** Post all your BSNL Broadband Related Queries Here **


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

the chages i said are for Sulabh plan(incomming only)
its 120/- Per month
so 120x12 = 1440(rental for whole year)
instead you can pay 1320 as time only then nothing will come as phone rental in ur bill
check *bsnl.in/service/tnc/basictariff.htm

mohit said:
Which plan is that ? Is that the Sulabh plan ? I was not being given Dataone facility on my Sulabh phone. Is it possible or is it some other plan ?
Dataone can installed on Sulabh plan there no problem at all,I have seen one of my friends was using dataone with Sulabh plan, may there must different policies for different circles.
But speaking technically there no problem because there no need to dail any number in dataone so it can be used with Sulabh plan. even i on my phone have also tried it.
once my incomming & outgoing were barred due to non-payment of bill
:D but still dataone was up and running
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The Hardware Labs
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

mohit said:
Hey people.

I am currently using BSNL Dataone broadband service and I would like to go wireless.

I want to know what all hardware (please post model nos as well) will I require if I want to go wireless with my lappy. The network should be decent in a large sized room.

I had the chance to use the wireless modem cum router provided by BSNL and it was made by Huwawei (I hope I spelled it right). It was very decent and simple to install and the best part was the modem was inbuilt in the router itself. It offered Wireless, USB and LAN connectivity in one single device and there was no need of anything else. As I said even the modem was in built.

I am looking for something like that but it should not be real expensive as well.

Please let me know what options I have.


Can somebody help me with that ?


Right off the assembly line
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

raj14 said:
Well maybe BSNL hasn't replaced their servers in your city, they surely did in my city:D

Hi guys,
Is there any way to use other accounts with one telephone line. I have some usernames and passwords, but I cant use them. So please tell me a solution.*www.thinkdigit.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_neutral.gif
Re: super SLOW night speeds

jack_the_ripper said:
hey guys,

i have been getting really slow download speeds at night time i.e., frm 2AM to 8AM... i am on 500 plan. i have observed that speeds are fine till 2 AM.

its like this..

1:45 to 2:00 - transfer rate:115 kBps
2:00 to 2:30 - transfer rate: 50 kBps
2:30 to 7:30 - transfer rate: 25-30 kBps
7:30 to 8:00 - transfer rate: 50 kBps
8:00 to 8:15 - transfer rate: 115 kBps [back on track]

is bsnl manually throttling the speeds during those times?? can i register any complain or is it a usual problem?

This is absolutely normal, the reason being, everyone who's got night unlimited takes advantage of the time between 2am to 8am. So, the users connecting to your local telephone exchange/city are downloading more during that time than any other time of day, resulting in constrained bandwidth for everyone!:mad:

mohit said:
Hey people.

I am currently using BSNL Dataone broadband service and I would like to go wireless.

I want to know what all hardware (please post model nos as well) will I require if I want to go wireless with my lappy. The network should be decent in a large sized room.

I had the chance to use the wireless modem cum router provided by BSNL and it was made by Huwawei (I hope I spelled it right). It was very decent and simple to install and the best part was the modem was inbuilt in the router itself. It offered Wireless, USB and LAN connectivity in one single device and there was no need of anything else. As I said even the modem was in built.

I am looking for something like that but it should not be real expensive as well.

Please let me know what options I have.


Well, as you suggested, the best option is a modem cum router rather than having a seperate modem and a router. Why don't you purchase BSNL's router itself? I reckon that is quite good comparing other modem/routers in the market. However options are limited for a modem cum router but you can find a lot of WiFi routers without modems.

Modem cum Router
  1. D-Link Wireless Router + Modem (DSL-G604T) -- Rs 4700/-
  2. Linksys Wireless Router + Modem (WCG200) -- Rs 4700/-
  3. Netgear Wireless Router + Modem (DG834G) -- Rs 3700/-
I would certainly recommend the netgear. It's not only cheaper but also very reliable and easy to use! Thousands of customers I know prefer the netgear over the others.

Router Only

Net Gear Wireless Router (WGR614) -- Rs 2200/-
D-Link Access Point (DWLG-2100AP) Wireless Upto 108Mbps -- Rs 3400/-
D-Link Wireless Router (DI-524) -- Rs 2300/-
Linksys Wireless Router (WRT54G) -- Rs 2800/-

The choise is yours!:)
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Tech Junkie'
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

hey ppl i recently applied for a bb connenction of bsnl...first they told us tht no modem was availabe so we bought one of netgear...then they told us tht theyu dnt hav any empty ports...so we waited a month and now the modem is not working....i took it to the ppl and they said it had to be tweaked so they accesed it's internal using "*" they changed some settings but when i bought it home...it didnt connect...then i asked them and they asked if the above url was being opened when i tried it...it didnt...now they r putting it off again..???plz help...why isnt it opening??....i also posted this post sumwhere else but got no reply...plz help me out??
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

herc said:
hey ppl i recently applied for a bb connenction of bsnl...first they told us tht no modem was availabe so we bought one of netgear...then they told us tht theyu dnt hav any empty ports...so we waited a month and now the modem is not working....i took it to the ppl and they said it had to be tweaked so they accesed it's internal using "*" they changed some settings but when i bought it home...it didnt connect...then i asked them and they asked if the above url was being opened when i tried it...it didnt...now they r putting it off again..???plz help...why isnt it opening??....i also posted this post sumwhere else but got no reply...plz help me out??

Ok, here's what you'll need to do:

  1. First, click on start, go to run and then type 'cmd' without the inverted commas and then hit enter or click on 'OK'
  2. Now, you'll get a black command prompt window. If you don't get this, then either your administrator has restricted your access or cmd is missing from root directory.
  3. Once you get the command prompt, just type in 'ipconfig' without the commas. You just need to type without clicking on anything.
  4. Now you should get something like this:
Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 7:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

If you don't get anything like this, then there is some problem with your LAN card or drivers or maybe your LAN connection is disabled in network connections. Try reinstalling the LAN card through device manager if it's a problem with the drivers. Or, if its disabled in the control panel, right click on the local area connection and enable it.

Your Default Gateway address will be your Router's internal I.P address. This is the address that you'll need to access the router to make any configuration changes on the router.

Here's were you'll need to be careful:

Now, on the same command prompt window, type 'ping your_default_gateway_IP_address' eg: ping

You are supposed to get something like this:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

If you get this, then it shows that your router is communicating properly with your computer. However, if you get something like this:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss)

Then it means, your router is not talking your computer or vice versa. Also, it could be your firewall. Try disabling all your firewalls and anti virus and try ping again.

If the ping is successfull, then you can try accessing the router interface to make the necessary changes you want. However, if it still doesn't come up (doesn't even ask for router username and password), then it could be a problem with your browser.

Try these steps and let me know the outcome.:p


Tech Junkie'
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

thanks for the step by step help....man...but i alredy tried all tht....it ws a prob. in hte os only i reinstalled it...found it when i was trying to manually setup the conection...neways its wurking fine now....thanks anyway...man!!!


The Hardware Labs
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

@Help is here
Thanks for helping me out. I am planning to go with Netgear as well :)


Broken In
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

I have bsnl data one connection...mostilly i do get download speed around 45 to 50 KBPS..pls tell watts diffrence betwen kbps and KBPS>?
THANKS in adavnce.
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

direfulsky said:
I have bsnl data one connection...mostilly i do get download speed around 45 to 50 KBPS..pls tell watts diffrence betwen kbps and KBPS>?
THANKS in adavnce.

Kbps = Kilo bits per second
KBps = Kilo Bytes per second

1 Byte = 8 bits

So, when you transfer a 1MB file, it's one MegaByte and not bit.

So, if you have a transfer speed of 1MBps, then it willl take 1sec to download. 1MBps = 8Mbps.

So, when you mean your dataone connection is running at 2Mbps, the maximum throuhput/transfer rate you can achieve is 250KBps or 2000Kbps.

I hope it's clear!:)


Broken In
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Hello friends!

I am a bit frustrated now trying for the past few hours to successfully open the ports for my client (Azureus). I am on bsnl 500 plan, with Huawei SmartAX MT880 modem.. i found out that port forwarding is important to get good speeds, but however have i tried I am not able to get past the following error:

NAT Error: IP Address:port no. Connection Time Out 20 secs.

I tried instructions on portforward.com but to no avail. I have created virtual servers but that didnt help too.. I am using ZoneAlarm firewall (not anti-virus) but disabling it makes no difference. Plz can anybody help me out?



Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

xsreality said:
Hello friends!

I am a bit frustrated now trying for the past few hours to successfully open the ports for my client (Azureus). I am on bsnl 500 plan, with Huawei SmartAX MT880 modem.. i found out that port forwarding is important to get good speeds, but however have i tried I am not able to get past the following error:

NAT Error: IP Address:port no. Connection Time Out 20 secs.

I tried instructions on portforward.com but to no avail. I have created virtual servers but that didnt help too.. I am using ZoneAlarm firewall (not anti-virus) but disabling it makes no difference. Plz can anybody help me out?

why don't you Enable UnNP in router & azureus ?
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

xsreality said:
Hello friends!

I am a bit frustrated now trying for the past few hours to successfully open the ports for my client (Azureus). I am on bsnl 500 plan, with Huawei SmartAX MT880 modem.. i found out that port forwarding is important to get good speeds, but however have i tried I am not able to get past the following error:

NAT Error: IP Address:port no. Connection Time Out 20 secs.

I tried instructions on portforward.com but to no avail. I have created virtual servers but that didnt help too.. I am using ZoneAlarm firewall (not anti-virus) but disabling it makes no difference. Plz can anybody help me out?


  1. Enable upnp in Azureus
  2. Enable tcp, udp & pnp in Windows Firewall
  3. Enable tcp, udp & upnp on the modem
If this doesn't work Try using ports 53000-63000 instead of the default.


On the net
How can I connect my laptop and desktop in Dataone 500?

How can I connect my laptop and desktop in Dataone 500? I have connected my laptop thru USB and I want to connect my desktop using the LAN port cause my LAN port is not working in laptop. And also when I am connecting my Laptop to internet thru USB I am getting 12mbps whereas in LAN I get 100 mbps! Whats the reason behind. And my computer says when connected to internet "limited or no connectivity". I dont know why? Can I get the same speed in USB as I used to get in LAN, and also how to connect the both?

Waiting for someones help.

Re: How can I connect my laptop and desktop in Dataone 500?

arnab2kool said:
How can I connect my laptop and desktop in Dataone 500? I have connected my laptop thru USB and I want to connect my desktop using the LAN port cause my LAN port is not working in laptop. And also when I am connecting my Laptop to internet thru USB I am getting 12mbps whereas in LAN I get 100 mbps! Whats the reason behind. And my computer says when connected to internet "limited or no connectivity". I dont know why? Can I get the same speed in USB as I used to get in LAN, and also how to connect the both?

Waiting for someones help.


Dude, if you are using the modem that BSNL provided, then it will connect only with either the USB or the LAN. You cannot have both the USB and the LAN working at the same time. For that, you will need to get a router or buy a switch and connect it to your modem and conect both your laptop and PC to the switch with a LAN cable. If you don't, then you are bound to get the error 'Limited or no Connectivity'

As far as the speeds are concerned. The USB 1.0 transfer is limited to 12Mbps. However, LAN works at 100Mbps. It's something that you can't change. But, you don't need to worry about it. Because, you are really not going to get the speed that you see. You won't get a speed of more than 2Mbps even if you use the USB or the LAN, because that is the speed of your connection to the internet. The speed that you see displayed is the speed between your laptop/PC and the modem and not the actual speed of your line. So, it doesn't make a difference even if it's USB or LAN.


On the net
Re: How can I connect my laptop and desktop in Dataone 500?

Help~Is~Here said:
Dude, if you are using the modem that BSNL provided, then it will connect only with either the USB or the LAN. You cannot have both the USB and the LAN working at the same time. For that, you will need to get a router or buy a switch and connect it to your modem and conect both your laptop and PC to the switch with a LAN cable. If you don't, then you are bound to get the error 'Limited or no Connectivity'

As far as the speeds are concerned. The USB 1.0 transfer is limited to 12Mbps. However, LAN works at 100Mbps. It's something that you can't change. But, you don't need to worry about it. Because, you are really not going to get the speed that you see. You won't get a speed of more than 2Mbps even if you use the USB or the LAN, because that is the speed of your connection to the internet. The speed that you see displayed is the speed between your laptop/PC and the modem and not the actual speed of your line. So, it doesn't make a difference even if it's USB or LAN.

Thanks mate, for the information. I have another question. I have a network card named 22mbps. I have the cd too. I installed the wireless lan driver, pcmcia driver but I cant use the wireless feature. Any solutions for this?


Broken In
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Help~Is~Here said:
  1. Enable upnp in Azureus
  2. Enable tcp, udp & pnp in Windows Firewall
  3. Enable tcp, udp & upnp on the modem
If this doesn't work Try using ports 53000-63000 instead of the default.

gary4gar said:
why don't you Enable UnNP in router & azureus ?

Thanx for the replies...

1. upnp is enabled by default in Azureus.
2. I am not having SP2, so windows firewall is not there.. though I have allowed ports for TCP, UDP in zonealarm.. but as disabling ZA also doesnt help, so problem must be in router and not in firewall. modem firewall is also disabled.
3. upnp is already enabled on the modem. How exactly should I enable TCP, UDP on modem.. there is no such option.. if you mean creating virtual server then i have done that already.
4. My port no. is 53552. its in the range u suggested.

I read in another forum that this problem arises due to corrupted router configuration.. what does that mean? How can it be corrected?


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

@Xsreality: You first have to set a static IP to your PC, and then forward ports..

First follow the instructions in this link..

Then follow this...

I know you've mentioned that ypu have already tried the instructions in portforward.com.. But still I want to make sure that you have made the first step also. I've been using azureus with no problems afetr I successfully forwarded ports using these instructions.. :D
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