*** Science Or God? ***

Science or God?

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Violent serenity.
I dont believe in God and I hate religion because :-

1) the existence of God is not proven and he/she is fictious
2) because of that fictious character, the world is divided into something called 'religion'
3) because of religion people fight with each other, kill other and do things which should not be done.
4) if God is almighty then why dosent he stop the killing that the people are doing 'for' him ?
5) if god is almighty then why is there poverty, hatred, suicide, terrorits, crimes, etc ?
6) if God is almighty then why crores of people are homeless ?
7) if God is almighty then why the hell does thousands of corrupt people walk away without punishment
8) if God was almighty and if he really controlled everything then nobody would have smarter or dumber than anyone. Everyone would have been equally smart.
9) ALMOST all so called 'miracles' can be explained by Science and the ones which cant be, will soon be proved in future because we would be having better tech.

Therefore, I hate crap like Religion and God

If I ever HAD to choose a religion to follow, it would Satanism... why ? Simple, because its the most simple and straight-forward religion.

As per now, I am an atheist.

P.S :- all the emos whinning about God can go listen to Disciple by Slayer. Thats today's homework for you.


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Another Atheist Here.

And I think the poll options are not justified, there should be one which says, god doesn't exist cuz there's no proof-by theory of Science.

In \Science, as long as something is not proven, it's said to be non-existent.


Cyborg Agent
agree wit psychosocial... some f us must hv recvd mails on conversation betwn dr abdul kallam n his profesor whr he proves that science is also abt faith n this is how he does-

he claims wat prof teaches us we beleive coz of faith in his brain....n v cant c his brain still v hv faith...similarily....v cant c god but v hv faith he exists....

but wat he teaches us is not just faith....it is again a proved substance wich everyone knows....god is faith n belv...but nuttin else

Anyway, I'm an atheist
This for the simple reason that man himself is responsible for the luck he desires in life, not "God"


Ambassador of Buzz
God is a FORCE or ENERGY which runs a collection of tools and interpretions called SCIENCE, thats why a ball will always fall with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 , which is a number we made as reference, but the real acceleration(not in numbers, but in our feeling) is made by God


Democracy is a myth
And, what is the "Real Acceleration" ??
Would u be kind enough to elaborate?

b/w go through the initial posts of this thread...it would lighten u up a 1000watt.


Ambassador of Buzz
well i am enough lightened.....We use the number Nine point eight....thats coz we made number system and that comes fit....just like boiling point is 100 degree celc.
By real acceleration i meant what we actually see anything falling with, not knowing about that Nine point eight....
By the way my post was just for fun, i m not at all into this


Intel OCer
science all the way....I feel god was just something some dude came up with to controll and manipulate other people........And I also feel that any scientist/science student/enginner who believes in god is not true to his profession as these professions follow a universal law: "Dont accept anything without concrete proof" ....there is no proof in case of god and I wont blieve untill "god" appears in front of me....I'll probably be flamed for this but I dont care..Its just my thinking.


I ain't afraid of nothin'
Another Atheist Here.

And I think the poll options are not justified, there should be one which says, god doesn't exist cuz there's no proof-by theory of Science.

What a joke.... Do you want the f**n science to prove GOD?? Science can't even know the origin of life or to produce life... watdahell will it do with GOD.. tats impossible... better stay atheist than leaping towards impossibilities...... Science is there to bring you luxuries... to do things quickly and to advance in all other streams except when it comes to terms like 'soul' 'GOD' 'ORIGIN OF LIFE' etc... wooo.. tats rite

science all the way....I feel god was just something some dude came up with to controll and manipulate other people........And I also feel that any scientist/science student/enginner who believes in god is not true to his profession as these professions follow a universal law: "Dont accept anything without concrete proof" ....there is no proof in case of god and I wont blieve untill "god" appears in front of me....I'll probably be flamed for this but I dont care..Its just my thinking.

Keep it up... but do ask for proofs for everything you believe in your life( I will offend if I point out)... and do a good justice to your profession(if u r an engg) LOL
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Violent serenity.
What a joke.... Do you want the f**n science to prove GOD?? Science can't even know the origin of life or to produce life... watdahell will it do with GOD.. tats impossible... better stay atheist than leaping towards impossibilities...... Science is there to bring you luxuries... to do things quickly and to advance in all other streams except when it comes to terms like 'soul' 'GOD' 'ORIGIN OF LIFE' etc... wooo.. tats rite

Keep it up... but do ask for proofs for everything you believe in your life( I will offend if I point out)... and do a good justice to your profession(if u r an engg) LOL

There's a more sophisticated way of posting your views about anything/anyone/any crap. Everyone here knows how to swear and curse at each but no-one does that. If you believe in God, fine! Go to a temple/church/sewer and pray. We here, dont give a damn about a fool sitting somewhere posting crap.


I ain't afraid of nothin'
There's a more sophisticated way of posting your views about anything/anyone/any crap. Everyone here knows how to swear and curse at each but no-one does that. If you believe in God, fine! Go to a temple/church/sewer and pray. We here, dont give a damn about a fool sitting somewhere posting crap.

Woo Woo... cool down... I was just wondering if you were rational about your view on proofs... Ur foolishness resounds when u call others fools and crapping up ur post... I don't intend to try to have healthy fight which such kinda illogical fellas who burst out if questioned.. LOL... kid... I DIDN'T ASK U TO BELIEVE IN GOD n believe me ... who cares after all..

U r so..so ignorant

Please go through first few pages of this thread...and enlighten urself;)
/*Atleast this guy is +ve*/

Man.. u tell me to go thru all that f*** stuff behind... do u even realize how long it is...
hmm.. u guys are tired off repeating what you said already...? Yeah .. I understand....

But I am still not clear of one thing... how da hell can or did a scientist create life from scratch.. I mean.. not from a living cell.. or anything living..!!
Again this is not offtopic. Reason being, I strongly think that creator of life is someone .. mayb GOD but not a sane man.

Guys... I just found this while searching the net for "Scientists creating life from scratch" thought that it wouldn't be off topic.... Quoting it anyway.... Plzz don't get outraged.. u atheists... just be cool and post ur views.. I mean.. any thoughts as to why its not..!
One day a group of scientists got together and decided that man had come a long way and no longer needed God. So they picked one scientist to go and tell Him that they were done with Him.

The scientist walked up to God and said, “God, we've decided that we no longer need you. We’re to the point that we can clone people and do many miraculous things, so why don’t you just go on and mind your own business?”

God listened very patiently and kindly to the man. After the scientist was done talking, God said, “Very well, how about this? Let’s say we have a man-making contest.”

To which the scientist replied, “Okay, we can handle that!”
“But,” God added, “we’re going to do this just like I did back in the old days with Adam.”

The scientist said, “Sure, no problem” and bent down and grabbed himself a handful of dirt.

God looked at him and said, “No, no, no. You go get your own dirt.”

Moral: It isn’t enough just to be able to explain the origin of life, if you cannot explain the raw materials and fine-tuned parameters of chemistry and physics. As Carl Sagan said in Cosmos, “To really make an apple pie from scratch, you must begin by inventing the universe.”
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Intel OCer
Wouldnt it be a better world if they (believers) stopped wasting so much time and money on god and be responsible for ones own actions? If it werent for god and religion there would have been no "religious" wars like the crusades and the mughal oppression and the modern day "terrorists" who fight in the name of things like jihad...It would just be people, as one and united....
Believers answer me this: An honest man prays devotedly for hours to get success in his job or whatever and he gets the success and starts telling the world it was "gods grace"

A thief or gangster prays to god as devoutedly as the successfull man to help him commit a murder and he becomes successfull in killing someone...how is that justified? They even go and start killing and wars in the name of "god" and all he has to do is go to a temple/church/mosque or whatever and says "Oh lord I have sinned please forgive me" and he is forgiven just like that?

A pair of hands immersed in hard work can achieve much more than a hundred pairs folded in prayer.

But I am still not clear of one thing... how da hell can or did a scientist create life from scratch.. I mean.. not from a living cell.. or anything living..!!
Again this is not offtopic. Reason being, I strongly think that creator of life is someone .. mayb GOD but not a sane man.

Science is trying to answer that question and even if the answer is found, they will ask "how did the scientist come into existance?"....Science is too young to understand somethings but its getting there...they have succeded in creating matter from nothing at cern ...now whats the point of worshipping this "creator" when you dont know what it is, how it will help you if you pray to it or anything...It would be better to say "Ok fine there is something that created us, lets not pray to it and waste time, lets do something good for mankind"
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