Why Betray so much ? So much hate over language selection. Ok Hindi is India's national language and its got its own reasons.
1) Definatly the most spoken language in India.
2)It also happens to be the Regional language of Six States viz Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh.
3)Its one of the oldest if not the oldest dating back to 7 century.
4)It has largest number of Dialects such as Brajbhasha, Bundeli, Awadhi, Marwari, Maithili, Bhojpuri, etc to name a few.
5)But most imporat is that 66% of Indian use hindi in one form or other.
But Fighting for hindi...i had rather accept English ,as there can never be fight for the national language. Its totally individual and one's preference shouldnt be stamped on others.
And Really there is going to be this huge shift from hindi or any other language to English and it cannot be helped.
Here in this forum i'm typing in English for no reason.When was the last time someone answered the forum in hindi(With fonts and all).

Seriously English i fear is going to be the language of future if not now and then i had definatly like to ask whatever happened to my national language.
Choose As we may like choosing, we cannot escape English.Still i love My national language , Hindi , even tough i dont need it now a days.We dont dump old pets do we...that tells us what kind of human we are..