not the TV. thats 2yrs old... only the stereo.
@GhorMaanas: i had to move some furniture to get the proper sound. before that the sound had an over hanging bass, just intolerable and gave me a cracking headache within minutes. my mom objected to moving the furniture, but she heard the change in the sound, she settled down.

the discussions on speaker placement over at hifivision was very helpful!
now, the sound is soothing and just the way it is to listened to.... okay,, maybe not perfect, but perfecting the sound would need some more time, and now im going to pune. so that plan is shelved till i come back.
yeah, i tried out some classical, instrumental, oldies, Metallica... the sound is so hard hitting with metallica. and yet with classicals, that same speaker is so soothing.
yeah i got the sonodyne from the republic day sale.