** Post all your BSNL Broadband Related Queries Here **


left this forum longback
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

ur in trivendrum,right? then there will be a core server in trivendrum also :confused:


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

But when i run
sudo pppoe-discovery
i get the same results as yours.
Maybe the whole of Kerala is on a single access concentrator.

Access-Concentrator: EKM-RAS-CSR-01
AC-Ethernet-Address: 00:e0:fc:3e:80:89


left this forum longback
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

another thing is whole of dataone (NIB) are given from somewhere in bangalore(no sources)
and cellone(mobile) have whole settings for TN and kerala in koyambattoor.
source: (spy in business 8) )


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

... commn guyz .. plz help..................i hav d UT-300R2U modem.. now every time the power goes off..... the modem resets itself and i will again have to enter the username and password in the modem configuration page... everyday i hav 2 do this .. now what is d solution so that i dnt hav 2 entr user name nd psswrd evrytime power goes off.. another problem is that d modem default confirratn is of PPPOE.. now even if i change it 2 bridge mode,, once power goes off, th modem stting goes back 2 PPPOE mode. nd i hav 2 enter user name nd passwrd again.. what is d solution???


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Do u save your configuration in the router? The username and password has to be saved and the modem has to be rebooted to save the changes. Unless u do so, u will have to keep on entering your credentials again and again.


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

i save my user name nd password in d modem configuratn page.. but once power goes off.. nd modem is again restarted.. the setting goes to default one.. whre user name is GUEST and password is blank.. every power goes off here.. so evryday. i hav 2 enter d username pasword.. wht 2 do?? another solution is there but i dont knw how 2 implemnt it.. the default settng is PPPOE.. if somehow default setting can be Bridge mode.. then no need 2 enter username nd password.. just cliick on the connectn .. so how 2 do it? Waitng for replies..


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Ok so u need to know how to configure your modem to work in bridged connection, rite? Here it is. Look behind the modem and u should find the reset pin. Hold the reset button for 10 secs (while the modem is still powered up). After about 10 secs release the reset button. Your modem will boot into its default configuration. Then do as instructed on *mydataone.net//pages/configuration/dialer-mode/ut-star-300r2u-adsl-modemrouter.php . U need to have JRE installed properly for the images to be displayed properly.

If u wish to use your modem in PPPoE mode, do as instructed on *mydataone.net//pages/configuration/router-mode/ut300r2uold.php or *mydataone.net//pages/configuration/router-mode/ut300r2uold.php according to the modem being new or old.

Hope this brings an end to your connection woes !! :)


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Non technical question, I'm from Hyderabad and have applied for BSNL Dataone connection and I'm from Redhills, how long does it usually take for the connection to be installed/activated?
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

i hav d UT-300R2U modem.. now every time the power goes off..... the modem resets itself and i will again have to enter the username and password in the modem configuration page... everyday i hav 2 do this .. now what is d solution so that i dnt hav 2 entr user name nd psswrd evrytime power goes off.. another problem is that d modem default confirratn is of PPPOE.. now even if i change it 2 bridge mode,, once power goes off, th modem stting goes back 2 PPPOE mode. nd i hav 2 enter user name nd passwrd again.. what is d solution???
Never heard somthing like this.
The Modem shud not reset after power on/off..
and even I use my router in pppoe mode...but I was never required to enter my id and pass everytime.


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Non technical question, I'm from Hyderabad and have applied for BSNL Dataone connection and I'm from Redhills, how long does it usually take for the connection to be installed/activated?
It depends upon the port availability on your exchange. If free ports are available u should be getting connected within a week.


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

guys.. i knw how 2 use.. modem in PPPOE or BRIdge mode.. the problem is that the setting goes to default one ie PPPOE( with username as GUEST and pasrd as blank) whenever the power goes off ie. modem shuts down... evry time power goes.. i have 2 again put d password nd username.. Now tell me how 2 1) keep the modem default setting 2 bridge mode instead of PPPOE mode.. 2) is there any way the modem saves my username nd password ..evene when the power goes off..


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

guys.. i knw how 2 use.. modem in PPPOE or BRIdge mode.. the problem is that the setting goes to default one ie PPPOE( with username as GUEST and pasrd as blank) whenever the power goes off ie. modem shuts down... evry time power goes.. i have 2 again put d password nd username.. Now tell me how 2 1) keep the modem default setting 2 bridge mode instead of PPPOE mode.. 2) is there any way the modem saves my username nd password ..evene when the power goes off..
Do you save them?


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

yes i save them,... apply button is there.. i click on that ..


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Mere clicking apply wont save it bro. Like mentioned by gary4gar, it has to be saved on the ROM of the modem...Look through the various options, u should find something like Save and Reboot



Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Mere clicking apply wont save it bro. Like mentioned by gary4gar, it has to be saved on the ROM of the modem...Look through the various options, u should find something like Save and Reboot

don't you think using ROM word confused things.
As ROM stands for Read-only memory.
So its read ONLY then how could you write to it?

PS: I wanted to just refresh my knowledge. maybe i am wrong


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

don't you think using ROM word confused things.
As ROM stands for Read-only memory.
So its read ONLY then how could you write to it?

PS: I wanted to just refresh my knowledge. maybe i am wrong

WoW...didnt expect that coming !!

Ok here it is...in the strictest sense ROM refers to mask ROM which is designed and fabricated with the desired data permanently stored in it, and thus can never be modified. But modern types of ROM such as EPROM and flash EEPROM can be erased and re-programmed multiple times. They are still described as "read-only memory" because the reprogramming process is generally infrequent, comparatively slow.

Hope this clears the confusion.


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Hi.... i hav a questiion.. i am living near Pune. My home town is in Kolkata..now..i have dataone here and in Kolkata.. but the dataone is POrt BInded here .. i cant use my kolkata dataone username nd passwrd.. can i request my local Exchange to remove the port binding..?? is it possibe?? what is done to remove port binding? physically what is done for port binding??


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Dont know about your place, but in here port-binding is removed on request. We have to give a written request along with proof that both telephone connections are on the same subscriber's credentials. But there are some points to be kept in mind. NIB - I and NIB - II accounts cannot be used on the same telephone line.
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