what should be india's national language?

what should be india's national language.

  • english

    Votes: 61 34.5%
  • hindi

    Votes: 98 55.4%
  • your own mother tongue.

    Votes: 18 10.2%

  • Total voters
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I totally agree with you on that. I don't have any misconceptions about the Aryan theory. I just referred to NAzi Aryan Hindu because many of the fair skinned Northern Indians claim there are of Aryan descent. Let me tell you frankly that the true Indian skin colour is Brown and dark brown, (except a small percentage apart from some of the hill areas in the North). Even the labour class in the North are dark. India has been invaded, raped and conquered by outsiders for centuries. So if anybody claims to be so called fair and lovely in our country he must first understand that it is due to the fact that his ancestors have been screwed by outsiders. And the irony is that he is proud of it.
Pleasure to meet u too.
By the way I am also one of the fair-skinned Indians and I guess I can comment without sounding racist I am from Coorg (Supposedly Greek Descent), but it angers me when you see the advertisement fair and lovely.
when I have been in the North people have accused me of having no national pride because of not knowing Hindi. They have gone to the extent of saying Bharat ka admi nahi hai. How does that feel.
Sorry got to go and study catch u some other times
One thing I will tell you though I have an animosity towards Hindi I would anyday prefer that towards English.
Anyone who says English should be the National Language ought to be shot.

It is the bloody brown Sahibs who cause all the problems.

But again you say that you do not try to impose Hindi down our throats. If you look everything from Politics to our education is being dominated by the North. History for eg. is pretty much manipulated when it comes to Partition and India's struggle for Independence. There is hardly any mention of Southern Indian History. All we learn is about Asoka, Mughal's and rajputs, and all about the North. Perhaps a few in terms of Tipu Sultan and Vijaynagar!
None can deny that the North does dominate over South to a great extent, but that doesn't we oppose and fight you guys.
By Adios
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Heyyyyy, chill down man. It seems u posted so many posts at one time! I'm not new to this thread if u think that! This thread is pretty old. If u read it from the very beginning, u'll get a crystal clear picture of mah ideas!

And please I request u not to go by history books. In history books Bhagat Singh, sukhdev etc are termed as "Terrorists"! How do u see that?? History is not counted by history books alone! History is meant to be learnt by ur general awareness of the past, visitng the temples etc and looking at the situations urself. U shud not rely on one particular source for it! Thats what I meant to say!

I agree in history books they shud cover every thing, may be they'll cover about the impotence of "Arjun Singh" too! HOw much thick the history books can get?? With the increasing timeline of the world, the children of future generations r doomed to read thicker history books. How do u like that? The people in the past wud have been lucky to read thinner history books! So u see to maintain the size of history books u have to omit something and have to bring in something else! Its totally on the mindset of the authority to that! and that authority is stupid and government influenced!

Seeing all that, u can't blame the people of north for having lack of understanding for people of South! I'm a north Indian too n I have relatives in South too! I can narrate u incidences from mah personal life where South INdians were arrogant to us when we visited south. They even made a personal comment to us that we didn't understand, but mah South Indian relative gave him a fitting reply in tamil n he was shocked.

So I can say likewise that SOuth Indians don't like North INdians and have little understanding of em! These r cases u'll find everywhere. SO u cant say North dislikes South or east dislikes west and vice versa! Some people in India even try to touch white foreigner females pervertly n generate a bad Image of India. DOes that mean u n I r also like that. Does that mean whole India is like that?? I hope u got mah point!

So people shudn't bother about these little things n shud have little more broadminded approach!
Actually to fit it in one line is "Indian history is toooooooo big to be fit into a single book and teaching the little children about that huge n infinite history wud be nightmare for them" !!
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Of course Hindi!! How can it be anything else? Any regional language can't be national language and it better remain regional :rolleyes:

English is a foreign language and when loads of rural (and some urban) population doesn't even know Hindi, how can we expect them to learn English!
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"You know until the lions have their own Historians history will always written by the Hunters" An African Proverb.
I am sorry for venting out so much animosity. I do agree that we should not form Stereotype assumptions. But the fact remains to be honest though I very much want to learn Hindi and know its importance at the same time I admit its flexibility and ease, But I don't have any national feeling or sentiments towards it (like other South Indians). For me it is like placing it at a higher pedestal over other languages. Plus many of our languages equally rich with literature and some are much older than Hindi. Why I proposed Sanskrit is so that it would ease the animosity and hopefully we can give more importance towards it. After all it is the most compact language in the world.
With regard to Indian's feeling white women that is totally not acceptable and absolutely wrong and no way justifiable. However there are other factors also responsible. One of them is the media which comes out from the Western countries. Their movies and other pornographic material aggrevates the problem further by portraying all white women as fast and easy... why is that not a bad image?
My friend I made it very clear with my stance on English. Anyone who proposes it as national language ought to be shot.
However Hindi too is regional it is restricted to 10 States in the North. We don't have any real allegiance to it and we don't want to be second class citizen's in our own country.

Everybody who propose it base it on the fact that as a nation we need one common language to create unity.
What we must come to realise rather shame-facedly (even after more than 50 years of Independence) that it is this very move to create a common language in our multilingual country causing more problems.
what is da divinity I am new here and donno my way around fully. And plus at present I am living in a different time zone.
I am sorry that I am not waiting for any reply I am just kind of writing randomly. One thing I must say Mr. mediator I might have been wrong about stereo typing North Indians and I am not trying to create friction. But you got to admit Southerner's are more flexible when it comes to language (barring T.Nadu).
And perhaps you might not like me for this but then I love Annadurai's statement on his comparison to the national language to the National Animal and Bird, only thing instead of proposing the rat to the tiger I would have proposed the Holy Indian Cow!
Cheers guys
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^^Ok OK man, u voiced ur opinion as Sanskrit that is acceptable to me! I'm here against English only. Neways did u read the whole thread from the start ? It seems our views match a lot!


What is this Da vinci or whatever
Hindi is alien to me. If it is your national language than in that case Kannada is mine
Thats good that english is secondary to you.
But Coorg and Kannada is my national language
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Ha Ha !! The thing is already answered . Democracy rules . No politician will try to thrust the parliament to enforce Hindi as a national language , as it becomes the language of the Majority .
Afterall politicians need votes from Minorities . And no regional leader will accept Hindi in south as , regional Language is the unifying factor , an identity which creates meaning for the Below Poverty Line People . And they will remain in power by threatening people over the death of their identity , ofcourse by Hindi .
If it is not Hindi , then English will replace the position to threaten , So No National language is possible till the day democracy is thriving in this Nation .
And ofcourse we have our own armed mobs roaming already in many regions , not only in south but also in North , East etc pressing for seccession . So dictatorship in the throne will also face strong oppsition .
Let the present system continue . The stronger one Survive and win . And unfortunately English is winning grounds over Hindi .

Regarding Sanskrit as National , Hindi itself is considered as affiliated with Hinduism . Sanskrit is considered as a "Symbol" of Hinduism . So the idea will be dropped at a budding stage as India is supposed to be Secular . Ha Ha [ Not to offend Minorities na ] .

Thats Politics . Thats India . And We all are [no matter what language we speak ] supposed to be Indian . And dont stress Hindi is the symbol for patriotic Indian . India will be multi-coloured , multi - cultured and multi - lingual .
As i can infer from my friends in bangalore [ Bengaluru ] , in which kannada is threatened by dominance of English , Tamil and recently Hindi and other neighbouring languages , those ethnic kannadiga's , who never learnt , read or spoke kannnada in their life , now begun to give Life to their language by learning them and spreading them . And now a fellow digitian quoting me and my likes adds a footer for him in Kannada [ a positive move ] .
Till guys like us roam here , Hindi cant deserve that status .


sknowonweb said:
Regarding Sanskrit as National , Hindi itself is considered as affiliated with Hinduism . Sanskrit is considered as a "Symbol" of Hinduism . So the idea will be dropped at a budding stage as India is supposed to be Secular . Ha Ha [ Not to offend Minorities na ] .
HA HA, but I found it a little absurd! What do u mean by "HIndi is affiliated to or symbol of Hinduism"? Ha ha, Please explain! If People speak HIndi, so r they embracing Hinduism? Means Non-Hindi speaking people aren't affiliated to Hinduism?? Does it mean ur a Non-Hindu if u don't speak Hindi??
WHat about Urdu n English? Do u think all people who speak urdu r then affiliated to Islam?? Even I tried to learn Urdu. What will u say, I tried to convert to or affiliate to ISlam? N people speaking English, affliliated to christianity?? My gOd, that wud make more than 40% (or whateva percent be) people in the world christians who officially speak English!

Ha ha, So as far as Voicing ur opinion goes, be mah guest, give ur opinion, but don't make absurd replies atleast! No offence! Peace ;)


Ya sure ! Not taking it as offensive dude .

Ever heard of Dravidian Rising of the 60's . Their main theme is to portray the above said and they succeeded in doing that . Now if u can speak something positive towards Sanskrit 'Here' u are branded as Brahmin/Aryan Invader/ and most importantly Anti-Dravidian . And the respect for the community 'Brahmins' in TN is wellknown as u said u r frequently visiting here [Remember the stance TN took in arjunsingh reservation issue - thats the majority of TN ppls stance ].

And in this part of the globe , HINDI is linked with samskirutham[sanskrit] which inturn always linked with hindutva forces [of the north] which is nothing but a branch of Hinduism , Okay [Thats some 40 year propaganda man ].
did u know Even the OM() symbol is different for tamil .
Sanskrit is labeled as a dead language and any attempt to make that alive is portrayed as Hindutvan Govt 's act in the central .
And we dont beleive in the 'sanskrit the mother of all language theory' and consider tamil superior over that . And the Hindu identity doesnt hold u up as u can be proud of it (in TN).

A very little Muslim population means urdu doent considered as it is in North [urdu/hindi contro].'Hindi affiliation' means a 'weak link' ,which i actually meant and not like a qualification to be , which u meant . And the rest of the Buildup for English is purely your stuff . I didnt meant that .

One quote often circulated in tamil blogosphere points to a speech by Rajaji , the then CM of TN ,about Hindi was " Supporting Hindi to be a national language opens our doors to sanskritise this nation later " . Understand those words in the time of Partition [urdu-pak -muslim, hindi-india -supposed to be hindu but declared as secular] and a time DK[predecessor of DMK] is on its rise [asking for separate Dravidastan!! ] which labeled Rajaji as a Hindu Brahmn extremist , whose community is accused of the Dravidians poor status then . And the views doesnt change over decades .

Did u got it in this perspective . If u cant , then forget all the above paragraphs . the oneliner is " Sanskrit is a Hindu symbol , which cant be offered a position of national language , in a secular nation " . And our naton holds more number of muslims than Pakistan right .

Just took it as friendly , No offensive , from here too , Ha Ha .


my post is too absurd ha , i know that . And sorry to post irrelevant maters . carry on fellas .
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Nothing against Hindi or any of the oter regional languages. I agree that English is a foreign language. But our National language need not necessarily be "Made in India' right?

In my opinion both English and Hindi should be our National Lanuages.

After all how many of you knew that INDIA IS THE LARGEST ENGLISH SPEAKING NATION IN THE WORLD??? Pl ignore if you already knew that.


sknowonweb said:
Here' u are branded as Brahmin/Aryan Invader/ and most importantly Anti-Dravidian
Aryan Invasions is a myth dude, see the link I gave above!

I dunno why u regard history that much and think what others say! Are ur social outlooks and ideas influenced by others?? Are u externally motivated?? People keep saying whateva rubbish comes in their mind. That doesn't mean u shud change ur work or ideas becoz of that! This may be perhaps the biggest reason in south for people having lack of understanding of each other and think that northerners dislike southerners. I think people are not broadminded yet there and r not internally motivated enough to call them liberal !

If u wanna consider history that much then consider the real history and the era of Ramayan and Mahabharata where Sankrit was the main language! Scriptures were written in Sankrit then, not for South India alone (where u think Tamil is the main language) but for North India and the whole Indian Subcontinent! Some even say Hinduism was spread beyond Himalayas (neways evidences confirm that it was indeed spread) and some say it was spread to Iran also! So don't regard what politicians,people or whoever say something and whateva. Most Politicians are corrupt.

I agree Sanskrit is the language of Hindu scriptures etc and reveals the bases of Hinduism. It might be hard for people of other religion to accept it. I don't have any complaints for its non-approval. But Hindi is an evolved language. Even Muslims, Christians speak it! Linking a language with a region is appropriate but its really absurd to link it with a religion.

I know about the status of Brahmins and how they see Non-Brahmins and thats the miserable situation in SOuth I really pity for! HEre in north u don't have such situation. U'll find more broadminded people then in South. Its a wonder how South inspite of leading in education system still suffers from such misery!

So If u really give importance to such issues like Brahmins and what others say then I will pity on u too! These issue are the obstacles in country's development and sparking points of hate and fights!

I really did not know that mah friend was from reserved category, until he showed me his certificate. Becoz of mah extreme hate for reservation system, he too was a sufferer of that. Most people including me n others didnt talked to him very well after that. But I restored the friendship between us to normal afterwards forgetting about the issue! But still many didn't liked to talk to him n made fun of him. The point is people r forgetting about such issues like cast system. But if u make us remember us again n again (thanks to ARjun Singh) that ur SC n ST, then who will talk to u openly?? All will think u r priviledged n u got admission easily and dont deserve to be here!

So I think this kinda of scenario/disease is totally prevailing in South whose symptoms u already mentioned. And the cause is Reservation System and many other things too! These things divide the country and coz hate among the 2 groups formed. In ur case Brahmins n Non-Brahmins! If u wanna talk on reservation then there was a thread I guess with all mah view points read there!

I'm not saying to implement Hindi as national language. But as per debate, thats just mah opinion. But please don't regard what others say or what history says! WE are not history. We r present n shud bring liberal thinking in todays world even if it means questioning the existing system! So don't think language has nething to do with religion! So what religion do deaf people belong to who speak with sign language??

sknowonweb said:
Remember the stance TN took in arjunsingh reservation issue - thats the majority of TN ppls stance
No I dont know about it, please tell me about it!

gaurav21r said:
Nothing against Hindi or any of the oter regional languages. I agree that English is a foreign language. But our National language need not necessarily be "Made in India' right?
Thats a very huge contradiction u made buddy! Read the thread from very start to know what I mean!
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What? India is the largest English speaking nation in the world? May be so but spoken by only 1-5% of our population my friend. Most of India can't speak English and the truth is if you don't know English you are a second class citizen in your nation and that is rather unfortunate. And with regard to Sanskrit Southerners can speak it better than Northerners. Tamil and Sanskrit are more or less contemporary when it comes to age. Kannada has vast amount of Sanskrit words in it. Almost all the ancient literature has been written in that language. Associating it with religion is crazy. Do you know for a fact all the western countries especially America, England etc. are growing crazy over Sanskrit. They are raving about it and trying to learn it.

Like I said the person who chooses English as national ought to be shot, or he can go and live in America, England etc.
The person who chooses Hindi tell him/her to remove his children from English medium school and put them in Hindi medium school.


gaurav21r said:
After all how many of you knew that INDIA IS THE LARGEST ENGLISH SPEAKING NATION IN THE WORLD??? Pl ignore if you already knew that.
Where's the source buddy? I wud like to see how Indians have give a tight slap to foreigners from US and UK and overtaken them in their own language!


Hindi is our National Language ... :)

I don't think our national language will be changed just because more people speak english.

The same goes for State languages across all states. If tomorrow More people start coming into My state, I don't think, My state's language (kannada) will be changed just because there are more people speaking other languages (Tamil, Telugu, Marathi etc):)

I think this is a fight for no cause.... We have to concentrate & work hard on nation building than quarrel among ourselves to choose a national language.

Our National Language >>> HINDI
Our National Bird >>> PEACOCK
Our National Animal >>> TIGER
Our National Fruit >>> MANGO
Our National Flower >>> LOTUS

All these things will remain intact whether we like it or not !!!
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@mediator: It's such a Big fact that no sources have to be given. Just search yourself. Even Wiki has an article on this!

@Poon: Yes I do agree there, only a few of our population are speaking English.

But you know in some places (esp South) English is a more popular Language than Hindi! Right from school level. It is of course essential that we have a National Language which is spoken by the majority.

But the percentage of population speaking English is on the rise. One day of course it will catch up with Hindi and the others. Then maybe English as well as Hindi can share the status of being the National Languages of our country.

Till then i think we'll stick to Hindi.

@kl_ravi: This is not some kind of big war :). We must change with time and so must the nation. The very idea of a discussion on the national language is for Nation Building only. Tomo if the Tigers become extinct in our country(Heavens Forbid!) you mean to say our National Animal will remain intact whether we like it or not ???


To repeat what I said National is something everybody has a bonding too and which represents the whole of India. Southerner's don't want Hindi mainly because it is a feeling of insecurity and they don't have any feeling or bonding towards Hindi. We are proud to be Indians though we may not jack sh*t about hindi. For us Hindi is as alien as as English. If you base your claim on majority then to repeat what CM Annadurai said why not have the rat as the national animal instead of the Tiger after all it is more numerous or the crow as the national bird instead of the Peacock.
I guess our identity should be Unity in diversity and not "Hindi".

I admit guilt of being ignorant of Hindi as it is spoken by the majority. If as Indians we want to feel at home anywhere in India we got to know Hindi none can deny that. But that doesn't mean it is our national symbol.
Education in India should and must be in our mother-tongue. Our medium of instruction should shift from English to our local languages. "Why is that India which has the best of everything have to opt for the worst."


@gaurav21r : Around 1-5 % Indian population can speak English and not very fluently. All the southerners trying to make foreigners happy here can't even write their sentences well gramatically! Keeping that in view I find it hard that Indians have overtaken foreigners in English speaking!

Neways please post the wiki source that u said! U can't just say its true n then ask the opponents to go n search for urself. Thats disgusting!

Neways to repeat mahself again speacially for u, lemme remind u the definition of the word national language : A language orginating in ones country to be called national! Imagine chinese had counquered India and preached and spread chinese here. I can't imagine then what u wud have been supporting then as National LAnguage. Chinese??

So I request u to please read the whole thread again from the start. Most people tried better than u in giving absurd replies/posts . All failed !! Many of mah posts went unreplied. May be u can entertain me with some replies there. So please read n learn where ur thoughts match them n then read my replies there! UR talkin nothing new here!


left this forum longback
As i posted earlier Tamils are more proud of their language and dont want to use or study hindi for that matter.then y ?
Let the ppl learn English.-northeast ppls are happy on that;Tamils also will support,also are Malayalee.only few south western belt areas are happy with Hindi in south india.

Hindi cannot be the national language.ppl who supports Hindi never understand how Andhra,Tamil Nadu,South Canara/Mysore and Kerala are happier without Hindi.infact a thought that hindi is known allover india grown over u ppl coz u r living in Hindi spoken packs.infact i checked one of the siggys in tamil by one member-Tamil Vaazhga-Tamil Glorified!.if u want tamil ppl to have more feelings and reasons for seperation-go on and impose hindi and do enjoy anti-patriotism and Anti-Hindi riots again rejuvanated.
so Hindi is not related to patriotism.English can fill the gap btw us Indians.


prakash_kerala said:
English can fill the gap btw us Indians.
But only as official Language! There's a difference between foreign language and home grown language. Southerners shud see the difference between them clearly. I respect ur opinion about Tamil, but anyone who says English as national language then he is either ignorant about definition of the term National or is retarded piece who tries to make foreigner happy everytime or is an Anti-India element or is just trying to troll around

What de heck I get to see no new posts/replies here! ;)
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