*** Science Or God? ***

Science or God?

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Cyborg Agent
You seem to ignore the section where this thread is....its "Fight Club"! And we fight dirty.

And I was polite, I mentioned 'please' once.

really ?
and are you expecting some award for mentioning 'please' once ? :lol:

and @ all : Dont you guys think you are thinking for just one winner. either science or god.
why dont you think about God creating all the things and Science trying to explain each of them bit by bit.

Comments will be appreciated more than Compliments (I dont hope i'll get any Compliments though.)

Yaa may be thats y i was away from this dark side of TDF...... :D

Dont get angry buddy.
Science can't explain every thing .. like paranormal activities..
Science can actually Explain some type of Paranormal activity. like Some paranormal activity can be seen as accumulation of Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Fields which together and give us a feeling of Ghostly Activity, Ghosts may do exist, but they ar nothing but
an accumulation of Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Fields

did you forget all about "will-o-the-wisps" ??

BTW, who first termed it as "Paranormal activity" ?? :rolleyes:


Its paranormal coz we cant explain it with our current level of technology.

Come back in a few decades and you will be laughing at the poor sods who thought that you could summon ghosts and stuff just by drawing shapes in the ground.


Cyborg Agent
Its paranormal coz we cant explain it with our current level of technology.

Come back in a few decades and you will be laughing at the poor sods who thought that you could summon ghosts and stuff just by drawing shapes in the ground.

tell me you watched Supernatural just now ???


I am a cat
Its paranormal coz we cant explain it with our current level of technology.

Come back in a few decades and you will be laughing at the poor sods who thought that you could summon ghosts and stuff just by drawing shapes in the ground.

There are more than one ways to summon 'them'.



Science can't explain every thing .. like paranormal activities..

Can any buddy explain the bridge between shrilanka & India [ Build by Lord Ram ]
NASA published these pics & it exists..
NASA published pics that looked like some sort of muddy bumps in SHALLOW WATER. The water there is so shallow that even medium sized ships (~100 tons) cannot pass safely (their hull touches the sea floor). Why didnt your "Ram" just swim across? Scared of water?
Things like satyayuga, dwapar yuga, kal yuga... the cycle of these ends with kalyuga..we are in it now...
There is no cycle. If there was a cycle, there should be some remains of other "dead" advanced civilizations left behind.
If u r saying GOD does not exists then prove it...
Prove that your god exists.
Supernatural powers do exists...
give example?

Post of another ignorant...
true dat.
And who said Lord Ram built it?! Did you see him building it?
Go observe world map for last few thousand years. You would get to see how the nations formed and how the division started and finally how the modern time nation boundaries were created.
RohanM answer this.
What pics? If any valid links are available, please post them here? We can then discuss further on them.
They never have pics.
Yeah, sure. Spiderman and Goku too.
Replies in blue italics, as always.


With such language & rudeness I will prefer not to talk with you. Go learn to be polite first. :-x
Sir, are you a newb? Or are you under 13? Butthurt over this slight matter. Thicken your fragile hide. This guy is being extremely nice to you. Now say sorry to him.
To all the atheists---

Does your family and society know you are an atheist?

If not, why is it a secret,why haven't you told them?

Do you fear rejection? Do fear the social stigma that accompanies atheists?

and lastly, when did you become an atheist? what was the turning point?

(doing a little research)


Chosen of the Omnissiah
To all the atheists---

Does your family and society know you are an atheist?

If not, why is it a secret,why haven't you told them?

Do you fear rejection? Do fear the social stigma that accompanies atheists?

and lastly, when did you become an atheist? what was the turning point?

(doing a little research)
yes, my family knows and even they have matching views. ;)

I'd also let you know that there's no social stigma as such that accompanies atheists. What kind of social stigma? The one which member of one cult holds against the other? I mean the one which a Wahabi holds against the 'Kafir' or a young new member of the 'Hindutva army' holds against the muslims on the Internet? I'm free from such feelings.

When I became an atheist? When I started reading objectively. I hope every starts doing it.

When I look at my country, its plight makes me cry. It is really amazing how the intelligence of the people of this country has only reduced since 2500 years ago. Still reducing.

Christians will always vouch for God... Science is for the faithless
I guess they should also vouch for this then: 6000-years

Earth being only 6000 years old? heh.


Sith Lord
Staff member
This progress with time thing is an illusion. Otherwise everyone on the planet should be at least as smart as socrates or aryabhatta.


Super Moderator
Staff member
progress=/=evolution.human race/society has certainly made a big progress but humans have not evolved much.also socrates & aryabhatta were geniuses who will always remain in minority no matter whether it is thousands of year old greek/indian civilization or somewhere in the future human space colony in another solar system.


To all the atheists---

Does your family and society know you are an atheist?

If not, why is it a secret,why haven't you told them?

Do you fear rejection? Do fear the social stigma that accompanies atheists?

and lastly, when did you become an atheist? what was the turning point?

(doing a little research)


er, i've publicly stated that i wish to find whatever "god" is there, and punish him/her/them for injustice and negligence.

i guess it just happened gradually over the years.


^^how can you find something which in the first place you don't even believe exist?:)
The condition is that iff the entity exists. "If it bleeds, it can die".

The Imperial Creed:



To all the atheists---

Does your family and society know you are an atheist?

Do you fear rejection? Do fear the social stigma that accompanies atheists?
no fear of rejection or social stigma, i don't care about the views of the society who just don't wanna see beyond their GOD... I have my life, they have their own, if they have problem with mine, i'll deal with it myself, no need of any god here..
and lastly, when did you become an atheist? what was the turning point?

(doing a little research)

as with most of the atheists, it was a gradual change, it started with analyzing small superstitions (no onion or chicken on tuesday, no nail cutting @ night, no hair cutting on thursday and 1000's more), and then gradually seeped to these godly phenomenons in the society, why temples are here, why when there are billions of planets out there, we see descriptions about earth only, if these tulsidas, kalidas, valmiki (whatever, don't know) knows and can write about gods and mahabharata, krishna and all, why didn't they wrote about what gods do on other planets, if they knew in such detail about these gods, why shiva, destroyer of everything in the universe, has just one river flowing from his head, and from billions of planets, it chose earth, india, does he only care about this planet??? why earth has these greek gods (zeus, poseidon etc.) and almost every counter god from india (indra etc.), does all the gods from the whole universe are just interested in earth???

All these questions gradually made me atheist, and believe me, my parents still don't understand why i became one, they just don't want to.. (and i can understand them as they are believing it for their whole life, i can't change that.. :p)


Sith Lord
Staff member
^buddhist texts mention thousands of other worlds, and even alien buddhas

Vishwamitra was a mortal who gained powers of god through his merit alone. Gods had to pray to him to stop him from creating another universe, populated with it's own stars, planets and gods. He almost did it anyway.

padma purana lists other universes, other solar systems, and other forms of life. hindu cosmology has parallels for cutting edge cosmological theories of big crunch, big rip, big bounce. Singularity (from where big bang happened in science) is known as bindu.

Exposed to the other side, india has a rich tradition of atheism... At least three schools of it, plus we have celebrated communist atheist heroes (bhagat singh). There is no stigma with it, perhaps the stigma is actually with belief.

What made me think twice about being all scientific and rational and atheist was Richard Dawkin's forums (he wrote the blind watchmaker, the god delusion and river out of eden, all influential populist science atheist books, plus coined "meme"). It's the epicentre of militant atheism, and was kind if sad that they chose to ignore the wisdom in religious texts, take it in context, and trample people's beliefs.
here is one for all of us posting here :)

An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned to her and said, "Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger."

The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, "What would you want to talk about?"

"Oh, I don't know," said the atheist. "How about why there is no God, or no Heaven or Hell, or no life after death?" as he smiled smugly.

"Okay," she said. "Those could be interesting topics but let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?"

The atheist, visibly surprised by the little girl's intelligence,
thinks about it and says, "Hmmm, I have no idea." To which
the little girl replies, "Do you really feel qualified to discuss
God, Heaven and Hell, or life after death, when you don't know SH!T?"

And then she went back to reading her book.
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^ :mrgreen:


It is impossible to give a comprehensive definition of energy because of the many forms it may take, but the most common definition is that it is the capacity of a system to perform work.

The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be changed into different forms.

Explain to me, what is energy? Not in terms of charactristics, what it actually is?


And that'll prove?

If you cannot prove something is true or fully explain it, that doesn't mean it does not exist.

No one has even seen an electron. It is impossible to see with any optical device because of its comparable weight to a photon, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
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