We are going under a revamp.


Human Spambot
If a user wants to specially thanks some user for helping him, a PM will be respectful to that particular user, than a simple +1 rep. That is what i think. :)

Not that rep system is something bad..but, it will create some unnecessary mess. And, looking at the attitude of the admins, it is seems that there won't be a reputation system in near future.

I was the first user to bring the topic of image signature, i think. My reason was, that, it will facilitate users(users in gamerz section) to showoff their xfire, psn, xbl game tags :p. But now it seems that our forum is not ready for image signatures. We should have a nice theme first, our load speeds should increase. Replies should take less times to get posted. And, Implementing image signatures will further slowdown the forum. Not to mention, it will be a bane for limited bandwidth users, if most users start following it.

And, talking about limited BW users, I heard that there is a plug-in which will allow the users to disable avatars and all the fancy stuff(from their control panel). It will be extremely useful for low bandwidth and mobile surfers.

And, the most irritating problem with TDF now is, the caching. Increasing the lifespan of cached pages and posts will help in taking stress off the server for sure. But it is irritating to see replied threads, visited threads being marked as unvisited. Please resolve that problem, as quick as possible.

In-Site chat feature will be help though we have a IRC. Adding minimum character limit will also be a nice thing.

Now, that is an excellent idea. +1
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If a user wants to specially thanks some user for helping him, a PM will be respectful to that particular user, than a simple 1 rep. That is what i think. :)

Not that rep system is something bad..but, it will create some unnecessary mess. And, looking at the attitude of the admins, it is seems that there won't be a reputation system in near future.

I was the first user to bring the topic of image signature, i think. My reason was, that, it will facilitate users(users in gamerz section) to showoff their xfire, psn, xbl game tags :p. But now it seems that our forum is not ready for image signatures. We should have a nice theme first, our load speeds should increase. Replies should take less times to get posted. And, Implementing image signatures will further slowdown the forum. Not to mention, it will be a bane for limited bandwidth users, if most users start following it.

And, talking about limited BW users, I heard that there is a plug-in which will allow the users to disable avatars and all the fancy stuff(from their control panel). It will be extremely useful for low bandwidth and mobile surfers.

And, the most irritating problem with TDF now is, the caching. Increasing the lifespan of cached pages and posts will help in taking stress off the server for sure. But it is irritating to see replied threads, visited threads being marked as unvisited. Please resolve that problem, as quick as possible.

Now, that is an excellent idea. 1

under options in the user cp there is a provision to turn off all the images be it either attached ones or hot linked ones. Mobile users like me have no problem accessing the site since the browers like uc and opera have their dedicated servers that send text first and process images to reduce downloaded data size. The data usage on computer is negligible. Also most regular members here use adblock plus to block ads and other such unwanted things from loading.
repping is easier than sendinga pm. Pm's are annoying.
Steam card does not require you to have a link disguised in the hotlinked image. So you will be having only the image and no links with it. Images hosted on other servers will not slow down the system.
chat option is a waste.


Human Spambot
Negligible? Please.. don't tell me about it. I've been using the forum for very long time and in a limited BW connection of 1.5gb(bsnl 500combo), and i know how important even a KB becomes when one is in a limited BW. Especially, if some one has exceeded their limit. Which will be the obvious case for most of the limited BW users.

And PM is a waste of a time!? seriously? are you joking or something!? You could have spent 10 minutes trying to figure out your problem on your own.. and may be 10 minutes experimenting things . And after you've posted the answer.. no matter what, most of the users here will make use of google and other forums to give you best answer they can. I know users who will spend nearly 10 mins on a single post, helping that poor guy. And, if I am understanding you correctly, you're telling that you can't spare 1 minute for sending him a than you note.

Of course, you can rep him in one second. But, let me tell you one thing..When i was a newbie here, If i post some problem and if i get sorted by any reply by the user.. i will thank him by a personal message. It will not only encourage the users but will create friends. I remember sending thank you PMs for the users like ethan_hunt, m-jeri.. for helping me. After sending PM, they will not be just another users any more.. they will be your friends on the forum. Now, you could have understood how to make a friends. Which brings us to my next one.. chat.. if one has friends and if he want to contact them, chat is way more better than PM, Visitor message.

well, IRC > built-in site Chat. It could turn out to be a new way of spamming.

Yes, it is. If every one is active on that IRC. But, in-site chat will be a great addition as we can contact any online personal.Look at it, if possible.
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but will make webpages bandwidth heavy...

ok im a regular on erodov too n i find it bandwidth heavy..it has everythng but i still find it bandwidth heavy...digit + neat digit is not.

Yes, it is. If every one is active on that IRC. But, in-site chat will be a great addition as we can contact any online personal.Look at it, if possible.
we dont need to have everything
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Human Spambot
^ agree on that. But, I'm asking to look into it just if possible. Just in case. And, not chat with all online users,but Chat with people under friends list only :)


If you think rep is the wrong way to say thanks then there is another something called as a thanks button. Whether a member wants to thank someone via a pm or rep or thanks button or even an e-mail, its the op's decision in the end. I'm only suggesting a faster option. And yea you must be using it with a limited bw connection but i highly doubt that a forum ate all the data. Data download costs more on gprs and not wire internet. You browsed on a limited bw connection a longtime ago. Now you know more on how to control data download. The ads on tdf take up more bw than any other thing. Avatars have a 30kb limit so what is the problem with a 19kb signature.
On the topic of chat ootion, most newbs will post their query in the chat rather than making a new thread.


Human Spambot
No, you don't get the idea.. this current page is of 230kb size. Imagine how bad it will be if we include siggy images. (And don't feed me adblock, scripts thing. We should look it in bigger scope, in the sense.. every user that visits the site) And, if a new comer comes here with the siggies loaded.. he will be on fire.

And you don't get the idea of chat either.. you don't chat with all online users, you chat with users who are online and who are under your friends list. It is not to solve problems, but just to contact.

I don't see the point of exchanging words here.. you have said your version, i've said mine.. let the admins decide.


No, you don't get the idea.. this current page is of 230kb size. Imagine how bad it will be if we include siggy images. (And don't feed me adblock, scripts thing. We should look it in bigger scope, in the sense.. every user that visits the site) And, if a new comer comes here with the siggies loaded.. he will be on fire.

And you don't get the idea of chat either.. you don't chat with all online users, you chat with users who are online and who are under your friends list. It is not to solve problems, but just to contact.

I don't see the point of exchanging words here.. you have said your version, i've said mine.. let the admins decide.

so you want to chat only with ppl online and the ones in fl. In vb chat, offline users appear offline and you can see who has joined chat. But you cannot create chat groups like in the steam client where you can have a closed chat with only the persons in your fl and or stem group.
The default posts per page can be reduced to 10 is image bombardment is your concern.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
How does in-site-chat lead to spam? Will it not be open only for registered users? Explain plz.
well, if it is implementing a Chat-Box is not in my hands btw. It will involve modification of templates etc. which are not in my hands. Spammers can spam it after registering. :(


Human Spambot
Well, there is always a ban hammer if there is any spam bot. I think at least, admins can implement a post count qualifier or age of the account qualifier to filter the spam there.


Staff member
Something like where we can add our config in signature, just like this forum:
Oh hai! :3 - Overclock.net - Overclocking.net

It will be helpful.


Something like where we can add our config in signature, just like this forum:
Oh hai! :3 - Overclock.net - Overclocking.net

It will be helpful.
Its a good idea for tech related forum.
I have similar thing on my forum but in postbit area.
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Aspiring Novelist
Patience is the key....! :)

I personally do not like images in signatures -- usually this results in signatures being longer than posts and is irritating to the eye. See 'E' forum. Each post looks like a darn X-mas tree. Again it boils down to how many lines are available for signatures. OC.net, those signatures are way too large. How would the OC.net format be helpful than what currently TDF permits..?
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