So i was thinking of creating a thread where I wanted to share my experience and encourage others to do the same for the lulz.
I never actually though of joining gym but then to keep myself busy and to forget But then it is one of the best thing ever happened to me (except the introduction to the internet).
Below mentioned exercises are bodyweight exerciases, so you can do them at home with minimal to no expenses.
I was always good at push ups, i mean the regular ones. But now extended to many variations (triangle, wide grip, uneven grip, one leg, one arm, hip, atlas, hindu, started to the progression for handstand) and varying difficulty (increase elevation, fist, knuckles). One hand push up is a real killer. I can manage 5 rocky style. Now the next challenge is handstand.
But pull ups (i mean hand in pronated position, wide grip and lift upto chin from dead hang without any momentum or jerks) were a different business altogether. I was able to do zero pull ups some two months back. But now at the starting of this month miraculously I did my first pull up...fcuk yeah! And currently I am at the count of five and ever increasing. The probem is not your weight but the strength. I gained weight here while doing workout.
Third one is dips and bench dips. For those awesome chiseled triceps you gotta churn out them as much as you can. I usually do 5 dips and 10 bench dips.
For abs hanging leg raise really burns you deep down. But to get six packa you gotta reduce that chunck of fat around ur tummy. Unforunately it is not that simple as whole body fat is to be reduced, spot reducing doesnt work. Fortunately i dont get fat accumulated easily so thats a plus point. I am working in for 6 packs.
If you can do push ups, pull ups and dips then you are already past halfway to the fitness.
I'll add more content later. Proper way to do workout and prevent injuries. Even some hints about diet one should take. Though I am a learner in this feld.
I never actually though of joining gym but then to keep myself busy and to forget But then it is one of the best thing ever happened to me (except the introduction to the internet).
Below mentioned exercises are bodyweight exerciases, so you can do them at home with minimal to no expenses.
I was always good at push ups, i mean the regular ones. But now extended to many variations (triangle, wide grip, uneven grip, one leg, one arm, hip, atlas, hindu, started to the progression for handstand) and varying difficulty (increase elevation, fist, knuckles). One hand push up is a real killer. I can manage 5 rocky style. Now the next challenge is handstand.
But pull ups (i mean hand in pronated position, wide grip and lift upto chin from dead hang without any momentum or jerks) were a different business altogether. I was able to do zero pull ups some two months back. But now at the starting of this month miraculously I did my first pull up...fcuk yeah! And currently I am at the count of five and ever increasing. The probem is not your weight but the strength. I gained weight here while doing workout.
Third one is dips and bench dips. For those awesome chiseled triceps you gotta churn out them as much as you can. I usually do 5 dips and 10 bench dips.
For abs hanging leg raise really burns you deep down. But to get six packa you gotta reduce that chunck of fat around ur tummy. Unforunately it is not that simple as whole body fat is to be reduced, spot reducing doesnt work. Fortunately i dont get fat accumulated easily so thats a plus point. I am working in for 6 packs.
If you can do push ups, pull ups and dips then you are already past halfway to the fitness.
I'll add more content later. Proper way to do workout and prevent injuries. Even some hints about diet one should take. Though I am a learner in this feld.