Hardware price list/spec sheet



EXIT: DATA Junkyard
The beauty of the Universal spreadsheet of price list is you can integrate it with any website and forum and if something is updated on spreadsheet everyone would be able to see the update immediately.

but the beauty of the price list that comp@ddict has made is it's simplicity ( but updates can not be shown on many online pages at one go ) - just navigate to the front page and use Ctrl+F to find a product price and it's still there only we have click on the spoiler button and to scroll a little bit more .

nonetheless - I will try my best to keep updated both of the lists.

Okay okay I agree that you cant post on multiple sites but this was a DIGIT exclusive seriously, if I WANTED THIS on multiple sites, I COULD HAVE DONE IT, updating takes you know what??? COPY PASTE that's all nothing else, 2 minutes work and simplicity maintained.



So this is how its done. The universal spec sheet idea is that its gets displayed on multiple Indian tech forums. Few trusted people from the forums where this is displayed will get the power to edit out the spreadsheet via google whereas I will keep the ownership to myself.

DUDE WHAT THE *****? I've been doing everythinng on the list, and I know god darn how to make a spreadsheet. So how does he barge in and stake OWNERSHIP of everything I've put in for such a LONG time?? This is the limit. I quit CHIP.in for similar reasons, I thinkI quit this wretched TDF community for good too very soon
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Master KOD3R
The Sorcerer said:
I will keep the ownership to myself.
comp@ddict said:
DUDE WHAT THE PHUCK? I've been doing everythinng on the list, and I know god darn how to make a spreadsheet. So how does he barge in and stake OWNERSHIP of everything I've put in for such a LONG time??

You are clearly blowing things out of proportion. What Sorcy meant was that the ownership of the sheet. I think you're educated enough to handle Google Docs & know there will always be a Is Owner account just to abide by the TOS of Google Docs.
Here there are 2 things:
1) The Real Google Doc sheet - which we refer to as Sheet
2) The hard work of many people in updating prices(incl. you) in the sheet - which we call..err.. Sheet!
See my point?

It's a clear case of misunderstanding. The idea or the sheet & the data in itself belongs to no one, or shall I say - the community. The ownership(of the sheet document) however remains with Socy, since the sheet is on his own Google Account(thus point #1).

If you still feel that Socy is unjustified in owning the sheet hosted on his Google Account, step up, pretty sure he'll make you the owner via a simple click of an option.

To make myself more clearer, I'll take the example of a Forum itself (as I created & manage one). There are admins & there are mods. But there is also 1 account called - The Owner! The owner will have the power to override all admins but all admins can override him too(strange?). But the difference is that the forum is registered in his a/c so that the hosting domain can have a direct contact(since they can't associate the same forum to every admin). Same is the case with this Google Docs sheet.

I don't wish to offend anyone, but fighting over silly stuff - that too due to a misunderstanding of words - just does not suit people of this intellect.

P.S. I'll like to see you in the list of collabs. coz I think we all owe big time to cloud computing. Plus the idea of a centralized database is being practiced - Everywhere! (This only lead me in creating Build Your Rig!) & over the years there can be many variations of the data you put up now.


Resistance is Futile.
He just tried it in Chrome incognito & his iPhone. According to him, it works fine with zero cached cookies.

just to be clear - I used Chrome incognito because I wanted to simulate how would a first time user see this spreadsheet. Sorc knows I've seen this spreadsheet enough times :p and didn't want my previous visits to interfere (read: I'm uber lazy, got autologins et al)


Super Moderator
Staff member
@ comp@ddict - cool off ! your thread remains to you and you can update it anytime by spending only 2 mins of your time .

And the spreadsheet of The Sorcerer will remain there too and what's the harm in it. We got two price lists with nbaztec cool drop down form list based Build Your Rig!

you don't need to use words like MAHABAAP or PHUCK - I don't expect these kinds of words from you.

The Sorcerer has not claimed the ownership of the thread you started in TDF anytime.

nbaztec has pointed it out very nicely and I also think it's just misunderstanding.

So just lets co-operate each other and it will make life even more easier.


@ comp@ddict - cool off ! your thread remains to you and you can update it anytime by spending only 2 mins of your time .

And the spreadsheet of The Sorcerer will remain there too and what's the harm in it. We got two price lists with nbaztec cool drop down form list based Build Your Rig!

you don't need to use words like MAHABAAP or PHUCK - I don't expect these kinds of words from you.

The Sorcerer has not claimed the ownership of the thread you started in TDF anytime.

nbaztec has pointed it out very nicely and I also think it's just misunderstanding.

So just lets co-operate each other and it will make life even more easier.

Becoming a PEACEMAKER :grin:


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Okay 'm chilling... sorry Sorcy just got too mad I've got no personal bad feelings against u bro, and thnx Desibond...

yes i see it can work, and since i'm not able to be very active, sorcy indeed can go ahead..... hmm it's actuali a very good idea, the entire indian tech community will be exposed to this price spec sheet, which is good, because the more people benefit, the happier I am.....


Super Moderator
Staff member
comp@ddict, I read your post in TE. It was certainly in a bad taste.

By "ownership" The Sorcerer was talking about the ownership of the Google Spreadsheet. :|

I hope this issue is resolved now. :)


Master KOD3R
@compaddict, so you gonna hop onboard bro? Anytime you're ready.


Build Your Rig! is revamped for better selection. Now separate Brands are in diff. sections. Hope it leads to an increased building experience. :)

aby geek

Cyborg Agent
@nbaztec ur site gives " ie cant open this site " operation aborted. error

and the spreadsheet is coming along nicely ,keep it up guys.

i may be visiting NP soon for a new smps, so i need your guidance as well as if you want me to inquire any prices please inform me.


@compaddict, so you gonna hop onboard bro? Anytime you're ready.


Build Your Rig! is revamped for better selection. Now separate Brands are in diff. sections. Hope it leads to an increased building experience. :)

hey nice work out there dude


Master KOD3R
aby geek said:
@nbaztec ur site gives " ie cant open this site " operation aborted. error
Which version of IE? Works fine in IE8. But the real issue is, bro, why are you still using IE?
The first thing I do when I install Windows is to open IE & download Chrome/FF.

piyush120290 said:
hey nice work out there dude
Thanks. :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Becoming a PEACEMAKER :grin:

yep - see com@ddict is a good guy and it was only a minor misunderstanding and now it's solved for good.

Better still - Buy Athlon II X3 440 for 3.8k and then unlock the fourth core - like what I did. You get Athlon II X4 equivalent for 3.8k!! :wink:

But for that you have to take a "chance" and most of the time it works too but by spending only 600-800 bucks extra you can get a fully stable Athlon II X4.

Okay 'm chilling... sorry Sorcy just got too mad I've got no personal bad feelings against u bro, and thnx Desibond...

yes i see it can work, and since i'm not able to be very active, sorcy indeed can go ahead..... hmm it's actuali a very good idea, the entire indian tech community will be exposed to this price spec sheet, which is good, because the more people benefit, the happier I am.....

^ I knew you would understand buddy - let's do our best to make this spreadsheet more robust and powerful.

@ nbaztec - I liked the new layout as well and on opera ( I'm a fanboy - yeah! ) it's working like a charm.


@compaddict, so you gonna hop onboard bro? Anytime you're ready.


Build Your Rig! is revamped for better selection. Now separate Brands are in diff. sections. Hope it leads to an increased building experience. :)

hey buddy, is it possible to show an error if incompatible products are selected? Say a 5970 on a RP 460W PSU? It would be hard to do,but awesome if done :)

also,I too have made a price list,nowhere as detailed as this,but check it out :price list download
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