In \Science, as long as something is not proven, it's said to be non-existent.
Another Atheist Here.
And I think the poll options are not justified, there should be one which says, god doesn't exist cuz there's no proof-by theory of Science.
science all the way....I feel god was just something some dude came up with to controll and manipulate other people........And I also feel that any scientist/science student/enginner who believes in god is not true to his profession as these professions follow a universal law: "Dont accept anything without concrete proof" ....there is no proof in case of god and I wont blieve untill "god" appears in front of me....I'll probably be flamed for this but I dont care..Its just my thinking.
U r ignorantWhat a joke.... Do you want the f**n science to prove GOD?? Science can't even know the origin of life or to produce life
What a joke.... Do you want the f**n science to prove GOD?? Science can't even know the origin of life or to produce life... watdahell will it do with GOD.. tats impossible... better stay atheist than leaping towards impossibilities...... Science is there to bring you luxuries... to do things quickly and to advance in all other streams except when it comes to terms like 'soul' 'GOD' 'ORIGIN OF LIFE' etc... wooo.. tats rite
Keep it up... but do ask for proofs for everything you believe in your life( I will offend if I point out)... and do a good justice to your profession(if u r an engg) LOL
There's a more sophisticated way of posting your views about anything/anyone/any crap. Everyone here knows how to swear and curse at each but no-one does that. If you believe in God, fine! Go to a temple/church/sewer and pray. We here, dont give a damn about a fool sitting somewhere posting crap.
/*Atleast this guy is +ve*/U r ignorant
Please go through first few pages of this thread...and enlighten urself![]()
One day a group of scientists got together and decided that man had come a long way and no longer needed God. So they picked one scientist to go and tell Him that they were done with Him.
The scientist walked up to God and said, “God, we've decided that we no longer need you. We’re to the point that we can clone people and do many miraculous things, so why don’t you just go on and mind your own business?”
God listened very patiently and kindly to the man. After the scientist was done talking, God said, “Very well, how about this? Let’s say we have a man-making contest.”
To which the scientist replied, “Okay, we can handle that!”
“But,” God added, “we’re going to do this just like I did back in the old days with Adam.”
The scientist said, “Sure, no problem” and bent down and grabbed himself a handful of dirt.
God looked at him and said, “No, no, no. You go get your own dirt.”
Moral: It isn’t enough just to be able to explain the origin of life, if you cannot explain the raw materials and fine-tuned parameters of chemistry and physics. As Carl Sagan said in Cosmos, “To really make an apple pie from scratch, you must begin by inventing the universe.”
But I am still not clear of one thing... how da hell can or did a scientist create life from scratch.. I mean.. not from a living cell.. or anything living..!!
Again this is not offtopic. Reason being, I strongly think that creator of life is someone .. mayb GOD but not a sane man.