TDF Playdates V2.0


Living to Play
SO how many are going to join in Rainbow ??
The members I do know are
1. Me
2. [MENTION=145360]kunalht[/MENTION]
3. [MENTION=22661]ManiDhillon[/MENTION]
4. [MENTION=148045]anirbandd[/MENTION]
5. [MENTION=169037]ariftwister[/MENTION]

Anyone else ??


Conversation Architect
ooooh yeah im am gonna join!!

but i need to install it and patch it up..

PS: [MENTION=73844]gameranand[/MENTION] : the link you posted in the steam chat last night didnt work. :( it was for the 1.03 patch...


Living to Play
Played a lot with [MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION]. [MENTION=169037]ariftwister[/MENTION] and [MENTION=145360]kunalht[/MENTION].....It was really sad that [MENTION=22661]ManiDhillon[/MENTION] could not join us because of powercut but he started the dedicated server for us so we could play. Thanks a lot [MENTION=22661]ManiDhillon[/MENTION] for enabling us to play, but at first he cursed us a lot. :D
When playing Co-Op, whenever we said someone is at bottom then [MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION] will just run to them and me [MENTION=169037]ariftwister[/MENTION] have shout "Shooty wapas aa, cover me reh, wapas aa". When Me and [MENTION=169037]ariftwister[/MENTION] will die then [MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION] will simply find the safest place to Hide until one of us will respawn, it was truly Epic. :D

Here are some screenies, I won most of the rounds but whats a winning when [MENTION=22661]ManiDhillon[/MENTION] is not playing. :cry:


This is Co-Op Terrorist Hunt, [MENTION=169037]ariftwister[/MENTION] prevailed.

Finally [MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION] on top even though we lost the mission. :D

This is Co-Op where I am on top. :p

Now a couple Deathmatch scores. :)

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Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
We should plan 4-5 games for future playdates. This way people will know in advance and prepare accordingly.


Conversation Architect
whats the use??

only a few poeple come.. all this planning and things, and only 5-6 guys, at max, turn up.

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but if you do wanna know, yes, we are palnnign for that too..

me and [MENTION=22661]ManiDhillon[/MENTION] will try out Day of Defeat today for LAN playability.. then maybe as [MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION] suggested, FearCombat..

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Played a lot with [MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION]. [MENTION=169037]ariftwister[/MENTION] and [MENTION=145360]kunalht[/MENTION].....It was really sad that [MENTION=22661]ManiDhillon[/MENTION] could not join us because of powercut but he started the dedicated server for us so we could play. Thanks a lot [MENTION=129278]man[/MENTION]hiDhillon for enabling us to play, but at first he cursed us a lot. :D
When playing Co-Op, whenever we said someone is at bottom then [MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION] will just run to them and me [MENTION=169037]ariftwister[/MENTION] have shout "Shooty wapas aa, cover me reh, wapas aa". When Me and [MENTION=169037]ariftwister[/MENTION] will die then [MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION] will simply find the safest place to Hide until one of us will respawn, it was truly Epic. :D

i couldnt even play :(


N00B Troller
Why don't you guys decide on 1 game and play it for quite a while , I downloaded Tribes Ascend and you guys only played it for like 2 hours . Everyone cant download new games every week , neither do I have the bandwidth nor the hard disk space to accommodate new games every week as it is quite painful to delete games when I have already downloaded in my 512 kbps internet . When this PD 2.0 started I advised new game every couple of weeks or 1 month (making it like an event) . New games every week wont get that much participation , remember the first round of PD quake 3 and TMNF got a healthy number of players as it was not just some sudden announcement but was discussed and everyone was made to know which games were being played .

Just my :2cents:


Living to Play
We should plan 4-5 games for future playdates. This way people will know in advance and prepare accordingly.
Then it would be better to have a monthly Playdate. One game whole month.
We notified all (including you) three weeks in advance about GRAW2 playdate. Even a person with 128 kbps bandwidth can download 3 GB in that much time. You excuse for skipping the download/playdate please?
4-5 games in future ?? Seriously ?? We haven't arranged a single playdate with DL size more than 3-4 GB. I think 1 week is more than enough to DL that amount of data.

Why don't you guys decide on 1 game and play it for quite a while , I downloaded Tribes Ascend and you guys only played it for like 2 hours . Everyone cant download new games every week , neither do I have the bandwidth nor the hard disk space to accommodate new games every week as it is quite painful to delete games when I have already downloaded in my 512 kbps internet . When this PD 2.0 started I advised new game every couple of weeks or 1 month (making it like an event) . New games every week wont get that much participation , remember the first round of PD quake 3 and TMNF got a healthy number of players as it was not just some sudden announcement but was discussed and everyone was made to know which games were being played . Just my :2cents:
Read the same I replied to [MENTION=5007]DeSmOnD dAvId[/MENTION] . We are playing GRAW2 for three weeks now, next playdate is still GRAW2, how much have you downloaded?
Also I said in very beginning that there will be a Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 PD soon but no one has downloaded that as well......nowadays we are playing that.

Why I always change the game we play every week ?? Its simple really, to keep things refreshed. I don't want anyone to get bored with just one we keep changing it and we also keep the mind about the bandwidth and System requirements of the games as well. No game that we have decided have high requirements or DL size at all. I don't think that its really hard to download 4-5 games for playdates because after all the games have been completed we will recycle them anyway but no one shows the interest at all. In TA PD only 4 people joined including me. I mean seriously WTF.....that is the definition of PD ?? 4 people ?? I can arrange that anytime from my Steam friends, I am sorry if I am being aggressive and all but I expected more from TDF guys that this. Finally in GRAW 2 we are having 6-7 people so we decided to run it again. So I am not seeing what is the problem with guys. I am stating again that after GRAW 2 we will have Rainbow Six Vegas 2 PD or the Fear Combat as suggested by Anorion...RSV2 is 4.5 GB DL and FC is just around 1 GN so please Download them and GRAW 2 to attend future PDs.
The problem is everyone talk about playing but only a few are there to play. Even if you start downloading right now, you could play with us tomorrow. Please show you dedication and download it, we will be more than happy to have more players.
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