Thanks pal. BTW my name is Anirudh
Yeah, its for the guide. Actually, I think I'll ask the mod there to remove that copyright. I didn't ask him to put that up, neither did the guide contain it. Actually there could be some copyright issues not with that screenshot but with the use of Apple logo in the GNOME main menu. But then if that happens then I'll not ship the logo with the package, thats it
The Icon theme doesn't fully work in GNOME 2.20. Some of the icons are still the old GNOME ones. I'm working on a compatible theme.
And the number of downloads haf exceeded my expectations!!! I can't even imagine that a 40-odd MB package could be downloaded so many times that the total downloads would reach close to 250GB in just about 7 dayz!!!! (figure indicates only ver.0.3 download!!!!)