Refusal to pay for apps/software



Make Way the LORD is Here
Problem is we're exposed to all sorts of foul methods from starting, which creates a thinking in our mind that if free, then why to pay?

Lack of knowledge and ignorance is also responsible, for instance people will spend 500 every year on an anti-virus when they can get better protection by using a free anti-virus + self protection measures, but won't spend on a mobile app costing 50rs.

As far I'm considered, I'm fully willing to pay for mobile applications as they cost as much they should, but PC apps are just too costly. OS for 10k? Never. Better use linux.

your knowledge has led to this right attitude, which very few people have.not buying a 10k os is your decision. there is a reason why pc apps are more expensive but whether they are priced right or not, is another discussion all together.
hsr mentioned that he would use photoshop but not pay for it because it's expensive... well here again this is not the right attitude, if you wan't some bike you just won't pick it up from the parking stand?
it again boils down to ease of availability and probability of getting caught.

Maybe some big pirate needs to be made example of by the government, then this might bring more awareness.. even though it would be forced awareness.
I have justified my use of pirated Photoshop, considering my use, as a small time designer and once in a year magazine editor, $199 is too much to ask. If it was priced $50 or less, I would have definitely bought it. I too still depend on my parents for money to buy stuff. Tell them that I need 13 thousand for a software and I can see the Titans unleashed. And I certainly do not want to use Gimp and other free alternatives because the results will not be the same, and no one has yet produced a free software that is near the potential of Photoshop.


Sith Lord
Staff member
you pay only for the features of the software you use

you pay for using the software for specific amounts of time

coming soon
microtransactions is an old idea which failed to seed. But take case of steam, it is selling products less than $10 and at times premium products too.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
The way people shamelessly pirate Photoshop and MS Office is precisely the reason why those tools have the monopoly.
Because of those idiots who pirate and use MS Office, my freedom of using ODF is lost and I have to face problems with formatting of MS Office documents. With absolutely no fault of mine.

Bet who vouch for PS and other stuff, have not even laid their hands to other tools. Corel Paint Shop Pro is like $50, one can afford it, for instance. But no let's make excuses and continue pirating and be "proud" of it. Might not serve all purposes, but considering how those lol guys use the software, even Paint.NET will be enough for them. And for the microscopic minority who actually make full use of it while pirating it, should eventually buy it considering the productivity they have derived from it before they spend lakhs on rigs or Nokia Lumias.

Windows Home Basic is around 5k and you can even get cheaper. Heck you can even get student discounts, and other stuff. And even better, you can use Linux. You don't have too look at Windows 7 Ultimate and then claim it's overpriced and justify your piracy.

Ordinary people who are ignorant and less understanding of software, I can ok they are clueless and hence they pirate; but when these so called techies pirate willingly knowing all the implications, spending a lakh on a rig and mobiles and still pirating, I can only wish one thing to them, hope all your hardware goes to smoke.


Firecracker to the moon
1)Exactly.Sometimes when my friends ask how much i paid for this.Ill say this this much.They'll be like you can get it for 60 bucks p***te it.Ill be like no,you dont get many feature's blah blah.
2)Some people feel its useless to pay for apps.Yes,If these people started buying Original stuff from beginning none of this would ever happen.
3)They regard "Yeah i downloaded a Pir*** app.Im a hacker :D.Now,all people will think im so great when i give them these stuff"

In India, most of the regular users and almost 3/4 of the gaming population is teenagers and kids. They get their dream phone or dream computer after months or weeks of pursuing their parents. Once they have them, no one will be obviously eager to spend any more on apps and games. The thing is that, people are willing to pay 1000 bucks a month for internet, 500 per month for 3g, and endless amounts for 'hanging' out and 'chilling'.
Social status is what matters, if one goes with his friends and buys him a single license game, and plays it, soon the friends will disappear. They are willing to pay that much so that they live a 'cool' lifestyle. The Indian youth has considered buying software 'weak' and not worthy. Cracking and breaking is their hip.
I have no pirated applications in my phone or pc(except Adobe Photoshop - costs $199 same as my phone's price). I do pirate music because NONE of my music preferences are available as hard copies in my state.

Everyone claim they are jailbreaking/rooting/hacking their phone OS for developer purposes and overclocking, but the sad truth is apks and ipas

Exactly once my friend was asking me for some of my cd's I said i dont have any games in my computer.Before he came i even put my games to Hidden.
And gave him games That dont require CD-KEY.(That was AC 1).
God sometimes its so hard to explain them.
Or sometimes they might ask you to pass the Apps to them.

A bit more(Please dont ...... me)

My computer sir.On the 1st class of computer in 11th.
"Our college computers run on windows xp pirated black edition.It is windows xp but looks like windows 7."
Each computer has Adobe photoshop,flash pirated.Each software cost around 40k there are around 200 computers so imagine the loss to adobe


Every one must have induldged in Digital Piracy Of one Kind or other at some point of Time in their Life and that applies strictly to Every Indian Computer Owner.Cant Deny.
Bet who vouch for PS and other stuff, have not even laid their hands to other tools. Corel Paint Shop Pro is like $50, one can afford it, for instance. But no let's make excuses and continue pirating and be "proud" of it.
..., $199 is too much to ask. If it was priced $50 or less, I would have definitely bought it. ...

Ordinary people who are ignorant and less understanding of software, I can ok they are clueless and hence they pirate; but when these so called techies pirate willingly knowing all the implications, spending a lakh on a rig and mobiles and still pirating, I can only wish one thing to them, hope all your hardware goes to smoke.

I own a cheap laptop and an E63, and no oil rigs :lol:


Well tech companies are also faulty

I remember my friend bought a game i think it was COD dont remember the version maybe it was modern warfare now he aint a techy just a gamer all he knows is to install a game press next, next , enter voila its done

Now he got the game but didnt had internet connection (sad but true was bcoming a FB addict so parent disconnected) the game required to be activated via steam all money doomed. He played the game after buying a pirated game

These cases are rare where ppl dont have internet connection but there are many such cases


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Should have read the box. In Orange Box for instance it is clearly specified, "Requires a Broadband Internet connection."


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
@mohityadavx : You forget that India has one of the worst internet connections in the world. I agree that such cases cause people to go pirated.

for example, people are required to have a credit card in order to purchase anything from the Google Play. Now, people like me who don't have a credit card need to settle for a free alternative (which might be low on features) or warez, and considering the easy availability of warez, it is the most obvious choice.


Cyborg Agent
I think SBI branches here(near where I live, not in the whole state) use pirated Windows XP. They use web pages to do all the work.(In IE 6) No software on the local machine. They can easily use Linux. But who is gonna tell them?

Its not about moving.They have some stupid web applications that runs only on IE.Blame IE.


Make Way the LORD is Here
I own a cheap laptop and an E63, and no oil rigs :lol:

e63.. Must have cost 8k, so it's not like you're poor. Now if you used a 1100...
So my point is that when you needed the smartphone you had the money. Same way if PS was not easily available on piratebay, you would have paid for it.
And and gimp together can easily do your college magazine stuff, so your argument of good enough alternative does not work
And lastly if you still don't find them good enough, using Ps is not your birth right


Cyborg Agent
and the other problem why linux market isn't penetrating is bad driver support from hardware vendors.Most of them only say "Designed for Microsoft*".I think Hardware manufacturers needs to provide linux support.Like if you buy a printers for example , you must be sure it will work in linux.

The way people shamelessly pirate Photoshop and MS Office is precisely the reason why those tools have the monopoly.
Because of those idiots who pirate and use MS Office, my freedom of using ODF is lost and I have to face problems with formatting of MS Office documents. With absolutely no fault of mine.

Bet who vouch for PS and other stuff, have not even laid their hands to other tools. Corel Paint Shop Pro is like $50, one can afford it, for instance. But no let's make excuses and continue pirating and be "proud" of it. Might not serve all purposes, but considering how those lol guys use the software, even Paint.NET will be enough for them. And for the microscopic minority who actually make full use of it while pirating it, should eventually buy it considering the productivity they have derived from it before they spend lakhs on rigs or Nokia Lumias.

Windows Home Basic is around 5k and you can even get cheaper. Heck you can even get student discounts, and other stuff. And even better, you can use Linux. You don't have too look at Windows 7 Ultimate and then claim it's overpriced and justify your piracy.

Ordinary people who are ignorant and less understanding of software, I can ok they are clueless and hence they pirate; but when these so called techies pirate willingly knowing all the implications, spending a lakh on a rig and mobiles and still pirating, I can only wish one thing to them, hope all your hardware goes to smoke.


Lol.. Apps that run only on IE.. I mean, India can never step ahead with applications that only run on IE 6. WTF..

Plus they run pirated XP.. LOL..

And so they say:

Desh Smart Ban Raha HaI..

Ans- "Please Bit*h"


Hanging, since 2004..
The simple reason is that Indians earn in rupee, and they don't want to spend in dollars.

Direct conversion of the price of the app for Indian market is completely stupid. Until they have region specific prices for software, this bad practice will continue (Google market gives liberty to app devs of setting region specific prices manually, but we don't see much use of this feature). Compared to hardware, you don't have to make a entire new unit and ship it to a consumer.

Its very easy to take benefit of such good system of distribution of copies of your app, but corporations just dot want to ditch the old model even though the times have changed.

Where these corps see millions of pirates, I see millions of potential customers.
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