Overheating problems


Adam young
mob model is asrock g31m-vs2.smps is frontech 450w(one which i got with my cabinet).in asrock website they have written that motherboard supports overclocking and i have also seen overclocking option in bios.thank you.


i need some overclocking help.up to what extent i can overclock my intel pentium dual core E5500 processor.as default its speed is 2.8GHz.can i increase its speed to about 3.4-3.5GHz?

E5500 is little stove , u definitely need a third party cooler off-course as tkin said u need to mention which mobo r u using !


Adam young
E5500 is little stove , u definitely need a third party cooler off-course as tkin said u need to mention which mobo r u using !

i have already posted it above(above your post).thank you


Adam young
E5500 is little stove , u definitely need a third party cooler off-course as tkin said u need to mention which mobo r u using !

i have already posted it above(above your post) and your are right about that little stove bcoz even when i play games like nfs most wanted its temperature reaches to 68-70C.thank you


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ what is speedfan is showing to you is tcase ( cpu heat spreader temp ) temp.

use realtemp to know about core temps ( tjmax ) of your cpu and post the idle and load temps in here.


Adam young
these are the screen shot of real temp when i tested it in my computer.when i used prime 95 for the loader test,after about 40sec my core temperature reached more than 100C.


Adam young
plz reply me about overclocking my processor and can i use 3-4 8omm case fans in my cabinet which is having frontech 450w smps?Is there any 80mm case fan which makes less noise,i bought two zebronics 80mm fans but it makes a lot of noise or is there any way to reduce its noise?thank you.


Back to school!!
plz reply me about overclocking my processor and can i use 3-4 8omm case fans in my cabinet which is having frontech 450w smps?Is there any 80mm case fan which makes less noise,i bought two zebronics 80mm fans but it makes a lot of noise or is there any way to reduce its noise?thank you.
No, you can't.

You need to buy:
1. A better PSU, 600w for cooler master or 450w for corsair(~4K).
2. A good cpu cooler for about 3-5k.

If you try to oc now, your pc will just BLOW UP.


Adam young
can u tell me about those temperature shown by real temp,are they too high or normal and i have already overclocked iby 0.3GHz.do i need to reduce it back(those results of real temp are after overclocking and i have not seen much difference in temperature between the results of after oc and before)


Adam young
can u tell me about those temperature shown by real temp,are they too high or normal and i have already overclocked it by 0.3GHz.do i need to reduce it back(those results of real temp are after overclocking and i have not seen much difference in temperature between the results of after oc and before)


Back to school!!
can u tell me about those temperature shown by real temp,are they too high or normal and i have already overclocked it by 0.3GHz.do i need to reduce it back(those results of real temp are after overclocking and i have not seen much difference in temperature between the results of after oc and before)
Do not oc, your psu is weak to handle the load and your stock cooler will not be able to dissipate the extra heat, 300MHz is a high overclock, you'll not see issues right away but your oc will damage your components over time, your cpu is good enough for anything right now, like decoding 1080p video and stuff, you don't need the extra speed, oc'ing is for people who mostly want to brag about their 3dmark score.


Super Moderator
Staff member
@ sukesh1090 - those temps are really high and turn off all the OC as tkin has said and enable all cpu power management options in bios setting - that should reduce the cpu temp.

what mobo do you have ?

get a good psu like corsair CX400W or Gigabyte superb 460W and dithch the current PSU you have.

what cabby do you have ?

get some ball bearing based amigo/glacial 80mm fans - they should keep the noise low - each piece can cost 150 bucks.

Get a good cpu cooler like CM Hyper TX3 @1.4k or Hyper 212+ @ 1.8k.

BTW, try remounting the cpu heatsink first with some good TIM like CM nano fusion or Arctic silver or MX - a little tube of these cpu thermal paste can cost you around 350-400 bucks.


Adam young
I have asrock g31m-vs2 motherboard.i have downclocked the processor to normal but still i don't see such a difference in the temp.I don't know how to fit heat sink to processor and applying thermal paste to it.can you give me more information about changing voltage in the bios?thank you.

@ sukesh1090 - those temps are really high and turn off all the OC as tkin has said and enable all cpu power management options in bios setting - that should reduce the cpu temp.

what mobo do you have ?

get a good psu like corsair CX400W or Gigabyte superb 460W and dithch the current PSU you have.

what cabby do you have ?

get some ball bearing based amigo/glacial 80mm fans - they should keep the noise low - each piece can cost 150 bucks.

Get a good cpu cooler like CM Hyper TX3 @1.4k or Hyper 212+ @ 1.8k.

BTW, try remounting the cpu heatsink first with some good TIM like CM nano fusion or Arctic silver or MX - a little tube of these cpu thermal paste can cost you around 350-400 bucks.

i detached the heat sink from the processor,there was some grey colored substance may be thermal compound;-).so once again do i need to add the thermal compound?is there any use of it?does psu effects the temperature of the processor?thank you.
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Aspiring Novelist
Remove the residual thermal paste using Isopropyl Alcohol -- from a chemist. Dip in cloth a bit, and remove it. Make sure no liquid gets on the socket bay.

PSU does not affect the temperature of the CPU,.


Adam young
Remove the residual thermal paste using Isopropyl Alcohol -- from a chemist. Dip in cloth a bit, and remove it. Make sure no liquid gets on the socket bay.

PSU does not affect the temperature of the CPU,.

i contacted a service man here and i told him that i bought a computer 10 days back and it is over heating.he told me that its not the mistake of thermal compound intel will provide a good thermal compound with their processor and it takes 3-4 years to get dried and he told there must be any problem in the cooler fan then i told him it is working correctly.so,i think there is something other problem.guys can u tell me what he told about the thermal compound is it true?plz suggest any solution my problem or tell according to you what the problem cold be?thank you.
guys do you think the culprit may be the voltage?
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I'm in udupi too lol. Just go to syscomp and see if they have thermal paste. Also make sure your cpu voltages are correct. Use everest for that if it wasn't already suggested.


Adam young
i have Everest but i don't know the correct voltage.in bios i found these options,vtt voltage-1.10v,1.20v,1.37v,1.46v. NB vol-1.272v,1.319v. +1.5v-1.5125v,1.5651v.at present these are all set to auto please suggest me for what voltage should i set the above categories.
redlofredlof where is this syscomp what do you think about prime computers,maithri complex,near bus stand.thank you.
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