Hardware price list/spec sheet


Check again, a friend is able to acess it just fine. He just tried it in Chrome incognito & his iPhone. According to him, it works fine with zero cached cookies.

ok so here it is, i'm not using an android phone. Just the most common symbian s60 touch phone. Tried with opera mobile10, mini5 and uc browser.
Opera browsers open the page but the list is just unreadable because of text getting placed on other text, jumbling it all together.
Uc cant even open the sheet.


Master KOD3R
hey buddy, is it possible to show an error if incompatible products are selected? Say a 5970 on a RP 460W PSU? It would be hard to do,but awesome if done :)

It is possible but would involve a lot of complications, cross checks & god-knows-what algorithms. You ever wondered why there is nothing as such a "Compatibility Checker" - The reason is as I said above. Every site will either give you a wattage or the list of compatible sockets/clock speeds/etc. No one will check the compatibility of the products.

IMO, it's upto the user to check the compatibility (it always has been. Even the biggest stores put up a notice to check compatibility at the time of buying).

The KISS(Keep It Short & Simple) mechanism always works wonders (See: Google Homepage).


Super Moderator
Staff member
Added a new Section/Sheet -Keyboard, Mouse & Mousepads and added some component prices.
Last edited:


Master KOD3R
Surprise Surprise!
On recommendation of l33t(TE) added a new feature: CSV Format Price Quote. @ Build Your Rig!
1. Build Your Rig.
2. Click CSV Quote.
3. et viola.

Easy to copy paste. Preservers the formatting(as table) when copied to Excel/Word.
Also added a Build Counter & qty. option to Monitors(Eyefinity fanboys).

P.S. @topgear waiting for verdict on, whether kb & mouse should have diff. sheets. Will implement then.


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ That's nice.

If we want to create separate sheets we will Have to create 4 separate sheets namely : Keyboard, Mouse, Como Kits ( Keyboard+Mouse ) and another would be Mouse pads.

You will make you have add 3 selection options in your Build Your Rig page.

Sec 1 : ( people who selects this will not be able to select the combo kits ie Sec 2 at the same time )

A : Keyboard
B : Mouse

Sec : 2 : Combo Kits ( people who selects this will not be able to select the combo kits ie Sec 1 at the same time )

Sec : 3 : For Mousepads only.

BTW, Update your siggy and this :



Sorry i meant the section below. Buying advice pc components.
PC Components / Configurations - Digit Technology Discussion Forum - Tech Discussion Forums in India


He wants you to add the url to your signature or maybe update the system specs in your signature if you, maybe did an upgrade or something.

The Sorcerer

oh wow...Xenforo!!!
Rumour is that 1tb drives are going cheap especially in Delhi because they come with 1 year warranty on serial number. Irrespective of what dealer's say manufacturers will honour only 1 year warranty

No need to panic just yet. When you are buying the drives, please go to the respected manufacturer's site and check how much warranty is left on the serial code. Do the same for lower capacity drives to be sure.


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ are you talking about internal or external HDDs. But as far as I know internal HDds has 3 years of warranty. BTW, which brands are offering only 1 year warranty ?

@ nbaztec - yep, I wanted you to add your website address into your siggy and now it's looks perfect to me.

BTW, what do you say guys - should I move this thread into Buying Advice PC Components / Configurations section.


I already said it. This is the troubleshooting forum. People who want to buy new devices would want to see the pricelist first. If they don't know the price they will make new threads regarding prices etc. You don't need to ask captain obvious for moving this thread.
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