Bloggers' Corner


Web developer
Secure your wireless network- Better safe than sorry

Techies Realm said:
These days the devices supporting Wireless LAN (WLAN)/Wi-fi don’t cost a bomb & are pretty much common. The most common devices which support WLAN/Wi-fi are laptops & mobile phones. Due to widespread availability & use of such devices you can expect many to intrude into your wireless network.

These intruders may use your internet for harmless browsing but you can also expect them to download big files using your internet connection & the result is heavy internet bills. These are actually harmless intrusions.

What if the intruder is planning something more dangerous? Recently an American citizen’s family in Bombay were caught & detained by police for sending some email regarding bomb blasts. You must secure your wireless network as a precautionary measure!
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Earning thorugh your own blog is quite a challenging task. I am sure that most people who blog, earn money by writing other blogs and have their blogs just for their own personal stuff.

So if money is your thing, then it makes sense that you write other blogs/publications, you get paid a rupee a word ('a' & 'the' included).
Wow, 1Ruppe per word is nice.
where do you get such payments?


F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: Manufacturing 02 - Lean Manufacturing

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: Manufacturing 02 - Lean Manufacturing

........Any great designs are pretty much insignificant unless you successfully manufacture it according to design and are able to use it in accordance with its stated objective. Taking this view, it would not be hard to imagine that one of the major portions of the JSF program is the actual manufacturing of the aircrafts. Manufacturing these aircrafts would require the implementation of concepts and utilization of technology which till now were either never used or even if used definitely not at the scale it would be used here. Some of the noteworthy features seen in the design and manufacture of the F-35 – The Digital trail, Lean manufacturing, Laser positioning system etc........

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Web developer
PC configuration for the month of August:

Techies Realm said:
Here’s the PC configuration of the month for home/office use by Pathik. For gaming you may add a graphics card as per your budget.

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Techtree Reviewer
Cell phones to buy in budget: 5k-10k

This is first of the five posts, dedicated to making your mobile buying a bit easier. Each post will target a specific budget and will look at all the available options in that budget. They will be sorted according to different categories to make things even simpler for you. Before I start I'd like to make it clear that in neither of these posts will any particular cell phone maker or it's phones will be given preference over the others. I have tried my best to remain as unbiased as I can. Also every thing here is obviously my opinion, which might differ from yours. That does not however make either me or you wrong. If there is something here which you do not agree with, then simply ignore it. So with that out of the way, let us begin.

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हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
CodeBank - A freeware portable code snippets manager
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Here Since 2003
Pixelpipe - Simultaneously Upload Your Media to 30+ Websites

Pixelpipe is a new service that enables you to mass distribute media. The concept itself is not new. did it for text (microblogging and status updates) and Hey!Spread and TubeMogul did it for videos. But Pixelpipe allows you distribute all forms of media across the web – Images, Videos as well as Audio Clippings. Indian readers will be interested in knowing that Pixelpipe also has an office in India (New Delhi) headed by Pixelpipe’s architect Jacob Jay.
Pixelpipe currently supports 32 Video/Image hosting services including Adobe Share,, Facebook, Flickr, Friendster, Imageshack, Imeem, Phanfare, Photobucket, Picasa, Smugmug, Vimeo, Webshots, Youtube and Zooomr in addition to supporting popular blogging services like Blogger, Live Journal, Typepad, Tumblr and Wordpress. You can also upload to your selfhosted blog or ftp account. One notable omission is Orkut – which is surprising considering that Pixelpipe has an office in India (where orkut is by far the most popular social networking destination). Many popular video sharing services are also missing, but the as far as image hosting services are concerned Pixelpipe’s list of supported services is exhaustive.


Right off the assembly line
a blog post for a blogger by the member of this forum.i wll be posting mine shortely
title not decided but i'm brainstromming which way to go. a blog about a downloader maybe or something lets guess ok.
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