
  1. V

    Vector Version of Digit Logo?

    I need a Vector/CSS version of Digit's logo - the diamond-shaped one with the pinkish red background, used as favicon for the main site - is there any? If not, could someone please specify the font used for the 'd' in the logo? I went through all of the default fonts (and a lot of custom fonts)...
  2. bssunilreddy

    My Chrome is saying "Not Secure"

    Hai, My Chrome is saying "Not Secure" when I type in digit or any other site in order to log in to that forum or mail. It's like this as below: Is it normal for everybody when they are logging into Digit or any mail id? Please tell me!
  3. nac

    All sites are down, except digit forum

    For the last few days, net is little slow. Yesterday, there were so many "Server not found" after few tries, they will load (including google) Now everything is down except digit forum. No youtube, skype, google, and tried more than a dozen sites I bookmarked, nothing works. Read an article...
  4. skeletor

    Make Digit Great Again!!

    yea, the forum. I'm back. Permanently. So, what are the issues? I want to say sorry for locking 'the Off-topic thread', it did kill the forum afterall. :( I think we should reduce the number of sections. Large sections worked when we had traffic, now we don't. We have too many subforums.
  5. baccilus

    Discussion: Enough of product reviews, we need service reviews in the Digit magazine!

    Recently I was in the market for a graphic card and I realized that the biggest factor for me while choosing one would be how is the after sales service of the brand that I am going to buy. I also realized that there are literally no places where I can know about the service of specific brands...
  6. makwanamilan96

    Can i post screenshot from digit magazine to my blog ?

    Hey There ! I own 20+ issues of digit magazine (Hard copies). All the issues are very much informative with their guides and how-to-do tutorials. I have my community blog and as well as my personal blog. Some of the topics like science , career related topics and also some tech articles...
  7. B

    How to change DP/Photo?

    Hi guys I am new to this Forum and unable to understand Forum software? I want to know that How can I change my Display Pic/Avatar in Digit Forum? I can't find any option in Settings/UserCP. Please help :crying2_NF:
  8. S

    World of Warcraft

    Hey guys I just started playing on retail since December and been on and off. Anyone here on Digit Forums who plays it?
  9. hdsk.23

    [Want to Buy] Digit 2013, 2014 pdf disc and possible 2015

    Hi All, Wow its nice to be back. Its been long time I have read the Digit magazine. I left India about 3 years back. Is it possible for anyone to sell the PDF's for 2013 and 2014. If possible for 2015 too. I hope its legal to post this here. If not sorry digit I didn't knew that :P...
  10. izzikio_rage

    Waves of Nostalgia: Letting go of my old magazines

    Well today is the back to the future day. The day that the movie Back to the future saw as the very distant future when it was released in 1985. So today I finally decided to clean up my act and donate to my friendly neighbourhood raddiwala my collection of Chip/Digit magazines starting from the...
  11. Ironman

    I Cannot Find my Digit Subscription Code.

    I dont know where my digit subscription code is .... how do i find it ? where is it written ? HELP
  12. T

    Job in Digit Mag?

    Hi.. I'm Prithvi and like all you guys out there I am a Digit Maniac( Never Missed an edition since 2012).. I am a tech lover and reviewer and I am currently persuing my B.E Computer Science degree(Final year).. And apart from this I am also good at designning with photoshops(designed a...
  13. T

    What it takes to get a job in Digit Mag?

    Hi.. I'm Prithvi and like all you guys out there I am a Digit Maniac( Never Missed an edition since 2012).. I am a tech lover and reviewer and I am currently persuing my B.E Computer Science degree(Final year).. And apart from this I am also good at designning with photoshops(designed a...
  14. G

    How to install android m ?

    Did I posted in wrong section ? Hi, On July edition of Digit Android M preview came,how can I install it ?
  15. mikael_schiffer

    Digit website articles are a joke

    Seriously, its embarrassing. Dont you think new prospective Digit magazine buyers will be swayed away after seeing the shitty articles,slideshows and the overall design and layout of the website? There was a time when i used to comment on (almost)every shitty article laden with false...
  16. Thor

    Why are latest Digit Mags are not available on Magzter anymore ?

    Hi Guys, I use magzter for my monthly dosage of Magazines. Reading the magazine in ipad using Magzter is pretty cool. Unfortunately I am noticing for the past few months that the latest issues of Digit are not showing up in Magzter app, neither in their website. What's wrong ? Did digit pull...
  17. Ironman

    Digit Magazine Question

    I am a DIGIT Reader since 06 , but Unfortunately i had missed a few (on or two in a year) Subscriber since (a few months) Recently i was rearranging and found out that i had the Encyclopedia Technica Series Vol - 3 (Dec 2013) Vol - 5 (Dec 2014) I dont have Vol - 1 (Dec 2012) Vol - 2 (June...
  18. Raaabo

    Digit DVD - software app video or game demands 2015

    Post all demands for the stuff you want included in the DVDs that come with Digit here. This is the 2015 thread because December issue has already been closed. Demands will appear in Jan 2015 issue or later.
  19. mikael_schiffer

    Some query about Chip.in forum

    For the youngsters here, Chip was the fore runner of IT journalism in India, way back in 1998 (yes i'm quiet old hehe) it ushered an age if IT revolution in India, backed by Jasubhai Media Publications. After few years, there was a huge change and the magazine was renamed Digit. Then after a...
  20. A


    Inspired from DIGIT, made my own page in facebook named Gizmopedia. gizmopedia Please everyone like it. The website for my page is under-construction. A digit reader since 6 years.
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