Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Great to know that. But hellsheaven is again down for some reason/
Nope, it is UP. :)

As for bomb mode, its quite fun, but the problem is that unlike counter-strike, reversal of roles every other game is not implemented.
Well, I haven't played any other FPS game in my life, but I've played this UrT very excessively. What we do is after every 10 games, a vote to Swap teams is called. (The command is /callvote swapteams in the console.) And people vote yes. :)

And yeah, the guy's name is Mukesh. I haven't seen him around since I stoped playing actively.
I recollect a small acquaintance with him @ the V-street.net/Erodov server when it was newly setup. I was a n00b back then.

Hey guys I am looking forward to have a match [DF] vs [woo!2k]..BOMB MODE what u all say...plz confirm..
lolz, me having exams and I'm on dial-up. I've taken my friend's ADSL modem for only today thats why I was palying today in the server. The repair of my ADSL router will take about a week's time and my exams will also get over till then. :D
BTW, [9.11] guys and [DF]Spartan had defeated those [woo!2k] guys on the 1st day of their clan. It was a 300 kill Team DM match in Riyadh and we rocked. :D This has been the one & only clan war held at the Hellsheaven server. lolz.


Slideshow Bob
BTW, [9.11] guys and [DF]Spartan had defeated those [woo!2k] guys on the 1st day of their clan. It was a 300 kill Team DM match in Riyadh and we rocked. :D This has been the one & only clan war held at the Hellsheaven server. lolz.

Organize another one, after you're all set and free. :eek:


Ballack Junior
ok so i'll try this game again..
people has digit provided urban terror for linux on any of the dvd's??if not i'll have a download 700mb..or perhaps i'll use the windows version only..


Chosen of the Omnissiah
^^ Just go here *www.urbanterror.net/page.php?6 and download the Zip installer. It is 700MB. Digit had provided UrT 4.0 long time back, but it is of no use now. Get 4.1. :)

No need to download the .exe self extracting installer as you can run UrT directly from the extracted folder and thus even from your pen drive. :)

The zip file contains both the Linux (ioUrbanTerror.i386) & Win (ioUrbanTerror.exe) executable. These will be good for you. :)


Ballack Junior
oh great..i thought i'd have to compile it as well..didnt know i'll just have to extract..sure thing now..i'll start tommorow..right now utorrent is downloading something:):)

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
I dont see omega nowadays but if you would like to add him hes the top, still ochibi scores the max point in other game trackers

Stats don't mean everything y'know. Sometimes, a guy can have very good stats, but he may use tactics like spawn killing, negev spraying etc. which is not professional. To get to know how good a player really is, spec him/ :D her :D. I agree, ochibi is good :)

Organize another one, after you're all set and free. :eek:


ok so i'll try this game again..
people has digit provided urban terror for linux on any of the dvd's??if not i'll have a download 700mb..or perhaps i'll use the windows version only..

Digit hasn't provided the latest, 4.1 version of the game. So you'll have to D/L it.
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Chosen of the Omnissiah
One thing I'm not able to understand. Everytime I go & play with changed names, and everyone recognizes me always......WTF :mad: Even if I don't speak a single word......

It has happened with me many times, as soon as I enter. Within 5 minutes of game, people say, "Are you gagan? Are you bullet?"..........WTF :mad:

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Lolz, Aron would have taught you how to get onto the top near the Blue base.........:lol:

That was an old one. Anuj had taught me that one already. He taught some other jumps @ Spice Street in Algiers. And he also showed us a jump in some map. I forgot. :oops:
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