nintendo caters for kids and casual audience... you may not want to accept it but this is the truth. And the casual market segment is quickly losing out to smartphones and tablets, soon with wireless output companies like nintendo will lose their battles to them.
you can mark my words, if nintendo does not soon enough start changing how it makes games, and for whom it makes games... its not here to stay very long
if you dont own gt yourself, then you dont say. just pass the driving test plz. Polyphony digital is more than a studio FYI . If you are considering games with learning curves then cs 1.6 the best one, alongwith dota and racing games like grid and simulators like gran turismo. It hardly takes 2~4 hours to get used to the weapons mechanics and all. Killzone and quake are on 2 different sides. killzone multiplayer is in a league of its own. you cant say,no health packs so therefore its not hardcore. Just look up hardcore gaming and see what it means first. I dont play mortal kombat, i havent played SMG, zelda, NSMBWii and zombi U if a game has 20+ hours of gameplay or has a complex storyline doesnt mean its hardcore. Thats like saying if need for speed had 200 hours of gameplay it would be hardcore. I have played mario kart and its not all that difficult you claim it to be.
if i want to play a zombie game, why wont i chose left 4 dead. ? or dead island? you are trying to justify that nintendo titles are for hardcore gamers, the fact is they are not... you are using the complex storyline and deep characters to read the game as hardcore. If you want hardcore then play Final Fantasy or play metal gear solid and hitman series and skyrim .. that is hardcore.
With each level of metal gear solid there are so many ways you can achieve the same goals, same with hitman
yes.. so ? the point was that by the time this turns into a profit for nintendo it will be too late.
Nintendo make games for Jal-Pan-Neas.
Sony vs Rest of the ConsoleMakers
Quake is more hardcore than Killzone because it is more difficult and has a higher skill ceiling. Have you played MK in 150/100cc? It is definitely harder than GT. If you think Mario Kart is easy please come first place in Rainbow Road while playing on 150cc. Just because Mario Kart has an easy mode doesn't mean it is not hard core.
My point was that Zombi U isn't like Dead Island or Left 4 Dead. It is closer to Resident Evil 1 and Day Z. It is one where you concentrate on survival rather than killing zombies. One is action and the other is Survival Horror. In Zombi U you move slowly, don't have ultra powerful weapons to blast zombies off and must rely on your senses to survive. One Zombie bite is enough to kill you. If you try and go on a Zombie blasting spree then you will die.
I define hardcore games that require a lot of skill and patience to master. I agree that MGS and Hitman are Hardcore. GT and Killzone aren't. Nintendo has games for hardcore gamers. Their core games, especially on the Wii U are targeted towards them. If your top 5 best selling games include Zombi U and Monster Hunter then you are anything but casual. Xenoblade Chronicles is hardcore, The Last Story is hardcore, Pandoras Tower is hardcore. Shin Megami Tensei is hardcore. Fire Emblem is hardcore. Golden Sun is hardcore. Sin & Punishment is hardcore. Baten Kaitos is hardcore. Advance Wars is hardcore. Battalion Wars is hardcore. Kid Icarus is hardcore. Pokemon Conquest is hardcore. The Wonderful 101 is hardcore. Metroid is hardcore. Metroid Prime is hardcore. Super Smash Brothers is hardcore.
Nintendo has plenty of hardcore games. You just choose to ignore them.
I certainly am not using complex story lines and deep characters to define a game as hardcore. If i was then Mario and Pokemon would never be considered hardcore.
The game is controlled using either the Classic Controller, or with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. Although it is a Wii-exclusive, it foregoes the use of IR aiming when using the Wii Remote, opting one instead to use the joystick on the Nunchuk for looking ("Seeking" in the game's vernacular) and aiming the crossbow or to indicate targets for magical attacks.
The game includes unique abilities such as "Gathering", which allows Zael to draw the attention of enemies to buy time for his allies to cast spells while absorbing the damage of his enemies attacks to then send it back at them. "Focus" allows you to order allies to make long range attacks at specific targets and see the weaknesses of enemies. A sequence in the first trailer for the game shows an example of the focus ability being used to order Yurick to cast fire magic in order to destroy a bridge with enemies on it.[8] Pointers show which allies are being targeted at any given time.[9]
The game also features a cover system and over the shoulder viewpoint, while making use of rapid fire crossbows in a manner similar to third-person shooters.[10] In addition, the game also features real-time strategy elements, allowing the player to issue commands to other characters in real-time.[5][11] This includes directing allies, telling magic users to destroy bridges, stalagmites, columns or specific far away enemies, for example.[11] The game also features stealth elements, such as the abilities to "hide behind cover and pepper unsuspecting guards with arrows, luring them out on their own for a stealth attack, or pick off dangerous mages and healers from a distance"[5]
you notice something? you are using the word "japanese" a lot. There are 100+ other countries in the world apart from japan and make up 99.9999% of the population. They all say this... but its not the same thing. Video games are mainly sold in America and Europe, basically these countries / continents are the ones which drive sales. granted wii was a fantastic revolution at its time, but now its not the same thing
if you dont have the particular audience for a game how will it sell ? have you seen the recent shift? call of duty games used to be based on the world war era, but they changed it with cod 4 and its huge reception...shows is a change in the mental attitude of the gamers , we dont want old... same characters... bull **** stories .. People want change . A major reason for sales of ps3 Ip's was their freshness. Uncharted brought in a new experience.... AAA hollywood movie style cinematic and story line, awesome graphics and good multiplayer.
with nintendo all i am seeing is their past 10 years creations are bearing fruit. 99% of the people here wouldnt like to play mario and zelda if they had the time / resources. Its not the time period for it anymore. in the 1980's the difference was that majority of the people who bought video games were kids and teens... not adults. And if you check wikipedia, the average age of the gamer is 30 in america and 23 in USA, so i dont think 30 year olds will want to play zelda.
thats the reason that games like call of duty, gears of war and other games sweep the ground. games like battlefield are much more intensive and sell a lot better because there is a huge market for such people.
for people who want light gaming do buy nintendo, so do kids. but this is changing the rapid evolution in the society has brought a revolution with games which are closer to reality. David cage himself said that he would like for the gamers to experience real emotion with the game. If nintendo Wii-U was such a big revolution why did not he go to nintendo ?
nintendo caters for kids and casual audience... you may not want to accept it but this is the truth. And the casual market segment is quickly losing out to smartphones and tablets, soon with wireless output companies like nintendo will lose their battles to them.
Dude, have you even played Super Mario Galaxy?
The Vita has sold between 2.5mil - 3mil while the Wii U has sold over 4mil.
Nintendo's Wii U division has already made money for them while the Vita division hasn't broken even.
The Wii U will survive. It has the full force of Nintendo behind it. Namco, Capcom, Temco Koei, Atlus et al have pledged support for the console. You have Warner, Ubi, Acti and Disney on board. The 3DS got nil western dev support, yet look at where it is now. Compare that to the Vita for which a lot of Western Devs were promising games.
EA was going to support the console until they decided they wanted Origin on Nintendo Network and Nintendo said no to that.
The Wii U may not have large numbers but it has a high attach rate so the Wii U division is making money already. Nintendo had said that they just need to sell one FP game of 2 TP games to make each unit profitable. This is not counting the eshop.
Nintendo has shown that it can turn consoles around. See: Gameboy Advance, DS, 3DS. They survived and their games kicked ass on the N64 and Gamecube.
@d3p somethingsomethingpiracysomethingdevmoney[/something]
Lets see the PS3 get games like SMG, Skyward Sword, Sin & Punishment, Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story and Metroid Prime.
Seriously, give the Wii U a try. I personally didn't expect it to be this awesome. I bought it because there was no way i was willing to miss on the Legend of Zelda, Platinum Games', Retro Studios' and Monolith Soft's projects, 3D Mario, Monster Hunter and Rayman Legends. Nintendoland, Lego City Undercover, ZombiU etc. were unexpected, surprisingly good bonuses. Asymmetrical multiplayer is really a lot of fun. Off TV play is great too. Its low power draw(75W max TDP) means that i can play for hours into a power cut off my UPS.
yes mario and pokemon are NOT hardcore
wait gran turismo isnt hardcore? wait
take a look at this. do this in +/- 20s of this guys time and ill agree, post a screenshot or it never happened
who told you that quake has a higher skill ceiling? its a point and shoot game.
what is so hardcore? in all these games? really i fail to understand they are your usual hack and slash. Show me where it says filed under hardcore game.
this like dota, only on a smaller scale... its pretty easy to understand how this game works, just by reading about it.
lets assume i consider games as these hardcore for 1 minute, how many of them have been sold ? 0.51 million not even close compared to other h/c titles.
The Last Story - Wii - VGChartz
so where is your multiplayer base? where is the hard in the hardcore or the core in the hardcore ??? i see none
even in japan, out of the top 10 selling titles, 5 are from the playstation line up
Call of Duty, Battlefield and Gears of War are casual games. Right now casual games which take focus off gameplay has taken off in the west. Nintendo and other Japanese games still focus on gameplay. A lot of The Legend of Zelda is targeted towards adults. If not we wouldn't have games like Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess. The story in the Wind Waker is certainly not targeted towards children even if it is appropriate for them. I use the word 'Japanese' a lot because Japanese devs still make the best games and most of the games I buy for consoles tend to be Japanese. A lot of 30 years olds play TLoZ. Most of Nintendo's games are anything but light. There is a reason ultra high difficulty is known as Nintendohard and gaming related RSIs are known as Nintendoitis. Skyward Sword and Wind Waker express much better emotion than Heavy Rain. The Wii U is not a revolution in storytelling it is an evolution in gameplay, which i happen to think is the most important part of a game. Nintendo caters to hardcore audiences too. It doesn't cater to the casual audience which buys games like CoD and FIFA. you may not want to accept it but this is the truth. Nintendo has clearly stated that with the Wii U the focus is back on the hardcore gamers.
I personally thought that uncharted was 7/10 at most. The gameplay was absolutely horrible and the camera really sucked. No amount of graphics and cinematics can compensate for that.
I personally thought that uncharted was 7/10 at most. The gameplay was absolutely horrible and the camera really sucked. No amount of graphics and cinematics can compensate for that.
Mario is certainly hardcore. Its first few worlds are easy enough but by the time you get to world 5 in 3D and 7 in 2D, it starts to show you how difficult it can be.
The Last Story is like DOTA?. A third person action adventure JRPG is like a MOBA?
It is hardcore because you need to be skilled to play through it and complete it. It is not a hack and slash game by any definition. It is hardcore because you need to be skilled at the game to beat it. If you aren't fast enough and don't monitor and command your team mates carefully you die easily.
I think you are confusing 'Playstation' with 3DS.
I am not going to debate which one offers more hardcore titles or not but just pointing out to couple of facts. Today, when we play games, it is not just about the game play but also for the Graphics quality, character modelling, advanced Graphics options to make it look more realistic, use of Physics Engine etc. There are plenty of PC games which sold like nothing just because of graphics quality while having not so good quality game play experience.
Now, we are having 4K LED TVs and while using consoles, a majority of the population will look for a better quality graphics. Now both Xbox Next and PS4, catching up with the powerful PC hardware, offering a lot to the game developers which was never experienced before. On that time each of the consoles was using different architecture based hardware with different API to code with and developers used to have very hard time to port a game of specific platform to another. Also, PS3, XBOX 360 or the Wii was outclassed long back in terms of hardware power. So while PC games was offering superior game quality, those console games were forced to use stripped down capabilities of the PC version.
But now when XBOX NEXT and PS4 both are armed with very powerful hardware and same X86 architecture, Game developers will be having the liberty to enhance or bring new graphical features to the games without thinking much about the console performance. Also both XBox Next and PS4 are using new technology marvels like Heterogeneous Computing by fusing the CPU and GPU power together through their customized OS, can be tweaked to a great degree by the developers to greatly enhance the image quality compared to their older brothers. Coding will be easy as slightly modified DirectX 11 (in case of XBOX NEXT) or OpenCL (in case of PS4) can be used to develop advanced gaming engines for them.
Now here the Wii fails short. Armed with a very weak HD 4670 and IBM Power PC architecture based CPU, which is obsolete for years and an CPU architecture which is not at all suitable for any kind of gaming programming with advanced features, it will simply not able to keep up with the technical advancement in Gaming industry.
^^ Yes, but those ip's should be a bit matured. Not another mario or zelda please.
That mario character is really starting to get in my nerves.
Actually there are some good games in wii/wii u worth playing such "The Last Story" and "Xeno Blade Chronicles".
These had bagged some good reviews and promise deeper storytelling but sports stone-age graphics.
I would still choose games like skyrim and witcher over them.
Honestly yes, i had played super mario galaxy on a wii back in 2010. But after the first two levels or so , it bugged me a lot and i had to keep it aside for mature games like mirror's edge at that time. These games might be a bit hardcore from a gameplay perspective but lacks maturity. All the exclusive nintendo ip's you mentioned lacks maturity and is targeted towards a much much younger age group. There are very very few matured titles in nintendo's inventory and thus its sales are so poor. Tell me a nintendo title with an engrossing story and mature theme?
And seriously, you are comparing mario kart with gran turismo?The only other title that can challenge gran turismo series head on is forza. Its the pinnacle of racing and nowhere near casual. Its not your average arcade racer like NFS series. The game sports realistic driving physics and is almost close to the real thing. Believe it or not, Nascar and formula 1 drivers play simulators like forza and gran turismo to hone their real world driving skills. They don't play mario kart for thr purpose. Besides, those titles are the only means to get you to drive a bugatti veyron supersport and gets the closest in experiencing the real thing without having to shell millions.
Talk about exclusive ip's, does nintendo has answer for games like 'heavy rain', the upcoming 'beyond two souls' and 'The last of us'? These aren't even next gen. Do you know how highly anticipated the last two titles are not only in japan but all parts of the world? Nintendo lacks maturity big time and that's a fact.
About 3rd party support, you will see tekken tag tournament 2 in the wii-u buuuut, its a current gen title and is simply being ported. What about the next tekken title which will have a next gen heavy engine with heavy physics designed for next gen consoles? Will it be downscaled and ported into wii-u? Only time will tell that. Highly anticipated titles like Bungie's destiny and witcher 3 are already cancelled for wii-u simply because of hardware limitations. Its already confirmed that the Unreal Engine 4 is too heavy and wii-u is incapable for that.
You see batman arkham origins for wii-u coz it runs UE3. These are the reasons i meant when i said wii-u is losing 3rd party support. Tell me a nintendo game that can rival Diablo series? Guess what, diablo 3 is coming to PS4. The answer is none.
I don't think nintendo ip's can save wii-u this time. I fear if wii-u will have the same fate as sega dreamcast.
About me owing a wii-u, honestly buddy, i can't spend 20+k on a console to play only games like mario, pokemon and zelda.
according to me uncharted was 10/10 better than any goddamn hollywood movie ever made.
take a look yourself
Japan Weekly Video Game Chart, Week Ending 07th Apr 2013 - VGChartz
the answer to that is final fantasy. end of story..
dead5 nintendo hard was the term coined 15 years ago, and i dont think it applies today, or all of nintendosapiens would have been crying
i just checked pandoras tower gameplay and really its nothing more than final fantasy.. or anything...... dead5 why do you even try to argue?
If that's your personal opinion, then i must say its heavily biased. "Uncharted has horrible gameplay"?? I didn't really get it mate. Then what do you say? Zelda has the best gameplay??
One question.......have you played the recent tomb raider?
did you watch that video? accept the challenge dude. Have u played dota ?Player warcraft 3?
we were not discussing h/w it was more about future and survivability of these companies and their gaming divisions. but like the last time, the wii-u today is at the same place where the wii was during the ps3 / x360 era... so obviously it wont be able to match the technical prowess. But with the wii we saw the evolution of motion gaming taken to a new level, with interactive deeply built games making full use of that potential unlike the move and the kinect. That is what the wii changed, this time around there is nothing like that... so how does one expect to see the same sales numbers... ?
and dwindling sales forecasts means most devs abandon ship and would prefer to work on other platforms. not considering the fact that 2010 onwards games sales i.e. number of software titles sold overall are growing by a huge number and will increase further, this is a rate race which SONY is leading... i mentioned this before ill say this again unless nintendo change how they make games for who they make games and when they make games the wii-u is a disaster a ticking chernobyl if you will
you are wrong, now its more about the gameplay than ever. in 2 years time we will have so much raw processing power for so cheap that achieving photo realistic graphics will be a joke. If todays developer centric approach is not towards how the game changes the experience, how it offers a better bonding with the characters of the game ... it wont make a game.
It will be a playable tech-demo.
thats why games like crysis with mediocre story are useless.
you dont just play a game to look at how battles on the beaches would look on the islands of bahamas in 3d rendering, its also about what makes the battle, what is the logic, the plot, the storyline, how the gamer can connect with that, emotion. wordless sheer rush of anger , pain , joy by wordless cinematic face expressions or music is what makes a game.
^^ Yeah but what cilus actually pointed is a big indication why developers are slowly abandoning nintendo. Everything is moving towards HSA now.
Nvidia has already confirmed maxwell gpu's fully HSA compliant or in other words more flexibility in communication between cpu and gpu. That's because now both cpu and gpu can access same memory,thus avoid bottle necking and other overheads due to repeated code storage in multiple memory pools (In this case, its main memory and Vram). Amd's future products will be the same as they had spent a lot of time and development effort in HSA computing.
Now both ps4 and xbox next has this kind of architecture i.e both cpu and gpu shares a unified large memory pool. This is a boon for developers and easier to harness the potential of the hardware present. Considering pc and the next gen consoles with similar architecture, the wii-u is simply left out in cold.
It has no advancements in technology that can pull developers to do something new on it. Add to this, the abysmal list of kiddish titles, the wii-u's fate is sealed.
^^ Yes, but those ip's should be a bit matured. Not another mario or zelda please.
That mario character is really starting to get in my nerves.
Actually there are some good games in wii/wii u worth playing such "The Last Story" and "Xeno Blade Chronicles".
These had bagged some good reviews and promise deeper storytelling but sports stone-age graphics.
I would still choose games like skyrim and witcher over them.
i mean there is not one reason why i wouldnt play skyrim, witcher and final fantasy for the same experience
Well, which galaxy in SMG did you reach that you are saying it is just a "bit hardcore"? Uh, Bayonetta 2, Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Battalion Wars etc. are certainly not targeted towards a younger age group.
When I played GT it didn't seem hardcore to me. Seriously, if you think Mario Kart is casual beat Rainbow Road in 150cc and win the Special Cup and show me. Does sony have any game like Pikmin or The Wonderful 101? The Tekken physics engine can still be run on the PS2 and 3DS. So it will certainly run on the Wii U. I'm certain Nintendo won't let Namco work on Smash without any reciprocal support.
Later Epic backtracked and said that it will run on the Wii U. It is just that they won't port it(which is probably because Sony struck a deal with them on UE4 and the PS4 and the fact that their Gears series is owned by Microsoft so they had to port it to the next Xbox anyway).
The Sega Dreamcast was preceded by a string of failures by sega including the Nomad, Saturn, Master System, 32X and didn't have any equivalent of the 3DS supporting it, or the backing of $10bn. Sega's most powerful franchises were Sonic, Alex Kidd and Shinobi which are nowhere as powerful as Mario, Smash, Metroid, Pokemon, TLoZ etc.
I've pointed out time and again that there are games other than Mario, Pokemon and Zelda on the Wii U and you just proceeded to ignore them.
There is a reason VGchartz is banned on sites like NeoGAF and not respected on forums like /r/games. Before you claim Nintendohard doesn't apply today Complete SM3DL, KI:U on anything above 5, SMG2, OOT Master Quest, S&P: S.o.t.S, SS Hero Mode, Mario Kart 150cc all gold.
Saying Pandoras Tower is like Final Fantasy
The Legend of Zelda has a million times better gameplay than Uncharted. Seriously, horrible shooting controls, terrible platforming and cameras and awkward movement counts as terrible gameplay.
I have played DOTA 2. Have you played The Last Story?
As it happens, i do think that the player character from TLoZ, Link, is quite cool.
I play more new games than old ones. If you see my list all of them have had titles released in the past 5 years(with the exception of Baten Kaitos which i listed because i am playing it right now). I intentionally didn't list dormant franchises like Starfox, Mother and F-Zero.
Contra 4 on hard is quite hardcore. There are a lot of Hardcore games for the Wii like Manhunt 2, Madworld, The Conduit, Red Steel 2, Disaster Day of Crisis, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Battalion Wars 2, Xenoblade Chronicles etc.
That Pie chart is not an accurate depiction of what happens in TLoZ. You usually don't get bomb bags/gloves until a significant portion of the game is over, breaking pots is fun but is in no way the main thing you do. Slicing up monsters isn't the main point either. You play TLoZ for the awesome dungeons and temples, the beautiful environments, great music and epic awesome bossfights.
This time we have new gameplay opportunities well done with the Wii U including Nintendoland, ZombiU, Lego City Undercover, The Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3 etc. When Nintendo doesn't get support it creates its own. For example the gameboy wasn't really too hot for the first few years, they propped Game Freak up and now look at where that ended. The DS wasn't doing too well either. They propped Level 5 up and got them. For the GC they propped up Retro Studios and were so impressed by their work that they bought them. Nintendo has always had excellent games with excellent gameplay on their platform. The Wii U will be no different.
The next generational transition will be a long one. Considering the inflated budgets for modern games which need to sell millions of copies to be profitable, a 2-3% attach rate for mega blockbusters like Assassins Creed , there is no way the focus will shift from the PS360 to the Western Nextgen consoles any time soon. You will have crossgen games like W_D, AC:BF etc for a long time. The current graphics heavy path will doom the studios who cannot keep up with the specs and expectation of quality the PS4 brings. The Wii U will get third party support from the japanese devs i've mentioned earlier and Ubi, Acti, Warner, Disney etc. for a long time.
Seriously, The Wii Us list is anything but kiddish. Monster Hunter, Bayonetta 2, Shin Megami Tensei, ZombiU, Fire Emblem, X etc. are not meant for children.
As i've pointed out earlier they have quite a few mature IPs. Xenoblade and The Last Story provide entirely different experiences from Skyrim and Witcher, with TW2 being the only one comparable to them if you consider the quality of the games.
Hironobu Sakaguchi said that The Last Story was possible because of the Wii. It would cost way too much to build it for the PS3 and they would never break even. Look at how SE is struggling with FF. Capcom said the same thing for MHTri being on the Wii rather than the PS3.
Another reason they went to Nintendo was that Sony wanted trophies in the games while that would completely spoil the experience of MH. They had already blocked the localization of MHP3 and Capcom didn't want to take the risk.
Because Skyrim, Final Fantasy, and The Witcher provide entirely different experiences.
Next you'll say that Smash and Tekken provide the same experience.
Nintendo vs other console Makers/ MK vs. GT: