** Post all your BSNL Broadband Related Queries Here **


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

my IP is 59.xx.xx.xx something.. but i have to login 2 new portal with portal ID.. so m i in NIB I or NIB-II


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Are u sure your ip is 59.xx.xx.xx ?? Because i thought only the IPs starting 117.xx.xx.xx could access the newer usage checking portal. 59.xx.xx.xx comes under NIB I and 117.xx.xx.xx comes under NIB II expansion phase.


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

when cheking speed with dataone speedtest.. it shows ip as 59.XX. something..

59.9X.208.7X.. is waht it showed now..
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Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

run "cmd" in run box,then enter "ipconfig /all" it will show all details in a window$ xp system.


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

yes.. its a 59.XX.XXX.XX ip adress.. does it mean i am in NIB I..???


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**


my net is really screwed up.

i couldnt connect since ~8pm

it wud connect for few seconds & then die:x

now i'm using open dns. lets see how long the net lives.


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

WoW...didnt expect that coming !!

Ok here it is...in the strictest sense ROM refers to mask ROM which is designed and fabricated with the desired data permanently stored in it, and thus can never be modified. But modern types of ROM such as EPROM and flash EEPROM can be erased and re-programmed multiple times. They are still described as "read-only memory" because the reprogramming process is generally infrequent, comparatively slow.

Hope this clears the confusion.
Thanks a lot!
As my User title says I am a curious guy:p
so asked


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Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

^we are experiencing in kerala too! :evil: slow connections :(


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

from february the BSNL in Kolkata set their download speed to the user 214 KBps to 196KBps. No one can download above the speed 196KBps. BSNL is cheating their coustomear.


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Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

^my speeds are normal from past 2 days :p getting around 220KB/s :)


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Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

^Nope :( .I have to call the bsnl guy to know more,will do later.
BTW,UT300R2U modem is crap when compared to good ol' huawei MT series :( guess my decision was wrong exchanging huawei for UTSTARCOM modem :( this modem has got lot of problems ranging from no pppoe dialer ?

@cool tech:if u want,I can give u Ernakulam core server number?do u want?


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Yes, i too miss my old MT880. Now my UTStar 300R2U has also stopped working and am on UTStar 300R2 ADSL modem (which i got with Reliance Broadnet connection). UTStar modems are pathetic :(


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Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

guess I have to buy a dlink 502T router for myself.but my bsnl friend insist that buying a router/modem is a waste of money what 2 do?waht 2 do? :?


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

^my speeds are normal from past 2 days :p getting around 220KB/s :)

Because I think you are not in Kolkata or if you leave in kolkata and use Internet Download Manager to see download speed you dont see the correct download speed. IDM shows fake download speed. If you use IDM to download and want to see the correct download speed then Install Bandwith Monitor. Start the download and at the same time open the Bandwith Monitor. Here you can see the correct download speed in Bandwith Monitor. If you use torrent client then you dont need to install Bandwith Monitor because Torrent client ( Azureus, Utorrent etc etc ) dont shows fake download speed.
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Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

^I use GNU/Linux Only;no windows!.and the speeds are correct :) more or less constant 218-220KBps :)
No,I am in Kerala.before 2 days back,the speeds are real low !


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

guess I have to buy a dlink 502T router for myself.but my bsnl friend insist that buying a router/modem is a waste of money what 2 do?waht 2 do? :?
I am planning to take BSNL modem as rental. Although it amounts to 60/- per month as rental charges, we can demand any router/modem from them. Am particularly interested in Siemens/Nokia-Siemens router, which they had introduced some months ago.


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Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

^I am already on rental as u can guess!:p but they are not ready to give siemens/other new modems :( as they are saying there is lack of modems for new connxn blah....
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