Suggestion Box

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First of all welcome to the forum. The questions restrictions are only for first few posts to prevent bots spamming the forums. As you get beyond a certain threshold, you won't be asked anything again before every post.

Oh! I just figured. In fact, as i'm posting this right now, i'm not going through the tedious process. Thanks!

The Sorcerer

oh wow...Xenforo!!!
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Not sure who is the admin but as said by a guy there, the admin needs to moderate over there. People have started using it as a place to ask for keygens and cracks. Its 1-2 people for now, but that's how it usually starts. Order is needed in that place.


Right off the assembly line
Has Digit stopped making money from the mag? Why have sooo many ads been put around the site?!!!
LESS (visible) content, MORE adverts! Is the mag suffering so much that digit needs to earn from ads now?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Has Digit stopped making money from the mag? Why have sooo many ads been put around the site?!!!
LESS (visible) content, MORE adverts! Is the mag suffering so much that digit needs to earn from ads now?
Scroll down and choose "TDF v6b" instead of "TDF v6a"


^^ yes, that what ico explained you, To remove ads for forum Scroll down and choose "TDF v6b" instead of "TDF v6a" From Drop down list


Broken In
Hi All

one small suggestion

we will be having the name of the thread started. what my suggestion is add the started Thread date and Days. this will know that how old the thread is.



Legend Never Ends
Hi All

one small suggestion

we will be having the name of the thread started. what my suggestion is add the started Thread date and Days. this will know that how old the thread is.


it already is. Just go to first post of thread and have a look at the top left corner of post :wink:


The Power of x480
Staff member
Not sure if this is a good place. But I wanted to put across this message: Dates for recent and upcoming webinars are kept on Fridays and that too in the timings slots of 3 PM - 4 PM. Link.

So its impossible for a working person to attend it.

Well... come to think of it maybe Webinars are focused more towards Students then working people. But still. :|


Digital Marketer
Would be great to have a +1 thingy for the posts... +1'ing would be a lot better to show your support for a post than just writing a few words for pc. Think about it, please.


The got my December issue yesterday and was content was good as per usual but the DVD interface is rather boring. Why do you guys use i pad as interface, get something Original! Also about the music you use in interface, please just provide it without music instead or use good one.
The magazine is thin, I expected a thicker issue for Rs 250. There was no problem in content, but the layout does need a makeover. Fast track should be digital or the paper used in that should be replaced. Where are the "previous digit issues" you generally provide, I really wanted those?
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