** Post all your BSNL Broadband Related Queries Here **

Ankur Gupta

Wandering in time...
btw any news guyz on wen they are introducing new plans or changing the existing ones.it quite some time now.


Another Brick in the Wall
Hmm.. are they gonna annouce any new plans or what? It's April 6th now. I lost hope now.

Anyway I'll merge this thread to the Dataone sticky after a day or so.

BSNL sucks.

Akhil Jain

i am using their free trial 256kbps plan
400 mb datalimit and i get rs.550 bill for extra 406 mb download

i can pay 250Rs. per month for 256kbps or 128 kbps
but unlimited download is what i want
atleast they can give happy hours.


Tribal Boy
More news ... But no use !!


BSNL is offering temporary broadband connection for short duration with effect from 01st April 2006.

At *bsnl.co.in/service/dataone_tariff.htm#temp


Senior Member

we just got a BSNL landphone coz i wanted dataone. we also have a tata indicom landphone. for the first two months....we used only tata phone and the BSNL phone was used like only around 10 calls or something...yet @ end of two months we got bill of Rs.882 which is too high considering that have not opted for their broadband. now i have serious doubts if i really need to go in for their broadband or not.


Another Brick in the Wall
BSNL plans sucks. Why don't you go for any other ISP.

Hope they invite me and desertwind for "talks" on the new plans. We can make them understand as to how we are frustrated and their plan sucks bigtime.


Another Brick in the Wall
I posted this thing in the Invitation thread also, but want to ask Chennai BSNL users whether they can open bitme.org

This is what I get when I open bitme.org:
I can't even open Bitme, even one of my cousin using dataone can't open the site.

So whatever I need to leech, I'll send the torrent to my friend who downloads for me.

BSNL sucks man. We got another issue to rant now :D


Cyborg Agent
Bitme.org is working for me. BUT the real problem is that none using dataone will be able to register there. They will check for usage of proxies and dataone will surely fail the test.

What is more irritating is that all most all the dataone dynamic ips (i think the whole series) is listed in the blocklist of several spam, spyware and proxy lists. (check whether ur ip is listed on cbl.abuseat.org.

This clearly reveals that BSNL allows spammers/spywares to reside in their network and/or forces usage of proxies.

I've to switch back to my old dialup connection for registering at bitme.org


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
janitha said:
With the BB of Dataone, I am not able to use the Caler Line Identifier with the phone. Has anybody else a problem like that? I have tried both phone with Caller ID and a separate Caller ID unit.

I too have a similar problem. bnsl landline numbers does come but other n/w numbers are displayed sometime and sometimes not.


Another Brick in the Wall
As far as I know, none of the Chennai BSNL users are abe to open bitme.

How will you maintain ratio man? We have a 64k up line only. I myself got banned 3 times in 2 private torrent site coz I was not able to maintain the ratio. I can't even upload 75mb for every 700mb :|


Another Brick in the Wall
Hey man , can we write a article like
"50 reasons why Dataone sucks"

And post all over?


The pWnster
i haven't had any problem with dataone ever since i started usin it for the past 4 months in my town. They never had any failures or some s*** like dat 4 more than 1 hr. In my city, their service rocks
. Also they give me the bandwidth they promise 32KBps


Hanging, since 2004..
ya me too getting the service as promised , but bsnl shud seriously introduce some enhancements(from the consumer point of view) to the current plans and also introduce some new ones.


Senior Member
i would get airtel immediately if available in my area. but its not. most of my relatives have already shifted to airtel landphone+broadband because they were overcharged by BSNL. i just hope airtel comes to my area here in bangalore soon...

jack// ani

In the zone
well....the only reason i find why bsnl sucks, is 1gb download limit!! in our area bsnl have outperformed airtel in all other respect!! u are getting 32KB consistent download speed, airtel hardly reaches this figure!! Server is never down...what else u need!!!!!
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