Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
Hi Gamers,

I am addicted to URBAN TERROR <-- Multiplayer ..I am just rocking in it..I am very happy that I get pings around 150 but still high but I can manage but nowdays I am facing a weird problem I usually get around 50 FPS but whenever I go to any area very fights are most often some times my fps just ceases below 10 and i am killed...can anyone just suggest me how to higher my fps so that I can more rock in UrT...Specially I am looking forward to be helped by any member who plays UrT or any other member help will be really appreciated without any thought.

Thanks in Advance..


Pee into the Wind...
Try lowering the in-game setting.?
BTW, your condition is much better than mine.In maps with lots of open spaces like Austria,Riyadh etc. I get around 15 fps, drops down to 5-6 when I enter fights.So I mostly prefer maps like Abbey,Turnpike where I manage about 25 fps.


Ballack Junior
hellsheaven..ok fine..i'll be playing there..
btw i played at other servers..this game is awesome..i dont know what went wrong last time..but now i've got a hang of it..

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
The best way is to lower the resolution.

whats woos ip?

I'm happy to report that I get lower pings there, compared to Hells.
At Hells, these days I get ~350, but there, it's ~200. Much better. :)
BTW, the server isn't up all the time. When many of us woo!2k guys are at Hells, we decide to play at the clan server. You too are welcome. :)
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Pee into the Wind...
Just tweak around with the display settings till you find something that both looks good to you and gives better FPS too.
I have every setting set to low and resolution is 640x480.


Buy a graphic card, increase the ram many many ways to increase the fps. shut off the other effects like shadows, blood etc.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
So, when is the next Digit Forum party? I won't mind hosting when I get my router back. My server will also not lag like hullap's. His MTNL connection sucks.
Got my friend's router for a day, played on Hells Riyadh...score was 71-15 and then CGM changed map to tease me....:| And now back on Dial-up & GPRS. :|
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