Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism

gagan can i also have the rcon pwd if you think im able or mature enough? i promise not to spread it and create chaos
The FIRST server I connected to was a jump server. That was the time I just started UrT. A was flying between walls like batman. It was a custom map. I had a knife and I tried to kill him since it was TDM, but he was like you can't kill in this map. I asked then WTF is this map for. He said that its a jump server. I said I am a newbie. He said I picked the hardest possible game to start off with.

Anyway, so can somebody teach me jumping here ?
But this will cause problems like what we faced in the request avatar thread, so better keep it like this and bump in time to time


Violent serenity.
Hullap has asked me to post this and requested everybody here to join in.



In the zone
^^thanks for informing us psycho ;)

i request every UrT player to register there as the registration closes on 27 . hurry up !!!
BTW i am for [DF]
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