Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned

Extreme Gamer

Wait a minute... stop lying.

dead5 posted this and you guys took it off topic.

And you are posting much older discussions and you posted segments from my posts. If you actually see the context then it is obvious that I wasn't doing any such BS.

1. That was a very fair E3 review. I praised sony many times before in that post. How is it fanboyistic if sony is making a small loss on each PS4? How is it wrong for me to post my opinion that the Wii U became more appealing because of PS4's online policies? And have you never heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder?
2. Someone said that the PS4 is the smallest console of the next generation. I only pointed out that the Wii U is smaller :|
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laborare est orare
Look guys, the discussion was going offtopic and that's why I have deleted most of the posts where you are fighting to prove the superiority of your console of choice. Neither it was some enlightening post nor it was a constructive discussion. If you check carefully then will find out that I haven't deleted dan4U's post as he has shared some information.
But again you guys are fighting to each other and blaming others about their fault. And believe me, banning is not at all any solution to any problem. So please stick to the topic from now on.



Not commenting on his time to triangle claims lest people attack me for simply questioning his claims while regarding devs who have not had much experience in the PC realm, especially for those from a rather grorius empire and the effort required to use 8 cores.
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Will there be a Killzone Shadowfall bundle for PS4? PlayStation 4 Killzone Launch Day Bundle: Video Games

"509.99 US Dollars"

A bit of calculation shows that the bundle will cost about 37 - 40k unless sony is willing to take a bigger loss/less of a profit in India.
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Sony won't abandon PS3 after PS4 launch, execs say - AfterDawn

With the launch of the PlayStation 4 console set for the holiday season, Sony is reassuring PS3 owners of potential buyers that the console has years left.
In an interview with Japanese Weekly Famitsu, translated via Kotaku, Sony Japan president Hiroshi Kawano and his counterpart at Sony Worldwide, Shuhei Yoshida, were asked about the continued life of the PS3 console following the launch of the PS4 later this year.

"It's been seven years since the release of the PS3 and the console continues to sell at a constant pace, plus we have many upcoming titles." Kawano said. "We have no intention of immediately shifting from the PS3 to the PS4."

He added: "With the 2014 launch of our cloud service in the US allowing users to play PS3 games on the PS4, some people may switch consoles from the PS3 to the PS4. But that'll be a gradual process, and to say 'we're releasing a new console, so trade in your old ones for it' would be a maker's ego talking, plain and simple."

Sony continued supporting its PS2 console for years following the release of the PS3 also. After the PS3 was launched, the Japanese electronics giant promised ten years of support.


I am the night...I am...

That was a great presentation and chronicles the man's activities in the industry. This guy is no wonder a genius ( no sarcasm here).
From developing coin based arcade titles at Atari to lead system architect, its been a long journey for mark. He also was the first engineer to test code the cell processor and it benefits. (The guy also went to berkeley state university at 16 :shock: )
A man to really idolize or look forward to.

It's the longest presentation i've ever watched. :p

Obvious.They will dump all their unsold PS3's in India or other 3rd world countries :razz:

I don't think so. Playstation support in india is no inferior compared to other first world countries.
They've done good business here and the playstation brand itself has been quite common among retailers as well as gamers.

Sony india is quickly bringing all products as soon as they're launched. India isn't treated as a third world, atleast by Sony.


Obvious.They will dump all their unsold PS3's in India or other 3rd world countries :razz:

Nope. They will continue to support the PS3 in the west too. They're still planning to go as per the 10 year PS3 plan.

EA: Mirror's Edge sequel will reach a bigger group of people -

Coming from EA, it is downright terrifying. Lets hope they don't AssCr-ify the free running.


Good thing is the day one release of games in India.
This itself says the receptions of games and gamers in India.

Extreme Gamer

That was a great presentation and chronicles the man's activities in the industry. This guy is no wonder a genius ( no sarcasm here).
From developing coin based arcade titles at Atari to lead system architect, its been a long journey for mark. He also was the first engineer to test code the cell processor and it benefits. (The guy also went to berkeley state university at 16 :shock: )
A man to really idolize or look forward to.

It's the longest presentation i've ever watched. :p

I don't think so. Playstation support in india is no inferior compared to other first world countries.
They've done good business here and the playstation brand itself has been quite common among retailers as well as gamers.

Sony india is quickly bringing all products as soon as they're launched. India isn't treated as a third world, atleast by Sony.

Don't you mean UC Berkely? :) He started attending at the age of 13 :O

Sony treats India as second world, so to speak. We still do not have prepaid playstation cards. Also, many Sony product lines (such as most of their home theatre equipment) are unavailable here. Yes while it is often the more niche lines that are unavailable, countries such as Thailand and Malaysia are treated better than us.

Oddly, Electronics division for us is Asia Pacific while Entertainment division is europe :p
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Wise Old Owl
Don't you mean UC Berkely? :) He started attending at the age of 13 :O

Sony treats India as second world, so to speak. We still do not have prepaid playstation cards. Also, many Sony product lines (such as most of their home theatre equipment) are unavailable here. Yes while it is often the more niche lines that are unavailable, countries such as Thailand and Malaysia are treated better than us.

Oddly, Electronics division for us is Asia Pacific while Entertainment division is europe :p

you are shifting the topic again. And btw did you know the countries you mentioned are the place where they make those damn things. Secondly malaysia has no import duty on electronics. ( so i figure if that has something to do with this?! )

and btw, india is not treated as third world country. You arent a ps fan that much i can tell from your lack of knowledge about how sony operates in india.

India is the only so called " third world country / sony dumping ground " where killzone 2 broke the street date for the game release. You just need to have contacts what is not possible here?

now we know, you are just like a figment of imagination of your brother dead5. Not a ps fan, not an extreme gamer, just a rich spoilt brat with too much money to spend who thinks buying limited edition releases is the way to proclaim his stake, and claim himself as the mr. know-it-all-i-am-the-extreme-gamer

I dont mean this in an insulting manner, just think about this and then reply ( if you wish to )

and sony is all well damn ready to bring prepaid cards to india, the question is are rich brats like you ready to pay 25% cutoms duty and vat ?

dont post bullshit when you dont know nothing about anything. :|

Obvious.They will dump all their unsold PS3's in India or other 3rd world countries :razz:

and they will make you buy a second ps3. ;)

Extreme Gamer

you are shifting the topic again. And btw did you know the countries you mentioned are the place where they make those damn things. Secondly malaysia has no import duty on electronics. ( so i figure if that has something to do with this?! )

and btw, india is not treated as third world country. You arent a ps fan that much i can tell from your lack of knowledge about how sony operates in india.

India is the only so called " third world country / sony dumping ground " where killzone 2 broke the street date for the game release. You just need to have contacts what is not possible here?

now we know, you are just like a figment of imagination of your brother dead5. Not a ps fan, not an extreme gamer, just a rich spoilt brat with too much money to spend who thinks buying limited edition releases is the way to proclaim his stake, and claim himself as the mr. know-it-all-i-am-the-extreme-gamer

I dont mean this in an insulting manner, just think about this and then reply ( if you wish to )

and sony is all well damn ready to bring prepaid cards to india, the question is are rich brats like you ready to pay 25% cutoms duty and vat ?

dont post bullshit when you dont know nothing about anything. :|

and they will make you buy a second ps3. ;)

I'm not shifting the topic. I was only responding to what Vickybat wrote. BTW, if Thailand and Malaysia are the locations they make their products, why do Europe and North America get more of those product lines than the APAC region? In case you didn't know, customs is obnoxious in Canada and USA for goods outside the NAFTA region (and bad in the NAFTA region).

I'm not posting BS, you are. I never claimed India is treated as a third world country. Obviously an arrogant person like you will choose not to notice that I said India is treated as a second world country.

India is an Apple dumping ground, not Sony dumping ground. Don't associate comments that I do not make with me.

I never said buying limited edition edition releases proclaims my stake. IDK how you got that into your head :confused:

They aren't yet ready to bring in those cards yet. I happen to have read two interviews discussing it long before posting my previous post. They believe that the legislation is hazy with regards to these cards. They have not been able to determine whether these prepaid cards are services or products.

They could just print those cards here. After all, it is the activated key in the card that is important, not the damn card itself. That way a significant amount of money is saved from customs (if any would be applied).


Wise Old Owl
I'm not shifting the topic. I was only responding to what Vickybat wrote. BTW, if Thailand and Malaysia are the locations they make their products, why do Europe and North America get more of those product lines than the APAC region? In case you didn't know, customs is obnoxious in Canada and USA for goods outside the NAFTA region (and bad in the NAFTA region).

I'm not posting BS, you are. I never claimed India is treated as a third world country. Obviously an arrogant person like you will choose not to notice that I said India is treated as a second world country.

India is an Apple dumping ground, not Sony dumping ground. Don't associate comments that I do not make with me.

I never said buying limited edition edition releases proclaims my stake. IDK how you got that into your head :confused:

They aren't yet ready to bring in those cards yet. I happen to have read two interviews discussing it long before posting my previous post. They believe that the legislation is hazy with regards to these cards. They have not been able to determine whether these prepaid cards are services or products.

They could just print those cards here. After all, it is the activated key in the card that is important, not the damn card itself. That way a significant amount of money is saved from customs (if any would be applied).

this is why you are still ending up here, posting read ( still bullshit ) on tdf instead of working for sony india and importing stuff. Its not logistically possible.

you dont have respect for anything, except for what your brother says.. you will blindly follow him into a well to commit suicide too. If you dont respect something or someone dont expect any in return.

Extreme Gamer

this is why you are still ending up here, posting read ( still bullshit ) on tdf instead of working for sony india and importing stuff. Its not logistically possible.

you dont have respect for anything, except for what your brother says.. you will blindly follow him into a well to commit suicide too. If you dont respect something or someone dont expect any in return.

See, you have no response. That is why you're resorting to BS yet again.

I admit when I make mistakes. This time I've made none. It is very much logistically possible. They aren't doing it because they're not sure through what channel they can import the stuff.

Why don't you point out the errors in my post instead of making one line about how I'm posting BS?

And stop talking about respect. I totally respect Sony 1st Party devs like SuckerPunch, Sony Santa Monica, the former SCE Studio Liverpool etc. I like Naughty Dog, but I don't like their latest game.

Respect is earned, not assumed/ demanded.


Cyborg Agent
I admit when I make mistakes.
oh no you don't.. Remember, we are all reading the posts and we have responded for peoples comments here..

For example:: (this is just one case that I remembered right away)
In case you have forgotten, your jargons that the forum has denied clearly stating that you should not be using them in a forum where people do not appreciate them, you still stood by to explain, rather elaborate the topic instead of accepting it and move on
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