*** Science Or God? ***

Science or God?

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Sith Lord
Staff member
I meant by 'All events and things around us' were the universe, this world, humanrace, nature, animals , even our body, mind... Can u believe these all were product/by products of a big bang (accident) ?? I meant this very well formed universe , this human body cannot be just made by big bang and evolution.

Ok, i am a medical student. The more i get into 'how human body works' or 'what is mind' , the more i realize the presence of a creator.

No, i didn't read what darwin had written. Have u read?

Ok, if someone come back from death it would be 'magical' , isn't it?
Then, after an accident (big bang) ,start of this universe and atleast this earth (as we donot know about any other planet with int. life forms) does not seem to be abit 'magical'? unless the accident was greatly arranged by some one?

And i have a question, what was there, before that bigbang?

And physics law violation? Lol, what physics law? The always changing physics law? Like physics said someday Particles was indestructable and now they can be transformable to energy?

If coming-back of life to an already wellformed human body ( after natural death ) , violates ur always changing physics law, Then , " this large animal planet with human race had been made just from some dust an fumes" does not this break ur never-stable physics law?

U guys when cannot find an answer then use the 'evolution' crap after seeing some adaption or physical changes based upon environmental changes.
That may change a mammoth into an elephant. But no way, it can change fumes/rocks or amoeba into a complete human being.

this is the argument from implausibility, if evolution is true, then what is the use of half a wing or one tenth of an eye... this addressed very well in the Dawkin's book, "climbing mount improbable", basically instead of creating everything in one go, it breaks the problem down into many many tiny pieces, and solves them bit by bit, over many random perturbations, across incredibly long periods of time. science can answer how the eye came about, but it does not even dare to answer why. this is where science has no answers..

one of the best thing about science is that it is willing to accept that it is all wrong, and will only get it right in the future, at least we are headed in the right direction, without newton's laws to debunk, einstein may not have gone further into this dark territory.

the last example you gave is cool though,
" this large animal planet with human race had been made just from some dust an fumes"
how can the universe get more complex when the the third law of thermodynamics states that everything will try to achieve simpler and simpler states... there are many theories about it, including a teleological attractor at the end of time (or god) that is sitting at the end of all time and encouraging stuff to get increasingly complicated... but a more scientific view point will be that although universally things are getting more diffused and less complicated, complicated stuff is building up only locally... and the ultimate fate is getting back to simpler and simpler states... forget life, star systems are also a rare thing in the void

in all, there are some valid doubts in there, not troll post, :)


Staff member
how can the universe get more complex when the the third law of thermodynamics states that everything will try to achieve simpler and simpler states... there are many theories about it, including a teleological attractor at the end of time (or god) that is sitting at the end of all time and encouraging stuff to get increasingly complicated... but a more scientific view point will be that although universally things are getting more diffused and less complicated, complicated stuff is building up only locally... and the ultimate fate is getting back to simpler and simpler states... forget life, star systems are also a rare thing in the void

in all, there are some valid doubts in there, not troll post, :)

I guess the vastness of universe tames down the complexity we see around.

And how do the God supporters defend the vestigial organs which are no more than useless ? Why God failed to create perfect human in first try ? Why will God give free will and then lead people astray at will ?


@anorion, in simple , u are trying to tell that this human being is created slowly ,like, monkey> semi-monkey> 3/4th-monkey > 1/2-a-monkey>1/4th-monkey> manyother unstable monkeys> human ?
1.And this too much complex human body ( i would rather say a world) and its reproduction process , passing of genetic materials in such a delicate way, the whole development process of zygote to a man/woman ....
Too much to be done ay evolution, for me .

how? How it is believable to u guys?

2.How first rna was made?
How first dna was made?

3.ok,i guess evolution took us here in humanbeing. But why so rare. (only earth among all planets we have ever discovered)
evolution sould have been occured in many planets. isn't it? 'Water and favourable condition' will be ur answer, isn't it?

4. Bigbang made universe . Ok, equilibriam was made naturally. But why this too much complex equilibrial state has been achieved?

Give answers please.
Many more questions are there , of which, u have answers based of guess/theories or donot have answers atall.

Then isn't it more logical that the god exists? than these unclear, based-on-guess theories?


Sith Lord
Staff member
dna/rna - this stuff is complicated and we are tasked with unraveling millions of years of ruthless evolution, we cant even define what genes are, we haven't figured out what the bits do or how it really fits together. there are many cloud and grid computers dedicated to this, and this is one of the reasons supercomputers are even built. even then, there are a series of simple steps towards dna/rna... complex proteins, amino acids, carbon compounds. all of this stuff is not that uncommon.
there may be some unexpected surprises. one of the cutting edge cosmological theories is that space dust = dormant bacteria. they are exactly of the same size, and interact with light in the exact same way. Journal of Cosmology. so no, it's just not water and favorable conditions anymore, it is every favorable condition on every star system's satellites that any extra-terrestrial object crashes into (think every meteor and comet on every moon and planet)
but hey that's just a theory
there's a backup though, even if bacteria is not space dust, there is plenty of amino acid clouds in space >> Life Molecules in Space


Democracy is a myth
Actually you (mohiuddin) have a point. I wonder, if God has created human with a snap of a finger...where from did the DNA/RNA came. Did he first create RNA then DNA then put them in petri dish and applied 'godly' magics and human baby formed? Eh, this sounds more like what our scientists are trying to do now-a-days.


Staff member
1.And this too much complex human body ( i would rather say a world) and its reproduction process , passing of genetic materials in such a delicate way, the whole development process of zygote to a man/woman ....
Even though human body is complex but still it's way too inefficient. Not perfect in my opinion.


Game on
Just because we don't know about the creator of a certain thing doesn't mean GOD created it, it's as good as ancient people thinking of lightening as god's anger etc etc...
What about Synthetic element - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and various compounds human's created, doesn't that make us god?
or if life is the secret ingredient or patent of god, will we be god's once we are able to create artificial life?
Is GOD good or bad?
Because who created evil, injustice or diseases, parasites?


@doomgiver, u didnot give answers . If u think i am a moron with a peanut size brain, no problem. Please elaborate it then.

so, you watched darwin on tv? did you know the people on tv make stuff thats meant to be watched by 5 year olds as well as 60 year olds? do you know how much they "dumb down" info, t=so that they can broadcast it for a wide audience?

what you have done thats WRONG :

1. not given any sort of "proof".
2. you dont know what you talked about (read darwin? no?)
3. you made fundamentally flawed assumptions.
4. you dont understand what i've written. the very same stuff that i wrote against you, you twist it into something else and make it as the basis of your next statement. example : the preson coming back from death thing. i meant it that because you dont see something like that in real life, that means that its not allowed in physics. you twisted it by saying that the coming back of a person is magical. after that, you leave it. no proof, nothing. just that.

i advise you to stop posting, as you obviously dont understand how a debate works. you need to PROVE to the other party that your point is right. using proof, examples, deduction and a bit of guess-work. you dont just say that "Yes, god exists" and finish. its not gonna help.


@doomgiver ,
i am polite here from the start. But u are attacking personally all the time.
First u came up with a retard idea of solving all problem with accident.

u said ,"i can devastate the entire
east-west internet
backbone with one
carefully planted bomb."

>yea carefully planting bomb...is it an accident,if u carefully plant it??

You said,
"er, so what? in
accident no one comes
if someone had
"magically" come back
from life, then it'd be

> read and realise carefully. again i am asking. if the coming-back-to-life in a natuarlly dead body (well formed) seems strange and breaks 'RULEs OF THE WORLD' of u , then formation of a living human body from dust and fumes doesnot seem more strange and break more easily that 'rule of the world' of u?

And u said "it is not allowed in physics".

>what physics? How it is not allowed in physics?

I also have bonus question for you, your physics, your 'RULE OF THE WORLD'.
1. Physics once said, matter is not destructable. Now it says, no, it is transformable. Ok, will this basic law be consistant through out the future?
U see, physics law changes with time. Why? Because, natural phenomenon is what testify the validity of a physics law.
Now, just if, a dead man become alive what would physics law do? Would it dare to say no ? Never. Rather it will redefine its law.

2. What was there, before the bigbang?

3. What was before the time started?

Oh, another one, peacock tail. U said, that it took that pattern cause of the need to attract female.
I will say, wow how spontaneous and sophisticated automated creation. We need to see, so have a steroscopic binocular vision, we need to think, so we have a mysterious brain...
Oh, now i feel that our life is at great risk having only one blood-pumping organ, lets another heart be automatically created and adjusted through million years process.

Hell no way u/we can answer our all always-expanding-questions with science.
But , will 'the believing in the god' be able to? Well search by yourself guys.:)


Sith Lord
Staff member
What was there before big bang and time? Well nothing that we know of or can relate to in this universe, even if god created the universe and time, god exists independently of space and time, so he cannot fit into our scientific definition of reality, so whether or not big bang was intelligent has no real consequence for us because we can never escape the confines of our universe
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