Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Aspiring Novelist
^One of my all time favourite dialogues in that movie:
Greta: He knocked over another ATM. This time at knife point. He needs your legal advice.
Fletcher: [picking up phone and shouting] Stop breaking the law, asshole!

Jim Carey is a total goof ball.The 2 movies that I could never stop watching over & over again are The Mask & Ace Ventura:When Nature Calls.:)

Both are totally awesome.Ace Ventura is the best & the expressions are something which can't be missed.

Has anyone seen Weekend At Bernies? Another classic comedy.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
Mr.Magoriums Wonder Emporium

just now finished seeing it....

one of the best ever movie sentemental/magical/wonderfulll movie...

please dont misss this guys...

it gives goose bumps at times...

spectacular movie...


Another Brick in the Wall
Seen that long time back. I felt it's a one time watch even though I love Natalie Portman and Dustin Hoffman.


Staff member
watched The Air I Breathe (My Rating: 7.7/10) (Whitaker part was awesome, others acting wasn't at par, Kevin was good but just a minute role, movie was full of cliches , quite predictable for the most part, background score was average)

101 Reykjavik (My Rating: 8.1/10) (Now this was something genuine, i was watching with a wicked sense of humor throughout the movie, never seen before storyline, true humor out of situation and honest, background score was awesome)


Aspiring Novelist
The Eye.Pretty good movie.Not an outright horror movie but good thriller element.Haven't seen the Chinese version though but I get a feeling that would be a worth watch.

Onto House Party series now.:)
hey guys do watch braindead .the most gory movie .300 liters of blood was used in a scene known as 'lawnmover scene' ...itz not watchable with family .instead of being horror as expected being the most gory movie ,itz a comedy movie. storyline is perfect and special effects are pretty good. itz rewatchable many times . id rate it 8.5/10


aka. ViKiD?
hey have u guys seen the Grindhouse series.....i had seen mixed reactions from ppl post ur comments guys...also The Hills Have Eyes is gud.


Aspiring Novelist
^I have seen Planet Terror.Yet to see Death Proof though.Planet Terror was average movie.Hilarious at times.Especially the scene with Rose Mcgowan having a rocket launcher mounted into her amputed leg.;)

The movie does not make any sense but just for a casual time pass flick you can just have a go at it.


aka. ViKiD?
ya the movie was hilarious at times...but like when she jump using the grenade this is insane....and in the end having a minigun fixed to ur leg man thts smthing :))


Staff member
^^that reminds me of some scenes from typical bolly movies (In Karz Sunny get lifted to the helicopter by jumping over a land mine)

Planet Terror was classic old school type film, it will give you brief nostalgia :p

I saw the alternate ending to the movie I Am Legend, yeah it was satisfying to some extent that what the original one.
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@sam9s ..yes braindead is claimed to be goriest of all ...and i appreciate ur view but i think the whole package is fantastic ..i would still stand by my ratings .

as for grindhouse
grindhouse planet terror is hilarious and the direction style and the 'missing film' message is what i would rly remeber...but deathproof is not as good .well go watch planet terror if you like black humor ..u can skip deathproof though. planet terror - 8/10 .death proof - 6.5 /10


I saw the alternate ending to the movie I Am Legend, yeah it was satisfying to some extent that what the original one.
In the alternate ending, does the Zombie-like ppl capture him and kill him (this is the original book's ending I suppose) or change their minds and go away??
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