Sony PlayStation 4 discussion | Trolls will be banned


Pictures of the Contents of the PS4 Box and of the Bundled Headset Appear (Updated)

The images are legit.



The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Interview: PS4-Xbox One Versions, Weather System, Monsters And Dragons

RedEngine 3 looks highly promising for the next-gen consoles.

The Real Reasons Microsoft, Sony Chose AMD For The Xbox One And PS4

Stupid **** mono headset. we are gonna go deaf in one ear.
I think I might modify the thing to add to earphones


PS4 architect Mark Cerny hopes PlayStation's legacy can match Nintendo's • News • PlayStation 4 •

Good Luck with that. You'll need it.


Conversation Architect
PS4 architect Mark Cerny hopes PlayStation's legacy can match Nintendo's • News • PlayStation 4 •

Good Luck with that. You'll need it.

need you make such valuable comments??

such comments will be more useful/respected in the Wii U thread.


It isn't about the Wii U...just look at Nintendo's history. Cerny said he wants the Playstation brand's legacy to match Nintendo's.

Okay? I can see that. Dead5 threw a bit of a sarcasm on Cerny's comments, I was responding to that, it isn't Sony that needs luck, but Nintendo with Wii U.


I'll be holding you to this after SM3DW, Pikmin 3, TW101, Bayonetta 2, Monolith Soft's X, Smash, DKC:TF, Mario Kart, SMT X FE, TLoZTWWHD, Wii Party U, Wii Fit U, Sonic Lost World, Yarn Yoshi & The Wii U Zelda game have come out.

Sure no problem, though how are we going to know Nintendo has succeeded? sales? innovation? Matching the popularity of the rival consoles?


I am the night...I am...
PS4 architect explains PS3's 'weak' launch and 'primitive development environment' And how Sony revised its attitude for PlayStation 4.

PlayStation 4's lead system architect Mark Cerny has admitted that PlayStation 3 had a "weak lineup" of titles available at launch, and explained the difficulties the hardware and software teams faced in the build-up to PS3's release.

Cerny made the comments during a presentation discussing the development of PlayStation 4, explaining the problems Sony experienced prior to the release of PS3, and describing CELL as a "Rubik's cube" which made it difficult for developers to perform "the most basic tasks".

"This was an exciting time but it was also a scary time," he said. "It was exciting because the technology was so new and if used properly it was so powerful. It was scary because it was hard to figure out how to do the most basic tasks on the hardware."

MotorStorm screenshot
Cerny likened CELL's SPUs to "a super computer on a chip. They have high performance but to get that performance you have to master their very high complexity."

He continued: "By this time it was already early 2005 and the hardware launch was set for holiday 2006 – less than two years away. Our focus changed from creating shared technology to trying to develop launch and launch window titles. We had to come face-to-face with a very tough fact: it was going to be quite difficult to create those titles.

"One problem that surfaced at this point was that the emphasis had been – for those first few years – 99 per cent hardware and 1 percent software. PS3 hardware was now close to reality but the game teams lacked many of the tools necessary to create their titles... The entire development environment was in a very primitive state."

Cerny revealed that first-party teams "needed basically an entire year to create usable graphics engines" for PlayStation 3. "The sky-high expectations for the game titles could only be met through clever use of SPUs, but both the unique nature of CELL and the primitive state of the development environment meant that game creation on PlayStation 3 was more time-consuming than any previous platform."

He also admitted that first-party studios felt they could outperform third-party developers because of their "tremendous lead" on PS3 development. "Our feeling was that Electronic Arts and Rockstar better watch out; our proprietary first-party systems were going to show them who had the right stuff. This was, of course, completely the wrong attitude... We weren't thinking about the platform at all."

Resistance: Fall of Man screenshot
PlayStation 3 launched in North America in late 2006, alongside first-party titles Resistance: Fall of Man, NBA 07 and Genji: Days of the Blade. Off-road racer MotorStorm followed shortly after.

Cerny continued: "Though we couldn't address all these issues in time for launch - which resulted in a weak line-up - we came out of this difficult time with some strengths. Those three years around launch – 2005, 2006, 2007 – are our unifying experience at Sony Computer Entertainment. Anyone who lived through those times understands the need for international collaboration, the value of frank and open conversation... the importance not just of hardware but also software and tools, and the vital role of third-parties in the success of the platform."

Cerny will be hoping that PlayStation 4 doesn't suffer a similar fate when it launches this Christmas. First-party titles due to release at launch include DriveClub, Killzone: Shadow Fall and Knack, with inFamous: Second Son due to ship early next year.

Sony: "It's not the decline of consoles, it's the decline of a generation"

The integration of cloud services is one smart move by both Sony and Microsoft. Has numerous possibilities.

PS4: Sony Earlier Thought About Slow GDDR5 + eDRAM (1088GB/s)

Good they went for fast GDDR5 type.

The Picture of the PS4 Bundle With the Camera and Knack Is Officially From Sony, and There’s More


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I'm thinking, should I go for the knoack bundle or not
I didn't like the game from the demo
Imight change my mind later


wii u rip, dead5 peace. (y)

lets not start a flame war. I would suggest another thread for this discussion. This thread is only for development going into the PS4 world. Nothing more and out of topic.
I will report spam and flame posts from now. which does not include your post @noas


Took Off!!!
The original Playstation that came out in 1994, it revitalized the gaming industry to a whole new level. When it came out the gaming industry was dominated by Nintendo and Sega. Sony marketed the Playstation to adults and newcomers, and not just kids.

P.S: Sony was the first to successfully introduce the CD format to consoles, which has since been adopted by every successful console including the Wii :p

Even At $500 Gamers Prefer PS4 Over Xbox One

PS4 as dev-friendly as original PlayStation
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I am the night...I am...
10. Ugh, I can say the same thing about any console exclusive alright. PS4 and XBone have got DIVISION!!! :P

THIS!!!! Man this game is turning extremely popular day by day. Its a gem in Ubisoft's repository. Even game devs are mesmerized by the ideas in "The Division".

My all time fav...Hideo Kojima is simply blown away by this game. See here:

Hideo Kojima is scared, inspired by The Division

Hideo Kojima Impressed By Ubisoft's The Division


Even Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto seems deeply inspired and interested in the game. :))


laborare est orare
Guys, you have been warned many times not to fight about which console is the best in any of the specific console thread. Stick with the console thread which you like and post all your gibberish on that. This time I have just cleaned the thread up but next time strong action will be taken against anyone involved in the fighting which in turn spoils the whole thread.

Don't get involve in any Fanboy fight if you don't like it and use the Report button. Consider this is as Final warning to you guys.

Extreme Gamer

i now hope you will try and :

for you its a distraction, for others it gives them a sense of achievement

if you play dota 2 and you keep on getting kills there is a kill announcer, thats the same thing as the cod achievements... and that only motivates you. This is the first time im reading about how achievements suck.

exclusive and unique? nintendo has been milking the same old franchises since 3 decades. There isnt one franchise on nintendo which has been introduced in the last 4 years and has sold a sizeful number.

I was talking about the COD single player :| COD achievements break the immersion in the single player. Multiplayer has no immersion whatsoever in COD.

And are you nuts? I didn't even mention the announcer as a distraction, because it is a part of the gameplay. That is why I asked how you would feel if someone called you for lunch while you were playing dota 2?

If chess had "achievements" I'm sure you would be dumping one of the most awesome board games of all time into the dustbin. Or maybe you would like it if you were told "Earned achievement: Queenslayer" while you're trying to plan your next maneuver, and you wold be even more motivated, lol.

Gameplay differs between different consoles. You don't get more than 2 games of each type in a single console. And usually 1 of those is a remake from ~10-12 years back.
The only reason Nintendo made the New Super Mario Bros line because people wanted a facelifted 2D mario platformer on modern platforms. It is a spinoff series.
The regular Super mario and Mario line (without the new) doesn't have any 2D platformers after Super Mario World for the SNES.
And of course you've completely disregarded so many other Nintendo exclusive and awesome games...
You're just like a Modi critic. No matter what he says or does, you will always criticize him :|

@Cilus: your message wasnt here when I started responding, so I'll end here.


Wise Old Owl
Guys, you have been warned many times not to fight about which console is the best in any of the specific console thread. Stick with the console thread which you like and post all your gibberish on that. This time I have just cleaned the thread up but next time strong action will be taken against anyone involved in the fighting which in turn spoils the whole thread.

Don't get involve in any Fanboy fight if you don't like it and use the Report button. Consider this is as Final warning to you guys.

extreme gamer and dead5 started this discussion, shouldnt you be banning them? ( im not here to tell you how to do your job ) but this happens everytime, and if im not wrong you can check everytime there is some obnoxious bull **** post about how wii u / wii and nintendo is better than any of the consoles and the fight starts. Whats the need to make that point in the first place? And its wrong to tell others to shut up just because they are giving a valid reply.

@ cilus please check this i know i am not wrong.

I am also sure that sony is making a loss on their console ("it is a very compelling price").

Personally, now I am uncertain about getting a PS4. Main reasons are that the console looks horrible, and online multiplayer requires PS+. I might just buy a Wii U instead now.



I don't know man, I have a console sitting next to me that looks much smaller and was only released last year...

then suddenly out of the blue :


Too bad sony's shitty policies ensure that I won't be buying this console.

Just reinforces my belief that they aren't really focusing on Japan.

If the Wii U can achieve 1080/60 in all its second batch games (barring TLoZ:TWWHD) there is no reason the PS4 can't.

Well, sony is able to launch here because they already have a consumer electronics division the PS4 can piggyback along and they can simply launch the european version here without worrying about localization.

1. Japanese games > Indian games
2. Sony forcees achievements.
3. Sony pushes games that have mediocre to horrible gameplay(or no gameplay at all in some cases) and poor level design masked with set pieces and cinematic bullshit that sony seems to be pushing.
4. You have to pay sony repeatedly to have access to your entire game that you have already paid for.
5. Sony has removed features after launch through a firmware update.
6. Sony is trying to trojan despicable practices(see pt. 4) through a seemingly attractive package.


Well, sony is able to launch here because they already have a consumer electronics division the PS4 can piggyback along and they can simply launch the european version here without worrying about localization.

1. Japanese games > Indian games
2. Nintendo doesn't force achievements.
3. Nintendo doesn't push games that have mediocre to horrible gameplay(or no gameplay at all in some cases) and poor level design masked with set pieces and cinematic bullshit that sony seems to be pushing.
4. You don't have to pay nintendo repeatedly to have access to your entire game that you have already paid for.
5. Nintendo doesn't remove features after launch through a firmware update.
6. Nintendo doesn't try to trojan despicable practices(see pt. 4) through a seemingly attractive package.

How are sony's policies better again? The only despicable thing that Nintendo does that I can think of would be region locks. (They did a Wii U-turn on their Lets Play policy apparently).

PS4 architect Mark Cerny hopes PlayStation's legacy can match Nintendo's • News • PlayStation 4 •

Good Luck with that. You'll need it.

need i show you more proof? and no one even said anything about the wii / wii u or nintendo
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