Need for Speed Most Wanted reboot


Super Moderator
Staff member
I found one thing , when a cops are chasing you , you can still start a race , just go to the easy drive menu and select race , Now if that race has been completed with another car there is a option start race below set destination . Just go on start race and the race will begin. :p

Me found that too, but not sure whether those races count for career progression.

This is what I call a healthy debate. :p

As for controlling I would suggest any racing fan to go controller way, or racing wheel if you prefer it for that matter. I suggest controller because it can be used in various other game also like Action & Adventure and others.

If racing is main focus, definitely a wheel or something like this:-


You can't play fps with these, but there KB+Mouse is the best option IMO. ;)


Living to Play
^^ Like I said I also play other genres also so I play with controller, its better than KB at least. If you are a hardcore racer then better get a wheel or something like that. :p


Long Live Gojira!
Discussions between cyborg and Skud were good. Nice arguments. But Skud's say on controls, that it's not that sensitive is wrong. Nissan GTR was so awesome to control, w/ KB, and most of the cars are. Wheel must require cockpit view, so it wouldn't fit into the genre, it's more for sims like GTR2. And Nissan GTR's sounds, oh man.

I felt the cop chases were actually good, you can't just lose them that easily. Felt like a badarse when I lost them with that awesome old Porsche 911 Turbo. It was slow and handled well and could make the cops feel like shyt. Burnin' 'em rare heavy tires felt good! :D

And Skud, this and Sleeping Dogs? You're in a minority. :wink:
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Living to Play
Its about personal preferences, what a person like may be hated by other one. maybe Skud wants a race but don't want cop chases that much just after race, for others it might be a win win situation. :)


Wise Old Owl
i completely agree with skud about the checkpoint issue , I have to always look at minimap to ensure i am going in right direction which increases my crashes with car . Would be awsome , if it had so many routes ...


Back to school!!

No offence, but your and Tkin's complaints are more of a result of impatience rather than the game's fault :|

The original Most Wanted was way more difficult than the new one, so its fair to say most of the compaints about the difficulty don't carry any weight.

1. I hadn't had any kind of problem getting the heat bar down from level 6, there are ways to do it. While on cool down mode, you can enter the garages for a quick color change which will instantly get a bar down, or if you jumping into another car will completely evade you from the cops which is by far the most easiest way. You can also tap the trigger buttons on the x360 controller to lower the heat faster ;) Like I said, spend some time figuring things out.
Only happens when there are no cars behind you, no instant cooldown if the cops are chasing you, and I don't get the trigger part.
2. Keeps the chase going, take that off from the game, I'd bet that it would make the chases even more boring.
Valid point.
3. Kind of agreed, but cop chases isn't all about the racers and the cops. The environment are varied, in fact the best open world in an arcade racers I've seen, which make the chases challenging and fun.
4. LOL, agreed, even I crashed into the traffic because of that. Criterion honestly sucks at designing UI/HUD elements. This game is a slight improvement though.
We both agree to this.
5. Good thing is, you can remove the mods and race them, you have the choice so use it ;)
That does not increase difficulty much. Either the car pulls away completely, i.e insane difficulty, or you beat them, nothing in between.

The game does allow you to choose your own path, unless it completely takes you off the racing path and making it impossible to catch up with the other racers, tell me whats the point of racing if you are completely out of reach of the other racers, makes the racing even more boring. Comparing the design choices of one game to another isn't fair, Underground or Most Wanted did have those barriers, smart choice for those games, but wasn't that linear too? like racing only on the path decided by the developer? The arrow, well, the game is just telling you that its a waste of time or pointless to go in that direction, if you are annoyed about the arrow and don't want to race, pause and quit the world is all yours :)
This is a serious issue, there was one race where there was a gigantic shortcut, can't take it due to the checkpoint.

Me too, I'd been plaing dirt 3 which has the map placed on the right, so Most Wanted did make things difficult in the beginning, but got used to it after a while. Not much of a game complaint, its just about getting used to something ;)

eih?! I thought there were plenty of shortcuts throughout the races :|
Mostly useless ones, either parallel roads, or small ones.

I'm on the x360 controller, haven't tried the keyboard controls yet. Finished the game yesterday, and let me tell you, I accidentally got into just one single 360 turn, one single turn in the entire single player play through :) You say you're into racing games, why not get an x360 controller, the game feels awesome with that.

1. Whats wrong with the lack of a starting line? Just another design choice, nothing game breaking :|
No issue there. But why always at last? Why not mix it up?
2. To be honest, the cop chase difficulty has been dumbed down a lot from the original Most Wanted. Try the original with higher heat, it will be unbelievably difficult to evade them.
Agreed, low difficulty, but boring as hell.
3. Don't see anyting wrong with that too, cop chases are pre determined to certain races, its not like you coincidentally run into the cops while racing and they're on your back. Not a complain at all.
Totally agreed.
4. You can, if you have that explored the location of the race. Just like finding a car, if you have explored it, you can jump into it right away..patience brother, spend some time figuring things out :)
Okay with this, the race to start actually helps with adjusting with the cars handling.
5. Didn't notice anything like that, at least not as much as the 2010 Hot pursuit had, that game had some terrible AA issues.
Didn't notice anything, but on a racing game don't get to notice much anyway. MW2012 requires complete concentration on road, there could be crash every second
6. Mini map is on the lower right, and the full map can be accessed by pressing the 'back' on the x360 controller, search for the key on the keyboard.
No issue with the map here as well, got adjusted.
7. Not sure if the original Most Wanted allowed that, though it did fill the bounty. There were certain features that didn't return in the MW2005 from UG2, filling up nitrous by doing certain things like, drifting, near misses, following an AI racer on its tail, etc. Those features returned to the new Most Wanted. Again, design choice :)
Nitrous fill with drifts etc was in earlier games, forgot which ones, but okay with this.
8. like?
9. Well, both of us have only played the single player, and obviously know that the game's focus is on multiplayer, so cant talk about it unless we had access to the MP :)
I really hate this, MP is fine, but build a SP for pete's sake, MW2005 had one as well, and criterion didn't have to do a lot of work with this game, engine is old, mechanics are old, everything is from Paradise, why not build a small story, some cutscenes would not take much time to create.

But there is a lot of difference between a long eurogamer review and a random 4 liner filled with complaints ;) As far as I ve seem, metacritic users never judge the game properly, and look at the flaws under magnifying glass. Sure, there will be bad things in every game and fan disappointment, but judging the entire game basing on a few flaws isn't fair.
I'd give this game a 7.5/10, MW2005 was 9.5/10, like the cars, graphics, engines, music, but hate the no story, random races, and the absolute lack of visual mods for cars.

One more thing I don't like about this game, there are races for specific cars, why is that? I just want to get the car that suits me and stick to it, why go for a new cars every once in a while, its challenging as you have to adjust but not fun, I wanted to drive the Aventador all the way to finish, but ran out of races, this sucks.


Super Moderator
Staff member
OK, got this screenshot, although not exactly clear, but this was what happened: I was actually on the right track, ahead of the MW car, still it was showing as wrong way and 2nd position. Why? Because I missed a bloody checkpoint. :p



I'd give this game a 7.5/10, MW2005 was 9.5/10, like the cars, graphics, engines, music, but hate the no story, random races, and the absolute lack of visual mods for cars.

One more thing I don't like about this game, there are races for specific cars, why is that? I just want to get the car that suits me and stick to it, why go for a new cars every once in a while, its challenging as you have to adjust but not fun, I wanted to drive the Aventador all the way to finish, but ran out of races, this sucks.

Because you don't bring Knifes to a Gun Fight...Do you ?

Similarly, each car belong to a different segment & tier. So u have to play different race with suitable cars.


In the zone
OK, got this screenshot, although not exactly clear, but this was what happened: I was actually on the right track, ahead of the MW car, still it was showing as wrong way and 2nd position. Why? Because I missed a bloody checkpoint. :p


holy $**T , dude YOU ARE DRIVING A TRUCK IN A CAR RACING GAME :shock: :shock: !!!
and you are having race with a MW car while driving a truck??? damn!!!:confused:

Stopping the discussions here, or the arguments will go on. :p Both sides have their points, I generally don't post so much against games, but Sleeping Dogs and this one have made me mad, sort of.

after all its criterion games :-D
When this company will shut down???:evil:


Pro/An---tagonist xD

Dude its not that! You are facing the wrong way!! :p

Look at the map,the route(way forward) is behind you :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
It's not actually like that, I have already stated its not very clear. Mistimed the shot when the rival car was just ahead of me. Even then it was showing Wrong way. I hope bots not take wrong way by any means.

I will check if anything better is available.


Back to school!!
Playing with a veyron, something is wrong, this feels more like a jet plane, hit 400kmph today, and for the first time was able to outrun level 6 police corvettes, the backs too heavy, tends to spin out and oversteers like crazy, but I think I had found the perfect car so far, more like a double edged sword really.

Because you don't bring Knifes to a Gun Fight...Do you ?

Similarly, each car belong to a different segment & tier. So u have to play different race with suitable cars.
Then why not have 3 classes like carbon had, exotic, muscle and tuners?

PS: Where are the muscle cars in the game, all I see are exotics and some tuners, only two muscles so far I think.


Long Live Gojira!
after all its criterion games :-D
When this company will shut down???:evil:

What? They are some cool developers who give some great quality games. EA has been closing down some companies these days and sooner some companies will shut down *koph* Danger Close *koph*. But I'd hate EA if they close down Criterion, like I hate them for closing down Pandemic.

Then why not have 3 classes like carbon had, exotic, muscle and tuners?

PS: Where are the muscle cars in the game, all I see are exotics and some tuners, only two muscles so far I think.

Truth. Badly lacking muscles. But since it's EA, I'm guessing "DLC".


Back to school!!
What? They are some cool developers who give some great quality games. EA has been closing down some companies these days and sooner some companies will shut down *koph* Danger Close *koph*. But I'd hate EA if they close down Criterion, like I hate them for closing down Pandemic.

Truth. Badly lacking muscles. But since it's EA, I'm guessing "DLC".
FU EA, DLC cr@p, without muscles how the hell am I supposed to drift around corners(for some odd reasons exotics in this game like McLaren can drift pretty well, which is crazy, maybe that's why no muscles).


Back to school!!
No one wants criterion to shut down, but as PC gamers we expect better ports, that's all. EA Blackbox did a fantastic job with The Run's optimization(the 30FPS cap was removed within a month and the game ran swell), expected something similar from Criterion, specially after HP and Burnout Paradise.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Someone please explain:-


Definitely had missed the checkpoint, but on green line and rival car was behind me on the same route. Check my position. And then...


Status changed to wrong way. Still on green line, still ahead of rival car who was still on the same route, still 2nd. Also see how the distance has increased.


holy $hit! This is the first time I'm seeing this kind of error, skud can you post a video of this, before getting into that error?
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