TDF Upgraded - Post bugs here please

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Firecracker to the moon
One more suggestion i hope everyone agrees with this :)
See when we click "INSERT IMAGE" instead of .jpg attachment coming up.Why not just show the thumbnail.It will save the time of going to image hosting sites to upload the pic and then copy the code and then pasting it here.
What say guys?

when a new link is inserted, the central line should get highlighted so it can be replaced with a proper heading. It was there in VB 3.8 but doesn't work now.

+1.Even i want that feature especially i need it for the thread i'm working on presently ;)


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
probably as there will be lots of results. Just use Google for such queries. Type the query and add :

you should get proper results then.

I think minimum search word length is set to 5. Anyway thanks for your trick... :) I will follow that.


The Power of x480
Staff member
We can have a feature to embed sound clips from

@ico: The embed code of sound cloud is following:
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="*"></iframe>

You think you can do something to make it embed?
I think it's possible like we can embed YT vids.


Everything looks fine but when i search all the threads i created by entering my name in the search box, i get only a few results.. also in the bottom it shows 1-18 of 19 and there is no way to go to the 19th one. what went wrong?? :-(


Wise Old Owl
There is no visible separator between two consecutive posts by self that got auto-merged.

For eg. this is actually 2 different posts.


hi why is there double post ....when I post once from mobile

hi why is there double post ....when I post once from mobile
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