Re: ***science Or God?***
Science coz i blive there's no such thing as god.
I Kinda laugh when ppl think of earth being created in six days, puranas, greek mythology......
aravind_n20 said:
Can anyone explain the science behind will power or mind power. I mean have u seen someone bending a spoon or similar things with pure mind power??
Is there any science behind it?
lolz, everything u've asked have science behind them. Use wikipedia for hypnotism, pranic healing,
reg mind power
itz all nerves, impulses, hormones....... though we haven't understood them fully, we are learning that scientifically day by day
if someone blives in god, it acts as a psychological boost for him in his every activity and helps him, he also follows a principle of not doing wrong things, but some a$$holes use the same reason for doing wrong things with the belief that they can always ask for pardon from God ( most bigshots are like that these days)
religion and god were created by sages/pphilosophers for the above said purpose, to help humans...... but that's not the case today, religions are slowly becoming the pathway to destruction with some ppl being biased to ppl of their own religion
mediator said:
There's a good saying "God helps those who help themselves" ! I don't believe in god n the quote directly means "That we shud help ourselves instead of relying on God" ! God is a fictitious character for me and we pray to him only to get our innards awakened!
As far as religion is concerned that was discussed long time back. Neways for me religion means spirituality + pieces of wisdom ! Speaking of ghosts is beyond my thinking!
good post
for me religion = pieces of wisdom
zegulas said:
See dude, as far as you will believe in God, you won't be able to find the truth, just for the sake of finding the truth behind everything, try this, don't believe in God for one day and see what happens. I am preety sure nothing different will happen, because even I believe in Science, because it can explain things and the idea of God (created everything), is just like a curtain put in front of your eyes, to keep you away from the reality.
the best post in the thread. wud help u save 5-15 mins a day on an average
cyberscirber said:
Our own indians also said that something is eating the moon and sun during eclipses ( and probably sh***ing after that ). Dont tell this to Americans, they'll laugh at us even more.
seems like americans didnt exist back then. Many americans blive in ghosts than indians do even now(see such progs in natgeo/star world), i'll die laughing if i watch that one more time. Superstitions exitst in every religion and every civilization.
but everyone civilization i know of ( except some african ones) follow the superstition called Godism
sanddy said:
ofcourse "GOD" else neither u would have been there nor i
wow, there's no god, and i''m here safe and sound ...... dunno abt u