Refusal to pay for apps/software


Staff member
Remember when XP used to cost 25k. 7 HB costs 5k now. I can say surely that this reduction must have brought down OS piracy by at least 20% if not completely. Point is if the cost is such that everyone can afford according to their use (like HB, HP, pro/UL), everyone will start buying a genuine OS. IMO the ideal cost is something around 1k(HB)-5k(UL). Its just a rough estimate, but since masses pirate, large selling volumes (genuine) will obviously will never incur loss. Companies will always be in profit, just that if we do what we are expected.


Firecracker to the moon
What people dont understand
Why should i spend 100+ buck on that app.Let me download it via cyd*a.
What they fail to see is that Cydia.Has lots of virus.The App store of cydia is having many viruses+the apps in cydia are not updated.So they get apps for free + some viruses that might steal their data

Lol the police themselves are indulged in these.I remember seeing 100's of push carts selling cd's in Bangalore.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Games are pretty cheap in Steam. But people still pirate it. Also many games come with reduced pricing in Indian retail. Indians still pirate it.


Firecracker to the moon
Assassins creed 2/brotherhood are now 247 rs(Original) people should buy this one

Games are pretty cheap in Steam. But people still pirate it. Also many games come with reduced pricing in Indian retail. Indians still pirate it.

Only during sales


Hanging, since 2004..
So my point is that when you needed the smartphone you had the money. Same way if PS was not easily available on piratebay, you would have paid for it.


If PS was not available for free, people would not have used it at all. It would never have been mainstream with budding editors which in future will/are work/working with companies using the most popular photo editing tool (thanks to the features and the number of trained freshers in the market on that particular tool).

I don't judge piracy in black and white, there is much good happening for companies due to this. And forget Indian public, even people in US don't see the value for money sometimes. Not just the middle class there, owner Kevin Rose had confessed on video that he pirated Photoshop in college days because it was too damn costly. That person was boss Oink recently (now works for google), a small startup employing people and using legit licenses of Photoshop for mac.


Lol.. Apps that run only on IE.. I mean, India can never step ahead with applications that only run on IE 6. WTF..

Plus they run pirated XP.. LOL..

And so they say:

Desh Smart Ban Raha HaI..

Ans- "Please Bit*h"

Padhega (Engineering) India tabhi to Age badhega India.

In Colleges the old monks teach the same old crap to their pupil which they learnt 20 yrs Back assisted by those IT Books by Legendary Indian Authors and then are born the eternal Genius out of 4 yrs of Solid Veteran Learning,
And then with their CREATIVITY they deliver high Performance applications which arent Resource hungry...see it runs on IE6 Backed by thats called Professional Excellency..why use Genuine Windows 7 or Linux Novelity with Opera when Indian developers can make it happen on Pirated Old Stuff..Millions saved..ECONOMY PRESERVED...STILL PRICE RISES. FOR BASIC COMMODITIES...Mission Succesful


Hanging, since 2004..
Assassins creed 2/brotherhood are now 247 rs(Original) people should buy this one

If the game was released here for 499/- it would have meant something. PC gamers are usually luckier with prices, console gamers on the other hand are totally f*cked.


Firecracker to the moon
Padhega (Engineering) India tabhi to Age badhega India.

In Colleges the old monks teach the same old crap to their pupil which they learnt 20 yrs Back assisted by those IT Books by Legendary Indian Authors and then are born the eternal Genius out of 4 yrs of Solid Veteran Learning,
And then with their CREATIVITY they deliver high Performance applications which arent Resource hungry...see it runs on IE6 Backed by thats called Professional Excellency..why use Genuine Windows 7 or Linux Novelity with Opera when Indian developers can make it happen on Pirated Old Stuff..Millions saved..ECONOMY PRESERVED...STILL PRICE RISES. FOR BASIC COMMODITIES...Mission Succesful

+1.Yeah exactly many design schools still run on old crappy versions of photoshop cs2


Games are pretty cheap in Steam. But people still pirate it. Also many games come with reduced pricing in Indian retail. Indians still pirate it.
Hi Speed Broadband is still a dream in major Part of the country.

People are still reluctant in Online Transactions.

A small species named Collector prefers Hard Copy over Soft Copy.

A lot of Sub urban ,and remote parts of country still is untouched by Good Courier Service.So online stores like Flipkart are rendered Useless.

Keeping all this in mind ,even in the farthest corner of Country you can have your Pirated Windows DVD or Game for few Bucks.So the Problem is solved right there.Have experienced it Myself.:|
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e63.. Must have cost 8k, so it's not like you're poor. Now if you used a 1100...
So my point is that when you needed the smartphone you had the money. Same way if PS was not easily available on piratebay, you would have paid for it.
And and gimp together can easily do your college magazine stuff, so your argument of good enough alternative does not work
And lastly if you still don't find them good enough, using Ps is not your birth right

Yes, it is lol. I can't perform that well in other software, and I find using multiple tools not so reliable. Besides my co designers work in Photoshop. Are you saying I should give up my phone and buy Photoshop instead?, again it's not practical.

I will buy PS, even if I don't need it, once I have a job. I currently am not at all in a condition to buy software worth 10K+ :(


Steam High Templar
ah.... finally my favourite topic PIRACY(and how to troll those damn, pirates)
though i am usually against blaming everything on "Indian culture"
sadly piracy is a part of the modern indian mentality/culture nearly ALL indians are pirates
there are two types of pirate indians

  • they get pirated stuff,but NEVER acknowledge it
: E.g once i asked my friend Rohan what games does he have on his PC.
Rohan :i Have Crysis,DMC 4,FARCRY 2 and other good stuff
Me : how do you get your games Disc or Download ?
Rohan : Download.
Me : :chinscratch: which site?(i expected something like "Origin" or "steam" to come out of his mouth)
Rohan : DCplusplus
me : :?: Then :rolleyes: thats a file sharing site you dumbass,thats piracy

  • They get pirated stuff,and get a kick out of it/are proud of it
:E.g most of TDF members and the duffer kids from my school


ah.... finally my favourite topic PIRACY(and how to troll those damn, pirates)
though i am usually against blaming everything on "Indian culture"
sadly piracy is a part of the modern indian mentality/culture nearly ALL indians are pirates
there are two types of pirate indians

  • they get pirated stuff,but NEVER acknowledge it
: E.g once i asked my friend Rohan what games does he have on his PC.
Rohan :i Have Crysis,DMC 4,FARCRY 2 and other good stuff
Me : how do you get your games Disc or Download ?
Rohan : Download.
Me : :chinscratch: which site?(i expected something like "Origin" or "steam" to come out of his mouth)
Rohan : DCplusplus
me : :?: Then :rolleyes: thats a file sharing site you dumbass,thats piracy

  • They get pirated stuff,and get a kick out of it/are proud of it
:E.g most of TDF members and the duffer kids from my school

Still Wondering how are you calling Millions of Indian who havent even used or seen a Computer in first Place to be Pirates...:chinscratch: :confused:


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
You forgot the third type. They don't even know that their system assembler has bundled pirated software with their PC. For them "it all comes with the PC."


Steam High Templar
Read the word in size "1" font before ALL
sadly piracy is a part of the modern indian mentality/culture nearly ALL indians are pirates

You forgot the third type. They don't even know that their system assembler has bundled pirated software with their PC. For them "it all comes with the PC."

one more good point

  • in india piracy is taken very casually(i.e very harmless "free" downloading or
buying cheap movies from your "moviewala" on a cart) whereas in the west it is akin to stealing
the thing is the idiotic indians and the primitive indian culture fails to recognise software/games/movies as personal/intellectual property
hence it is treated very casually even by the "servants of the Law"
^ speaking of which, original Kaspersky is being sold like hot cake in my town, I found this out after a while sitting at the shop. A few even came in and got original windows too(ver very rare in my muncipality).
And I live in Kochi for my college, and people there tend to buy McAfee and Kaspersky for 500 - 1200 bucks but is reluctant to buy Windows HB for 5k. The assembling guys also "recommend" pirated windows...
Funny part is, some even have "original" Ubuntu and "cracked" Ubuntu. Same stuff they install, with "original" you get the official CD and they charge you 300 or so, and cracked it's free...


Staff member

Of all the people who downloaded a pirate copy of the film about 20% came from the US. This means that roughly 100,000 Americans have downloaded a copy online through BitTorrent. Now, IF all these people bought a movie ticket instead then box office revenue would be just 0.5% higher.

A recent study showed that the US box office is not suffering from movie piracy, but that there is a detrimental effect on international box office figures.
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