Legend Never Ends
try to login through this address: to login via my blackberry browser..
it returns to login screen again and again telling you do not have access to it!
try to login through this address: to login via my blackberry browser..
it returns to login screen again and again telling you do not have access to it!
is Email notification working.. I subscribed my own thread today afternoon and some one posted in it @ 4 :42 but I have not received any e-mail till now..
when a new link is inserted, the central line should get highlighted so it can be replaced with a proper heading. It was there in VB 3.8 but doesn't work now.
I cannot search for words less than 5 alphabets.. e.g i5,osx,dota,cs.
probably as there will be lots of results. Just use Google for such queries. Type the query and add :
you should get proper results then.
I think minimum search word length is set to 5. Anyway thanks for your trick...I will follow that.
Talking about the 5-length words --> I searched for 'DDR2 RAM' (>5), but it dint yield any results.
Talking about the 5-length words --> I searched for 'DDR2 RAM' (>5), but it dint yield any results.
Try searching it after enclosing them in double quotes.![]()
It worked
Is there any option to embed MP3, just like embedding videos?
no. Dont think its needed very much in a Tech forum. At best you can leave direct links to the mp3.
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="*"></iframe>