*** Science Or God? ***

Science or God?

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Ofcourse, thats why I said they need to be pondered. If you think you have your data intact, then you can very well update the wiki page. As for Sanskrit, afaik, originated from prakrit & si I too believe that it cannot be the mother of all languages. There is a lot that need to be read before saying what "everyone" thought.



Dude...stop crapping and start reading posts well..
If u think anyone that really wants to learn or differentiate about god exist or not exists..this will be the last place they will come..so drop the act that u r doing a favor to others...i understand the concept of a fight club very much.. only bother was a absurd topic..where no wise men ever had reached a conclusion..what the heck u suppose to do there??? u can oppose or support..for all i dont care....

god and science may be a concept or anything for u... but humans are the more real thing that u can encounter in world...that u can beleive... learn to be nice to them and u be OK in world even if u don't give a dime about god or science.

..please if u wanna drop the ****,drop it somewhere else...

and knock urself out..means have fun...which is what fight club is all about...:sigh:

I won't continue this discussion as I m lil busy thez dayz... just want to piss this guy off, who suddenly popps up and gives a damn! yeah Dude... r really drive me crazy with can't the **** on our own kneees .. do U? Or else.. .how the hell can u say talking bout GOD or explaining about him is crap? Straight... > If u can post something relevant to the topic.. well, post it and discuss... otherwise.. get your stinking ass away from here as atleast others will discuss and come up with many points related to science or god.. but not this kinda shitty posts.! What ever I am saying is not self proclamation of me *** ho**. I have to talk lik this cuz ur post really shows off a materialistic...gross ...sense gratifying...attitude .... ! Aha..as If every here is blind to see that humans exists... Being good to humans .. doing good to humans is not what we are here for... We are here for some higher purpose... To know the Absoulte Truth... Scientifically or Through Spiritual Science(The topic) and I am debating on the side of Spiritual Science... cuz i know what it is and its caliber of knowing what we can't by science (which just can only explain matter but not the inner self) .


Broken In
hello keshavesiva,,
i dont know y u get angry on madjeri, i dont see any thing wrong in this post, talking about god is not crap... but using science to justify his presence is crap..
right from the starting these religious people says "if there s something tat cant be explained its god" first they cant explain lightning and fire they even called it gods weapons.. they even burnt copernicus home for his theory that earth revolves around the sun and world is round.. then they condemned travel by aeroplanes saying that only angels should fly and if man trys to fly god would take back his legs.. they are the ones who use aero's for their travel.. whenever their s a plane crash they would come up with their theories again...
i heard there still exist a group claiming that earth is flat
previously everyone believed ghost is there when we are in our childhood.. but when we grew up when we use the stuff in our head we reliesed ghost are nothing but our fear..
even god belief is similar.. just use your head stuff.. god will disappear..
i still believe their is some energy and force that created universe.. but simply praying at that energy is simply as tribals worshiping lightning and fire..
many worship god only because of their greed and fear..
science may now cannot explain origin of universe or creation of life.. but tat ignorance cannot be taken as granted to say god created everything..
its not long time science ll find the those and break god belief.. but i m not sure if science can breaf gods belief.. we can wake up sleeping guy but cant the one who acts like sleeping..
god believers are acting that they are sleeping.. they thinking tat talking about existance of god is sin.. hey come up guys.. if god is responsible for everything... if there is phrase that without god not even the atom vibrates.. even atheism is act of god.. even if say god is f****r... its too act of god.. you need not learn the entire science to think about it.. just a common sense should bring you out of god belief...
just let questions come out of your mind.. only questions make you think.. if you think everything is because of god.. nothing ll happen.. to reach the destination you have look at the path not the god in the sky.. if you are doing that you are not going to reach the destination but fell in the man holes..
atlast their is no harm in beleiving god.. it even increases your confidence.. i m not against of god.. i m simply against of using god thoery for communal clashes..
if you re going to love the maker(god).. love the product(man and other living) too..
sorry if i hurt someone.. i never say these to hurt the sentiments of anybody.. please dont fight between yourself on this topic.. fighting against people(product) is fighting against god(maker) (in your principles)


hello keshavesiva,,
i dont know y u get angry on madjeri, i dont see any thing wrong in this post, talking about god is not crap... but using science to justify his presence is crap..
right from the starting these religious people says "if there s something tat cant be explained its god" first they cant explain lightning and fire they even called it gods weapons.. they even burnt copernicus home for his theory that earth revolves around the sun and world is round.. then they condemned travel by aeroplanes saying that only angels should fly and if man trys to fly god would take back his legs.. they are the ones who use aero's for their travel.. whenever their s a plane crash they would come up with their theories again...
i heard there still exist a group claiming that earth is flat
previously everyone believed ghost is there when we are in our childhood.. but when we grew up when we use the stuff in our head we reliesed ghost are nothing but our fear..
even god belief is similar.. just use your head stuff.. god will disappear..
i still believe their is some energy and force that created universe.. but simply praying at that energy is simply as tribals worshiping lightning and fire..
many worship god only because of their greed and fear..
science may now cannot explain origin of universe or creation of life.. but tat ignorance cannot be taken as granted to say god created everything..
its not long time science ll find the those and break god belief.. but i m not sure if science can breaf gods belief.. we can wake up sleeping guy but cant the one who acts like sleeping..
god believers are acting that they are sleeping.. they thinking tat talking about existance of god is sin.. hey come up guys.. if god is responsible for everything... if there is phrase that without god not even the atom vibrates.. even atheism is act of god.. even if say god is f****r... its too act of god.. you need not learn the entire science to think about it.. just a common sense should bring you out of god belief...
just let questions come out of your mind.. only questions make you think.. if you think everything is because of god.. nothing ll happen.. to reach the destination you have look at the path not the god in the sky.. if you are doing that you are not going to reach the destination but fell in the man holes..
atlast their is no harm in beleiving god.. it even increases your confidence.. i m not against of god.. i m simply against of using god thoery for communal clashes..
if you re going to love the maker(god).. love the product(man and other living) too..
sorry if i hurt someone.. i never say these to hurt the sentiments of anybody.. please dont fight between yourself on this topic.. fighting against people(product) is fighting against god(maker) (in your principles)

There is every reason which I mentioned in my post to get angry! Who do u ask me again?
Look... Einstein too shook his brain of (reg god) as he was trying to find the concepts of universe just to realize that its nothing but the creation of god . I don't wanna waste my life just to come to a conclusion(cuz Im intelligent) at the end of my life that GOD EXISTS! ... Neither u wanna? do ya?
GOD is just so real without him you can't at this moment expalain any damn thing correctly.. He perfectly logically suits His position... and what on earth makes u all always turn to greeks europe ancient histories? Why not ours.? Ours was well developed civilization .. Just inventing planes or finding the ingredients of fire of some damn thing won't make it all.. What the f did science explain about life? What is life..? Why can't we make life in labs? Why can't we bring the completely dead back to life etc... ! These are the basic and real qs that have to be answered and not the HS u have refered to ... even though they are not useless.. its just that they are fancy little inventions where the basic concept is yet undiscovered(BY SCIENCE). Its always says that it will in future .. but how long will you live? Do u wanna wait for 10 thousand years to wait for science to prove some damn thing which again some neo''theory's gonna counter!?
Get a life buddy.... Science isn't everything and this is material science... and what science i was referring , which can expain god, was spiritual science(spiritual doesn't mean devils hobgoblins etc) . ....
Spiritual knowledge is much more advanced(math, yoga, armor, medicine everything) and its only we who are incapable of taking it ...!
Never ever say that ..."People say that god will do this .... that"... People will say anything and everything... Yu should be able to figure out what's right and what's wrong! There are prescribed manuals called scriptures to study these subjects... and only then u can comment something on it and that too with an intention to seek clarification and not arguing for the sake of argument!


Caballero de Real Madrid
I won't continue this discussion as I m lil busy thez dayz... just want to piss this guy off, who suddenly popps up and gives a damn! yeah Dude... r really drive me crazy with can't the **** on our own kneees .. do U? Or else.. .how the hell can u say talking bout GOD or explaining about him is crap? Straight... > If u can post something relevant to the topic.. well, post it and discuss... otherwise.. get your stinking ass away from here as atleast others will discuss and come up with many points related to science or god.. but not this kinda shitty posts.! What ever I am saying is not self proclamation of me *** ho**. I have to talk lik this cuz ur post really shows off a materialistic...gross ...sense gratifying...attitude .... ! Aha..as If every here is blind to see that humans exists... Being good to humans ..doing good to humans is not what we are here for... We are here for some higher purpose... To know the Absoulte Truth... Scientifically or Through Spiritual Science(The topic) and I am debating on the side of Spiritual Science... cuz i know what it is and its caliber of knowing what we can't by science (which just can only explain matter but not the inner self) .

That one line itself is enough for me to know about u...ur just a person who have no real life...just a lame ass...

I believe in god... u can say whatever crap u want u prev...i dont give a rats-ass... god or science whatever maybe..that created life..in which humans thrive..which is the most significant result of what believers or non believers argue.... if u cant respect that ... dude ... just die....

absolute truth..u think u will get to know that...ever....of all..u??? ... millions of years of evolution and humans are still on the surface of for whatever that we were put here for...and u want absolute truth.. get a life man...that is reserved for ppl with a intellect and spiritual level known to none


Democracy is a myth
That one line itself is enough for me to know about u...ur just a person who have no real life...just a lame ass...

I believe in god... u can say whatever crap u want u prev...i dont give a rats-ass... god or science whatever maybe..that created life..in which humans thrive..which is the most significant result of what believers or non believers argue.... if u cant respect that ... dude ... just die....

absolute truth..u think u will get to know that...ever....of all..u??? ... millions of years of evolution and humans are still on the surface of for whatever that we were put here for...and u want absolute truth.. get a life man...that is reserved for ppl with a intellect and spiritual level known to none

Hey u also voted for "God" right? U both r in same league, but d diff. is u guyz r clashing in ideologies. To him GOD is everything, every answer starts with GOD and ends with it. And u still have the logical reasoning in u. Good.


Caballero de Real Madrid

i saw he believed in god... in my eyes humans are his greatest creations... or even in a science believer..human life is the greatest of them all... if not.this thread would cease to exist...

my point is if a guy is such a jerk to ppl who he has never seen or can only make a impression through his words..what will be he in a real world.. a real sore loser...an i am pretty sure...

one can believe in god or science..i have no pblm.coz ones belief should have the power to get him through life..other than that..nothing.....but if he cant be civil with another human being.. all is a moo point..dont u think....???

This is my last sentence in this thread...

All of u..one can believe in science or god.. coz ur belief is urs... its just way u are..no one can take it from you..but the greatest thing that belief made is humans..ur friends and family and the members here... if u have loved and respected that one thing then you all are heroes in life...and brothers....




i saw he believed in god... in my eyes humans are his greatest creations... or even in a science believer..human life is the greatest of them all... if not.this thread would cease to exist...

my point is if a guy is such a jerk to ppl who he has never seen or can only make a impression through his words..what will be he in a real world.. a real sore loser...an i am pretty sure...

one can believe in god or science..i have no pblm.coz ones belief should have the power to get him through life..other than that..nothing.....but if he cant be civil with another human being.. all is a moo point..dont u think....???

This is my last sentence in this thread...

All of u..one can believe in science or god.. coz ur belief is urs... its just way u are..no one can take it from you..but the greatest thing that belief made is humans..ur friends and family and the members here... if u have loved and respected that one thing then you all are heroes in life...and brothers....

Quoting the previous one too...
There is a reason to say all what I have said... cuz u say u believe in GOD but don't try to reallly know who he is or what He is for etc.. U just say I believe in GOD and give damn.... Yes , I didn't say that we shouldn't be and go good to people... Its just that its not just what we are here for ..!!! It is true!
Ya everyone has their own beliefs feelings etc but beliefs are not thruths or facts. One should come out of his beliefs to understand the real world and the real life . Thats the reason this thread is for... not for dumbos like u who want to be in the darkness of ignorance and want to cast others too.! I say that cuz U encourage indirect intoxication... This means that see... as an ex... A person is full of anxiety and to get rid of it .. he drinks... Logically and importantly the thruth is that he is not out of the anxiety.... The cause of anxiety is still there and he is just intoxicated enough that it just blinds the anxiety and that too only for a moment... .But Real cure is to go hit the cause.. and thats what u shoudl be... not to suppress the facts by living in ones own imagination feeling very proud that he is so...!!

I think this too might be the last post from me.. unless anyone comes up with btr argument rather than arguing for argument sake.... GOodbye.

Final warning to everyone on this thread.. Specially keshavasiva. BEHAVE, else..

Dude.. Do u think im out of mind to post like that... I am firmly stable and know very well what behavior I had in the last post... It just brings out heated strong points of the persons who pops up or puts up one liners.. Its a trick.. U btr know that I didn't mean any words in there(the -ve ones).
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I dont care if you meant anything there or not.. I just care that you wrote it..
Who cares then for what you write?
I hereby see your courage(if you have some) or caliber(i m sure u don't) to do something rather then some modoneliner.
I know ... .I challenge you to delete all my posts in this or any thread in this whole thinkdigit forums and this is in addition to a ban?!!! Wat do u say... Don't step back coward!


Final warning to everyone on this thread.. Specially keshavasiva. BEHAVE, else..

I dont care if you meant anything there or not.. I just care that you wrote it..
Thank you. Better late than never.

Who cares then for what you write?
I hereby see your courage(if you have some) or caliber(i m sure u don't) to do something rather then some modoneliner.
I know ... .I challenge you to delete all my posts in this or any thread in this whole thinkdigit forums and this is in addition to a ban?!!! Wat do u say... Don't step back coward!
see you later. :lol:


Caballero de Real Madrid
Who cares then for what you write?
I hereby see your courage(if you have some) or caliber(i m sure u don't) to do something rather then some modoneliner.
I know ... .I challenge you to delete all my posts in this or any thread in this whole thinkdigit forums and this is in addition to a ban?!!! Wat do u say... Don't step back coward!



U r not in the GOD's own country!! lolz.. so u r n jus a conception not a real place... u r not anywhere... lolz

hell ya...
bye and TAKE CARE


Caballero de Real Madrid

Trivandrum is named as Gods Own country by kerala Govt for tourism u dumb fool... sheesh..its not my IP...stop typing on the kbb..please...stop...ur an embarrassment....

Mods ... and who ever thght its not right to close it...

its high time fellows...it is high time... this thread has reached the saturation...

No more valid points are there to debate...
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In Pursuit of "Happyness"
Thread opened again on thread starter's request. But please be careful while posting in this thread. Keep all offtopic posts out!


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
Thanks a lot Kalpik

To all other Members who wish to post in this thread...

* Please Stay on topic
* Please dont start a war and start fighting among yourselves.. ( even though its in Fight Club section)
* Please dont post some nonsense and again pave way to close this Wonderful Thread ! :evil:
* If you are insulted or teased please PM to any of the MODs/ Admins .. please dont reply to the post and continue the War

I am not a mod or admin , but i have went great way to re-open this thread... so please maintain Online discipline and be kind to each other.. !!

Thanks ...
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