well I am safe then because I have no plans to play this game very soon. Will wait for patch before jumping in as I don't want to get my gameplay spoiled because of bugs and glitches. Usually I always wait for atleast 1 or 2 patch before playing any game, if game has bugs. :)


MuSiC AnD GaMiNg
Hey everyone, i tried this game with my low end gaming rig, and got disappointed as always by EA.
However i found something in the registry which certainly boosted the performance, to playable frame rated.
Go to HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-821774063-1021952727-1751263713-1000\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA Games\Need for Speed Most Wanted
Here many options are there, and to my surprise there is an option to turn OFF VSYNC. I did it and also changed the other values to minimum, and then i could play the game at 1280x720.
I only have a 9500 gt, which is well below the minimum reqs, but after all i can now play the game.
Also other tweak is to go to Documents-->Criterion Games-->Most wanted--> open the config.xxxxx file in wordpad or notepad, and LockTo30 to true. This will cap the fps to 30 and give a rather playable solution.


In the zone
or may be you should check yourself up before insulting a talented bunch like criterion. ;)

criterion= talented :shock:
i'll not say anything more in this thread... he is taking it on himself I think... may be he or his relative(s) belong to criterion :mrgreen:... or may be this is his actual taste:-D :aaargh:
look dude don't go personal , I didn't call you "crap"... I just posted my views on skud's comments....
that was for criterion, i know you are very talented :p , you play nfs by criterion games after all :eeek:


These were the exact kind of comments I mentioned in the previous post, about the whining metacritic users.
Nope, no relatives or friends in Criterion, but I do have friends/mentors who are working/studying in the games industry and hopefully I might get my foot into there someday :) , so I know how difficult it is to create them, at least I've got some sense to have some respect for their work. Easy to make fun of people you know, specially about the games industry. Are you even worth of creating at least 1% of what Criterion has done? ofcourse not, not even a game design on a piece of paper. So stop dissing them out, you're not only insulting them, but making a fool of yourself with those arrogant comments.
Being angry on the publishers like EA is pretty fair, considering the shitting things they have been doing, but why blame criterion, who almost single handedly saved the franchise. Don't like the game? no problem, there are tons of racing games out there, go play them.
But then again, what's the point of explaining to somebody who's clouded himself so much with arrogance, get a life :|
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In the zone
These were the exact kind of comments I mentioned in the previous post, about the whining metacritic users.
Nope, no relatives or friends in Criterion, but I do have friends who are working/studying in the games industry and hopefully I might get my foot into there someday :) , so I know how difficult it is to create them, at least I've got some sense to have some respect for their work. Easy to make fun of people you know, specially about the games industry. Are you even worth of creating at least 1% of what Criterion has done? ofcourse not, not even a game design on a piece of paper. So stop dissing them out, you're not only insulting them, but making a fool of yourself with those arrogant comments.
Being angry on the publishers like EA is pretty fair, considering the shitting things they have been doing, but why blame the developers?
But then again, what's the point of explaining to somebody who's clouded himself so much with arrogance, get a life :|

the day you'll enter gaming industry, I will quit gaming... :-D
and dude, you don't even know me and you are assuming my worth???
Do you know owl word is used for the foolish ones in the society, but not for the wise ones...
what are you, a school kid???
its very simple, u like nfs 2012 so you praising it, and I hate it ,so I am abusing it...
you just can't call my posts "crap", I've never commented anything directly on your post ....and I commented in this thread and I did mention it too that my comments were my personal views.. It was you who were always trying to save the a$$ of criterion, like they are your "in laws"...
don't argue with me because I would never start liking the game on your bla bla bla kind of explanation....
I don't argue with non sense school kids!!!
It will be better if you don't cross my path again... i'll comment on others' (not yours) comments and will say whatever I would like to say. Its none of your business to jump in the middle and call my comments "crap"...


the day you'll enter gaming industry, I will quit gaming...

Like I should be bothered, or like the games industry is going to crumble down coz some whiners quit gaming :)

and dude, you don't even know me and you are assuming my worth???

May be you should have a look at your previous comments, what I meant to say, is that you should check your own worth before dissing out someone else's worth.
Its not like you shelled out 60$ out of your pocket and complaining about the game, lol.

criterion= talented :shock:
i'll not say anything more in this thread... he is taking it on himself I think... may be he or his relative(s) belong to criterion :mrgreen:... or may be this is his actual taste:-D :aaargh:
look dude don't go personal , I didn't call you "crap"... I just posted my views on skud's comments....
that was for criterion, i know you are very talented :p , you play nfs by criterion games after all :eeek:

Look at this post, this doesn't sound like an opinion, its called crapping on the internet.
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the day you'll enter gaming industry, I will quit gaming... :-D
and dude, you don't even know me and you are assuming my worth???
Do you know owl word is used for the foolish ones in the society, but not for the wise ones...
what are you, a school kid???
its very simple, u like nfs 2012 so you praising it, and I hate it ,so I am abusing it...
you just can't call my posts "crap", I've never commented anything directly on your post ....and I commented in this thread and I did mention it too that my comments were my personal views.. It was you who were always trying to save the a$$ of criterion, like they are your "in laws"...
don't argue with me because I would never start liking the game on your bla bla bla kind of explanation....
I don't argue with non sense school kids!!!
It will be better if you don't cross my path again... i'll comment on others' (not yours) comments and will say whatever I would like to say. Its none of your business to jump in the middle and call my comments "crap"...

you are sounding like a school kid to be honest
with all those straight forward remarks coupled with kiddish smileys

Look, I do even hate this NFS MW remake
but this doesnt mean the devs of this game should be bombed
Criterion is one of the most reputed banner out there
Burnout series for an example

A good critic never flames the creator/ developer of something
He/She always points out the loopholes so that the next installment should be better
Not like your way of criticizing " WHOA Is that a truck?!?! Are you driving a truck in a racing game??!?!? "


In the zone
I've got an owl (wise lol!)and a ghoul here...
ready to die for criterion games!
quitting these useless arguments with useless people(an owl)...


Guys, i have small suggestion here. <Don't drag personal issues here nor individual skills>.

Secondly, not happy with the game, hit Alt + F4 & possible uninstall it from the PC. Sell your copy to someone else & be happy.

Those who are happy, let them be happy what they are enjoying. Peace....

Let the game industry & marketing & number of sold copy prove, whether they deserve liking or disliking / hit or flop. No one is counting on anyones comment here. So stop dragging this topic.

For all this stuffs, you got facebook to complain over. Visit Creterion & slap them with your problems.

@Cyborg: The game mechanics is well designed, feels much like an real world. Every time you enter a race, cops are on your tail. That's how blacklist members should be treated. Reps from me to EA & Creterion. Nothing bad with the game over Console as of now. Feels more aggressive & challenging than the entire franchisee.
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Veyron is a beast! Had to use the breaks more than usual to keep the car in control. Felt like I was driving Batman's tumbler, and the nitrous upgrade boost made it even more closer :p


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I love the way the spoiler gets deployed crossing 150MPH+ speed...



Long Live Gojira!
criterion= talented :shock:
i'll not say anything more in this thread... he is taking it on himself I think... may be he or his relative(s) belong to criterion :mrgreen:... or may be this is his actual taste:-D :aaargh:
look dude don't go personal , I didn't call you "crap"... I just posted my views on skud's comments....
that was for criterion, i know you are very talented :p , you play nfs by criterion games after all :eeek:

Smilies =! your expressions. Meh. Too many smilies. You fail hard. And taking on people 'cause they didn't share you views make you fail harder. Let's just say, BioWare were on something when they did ME3's ending. My most awesome series instantly became the worst. Damn.

@cyborg: Your internet speed is?
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