** Post all your BSNL Broadband Related Queries Here **



Another Brick in the Wall
I am moving this thread to In General... and later will merge to dataone sticky.

..and it's great news :d

Moved Here


Calling all Dataone users !

Please be aware BSNL calculates the mixed usage by taking average download/upload rate during that particular period.

I am 100% sure because I have been charged around Rs 2100 for excess Data usage in February Month bill. I am using Homeplan 500 and download stuffs during the happy hours using Bitcomet. I have scheduled Bitcomet to start at 2.00am and close
at 7.56. Dataone connection also connects automatically at 2.04 am but I disconnect the connection manually in the morining. So disconnection time is not always before the happy hour.

When I carefully review my each login session, I found huge data usage been included in my account, on day when I continued my night login session till late morning i.e more than an hour after the happy hours ended.

For example a day when i disconnected my night login session at 10.00 am , and the total data usage during that session was 700 mb , they calculated the non free hours usage by taking the average usage of that session ie 700mb / 10hrs * 2 = 140 mb . In reality i wouldn't have use more than 10 mb in those 2 hours.

So this is the method they are applying to calculate the mixed usage which is not upto valid in my sense. I dont think that they have the right to calculate data transferred based on assumption. There must be some way to find the actual usage that have taken place whenever a mixed usage happens.

There is no rule mention by BSNL or Calcutta Telephones in their website or anywhere else that you should login and disconnect during the free hour to obtain the free usage.

I also went to local AOTR, DE Internal Broadband (Telephone Bhavan) but none of them took the matter in their own hand.

Please suggest me whether i should pay the bill and keep silent considering it as my fault or should i fight.

Also please advice whom should i meet in the BSNL office who can handle my matter.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
@naveenpoddar BSNL data usage has been updated. Now the calculation is done correctly i.e., if you even exceed the free usage time there is no problem .the server will not count the night unlimited datatransfer . for your benifit you can download the latest shaplus dataone bandwidth calculator here. the software is now configured to display according to the changes made to the DataOne portal.


charangk said:
@naveenpoddar BSNL data usage has been updated. Now the calculation is done correctly i.e., if you even exceed the free usage time there is no problem .the server will not count the night unlimited datatransfer . for your benifit you can download the latest shaplus dataone bandwidth calculator here. the software is now configured to display according to the changes made to the DataOne portal.

You r not understanding my problem. Have you ever continued your night login session 1 or 2 hrs after happy hours ends. You will see the difference there . OK You do one thing you find out and post here a single mixed usage where you dont have been charged a single kb .


Commander in Chief
I have done that lots of times, in fact almost all the times. As Dr.Grudge said that they turn on the meter only on 8:00:59 am i dont see why they will divide yr data that way...


u guys in kolkata are being TOO finicky. i live in jamshedpur and compared to what u ppl get in kolkata..its horrible here.
the customer support u guys have is decent...we here dont have anything like tht.
do u think the managers r geeks or sth that they will understnd pings n all..
they must be having geeks too in their ranks..but u wont find them at the mangerial desk!!!
but i agree to u tht they should have a technically snd person to deal with bb problems too and not just a manager who knws only abt old ANALOGUE telephones..

calcuttatelephones.com is pretty good on bb support.
[for bb troubleshooting]

it also has one link with instructions to change ur bb into an always on connection...so there are no problems of link not being setup
here''s the link [there's one option on tht page called CONFIGUARTION FOR MULTIUSE..and there choose ur modem and check it out]

i'm really indebted to the calcuttatelephones website...earlier i used to face problems when the link didnt use to set up for many hrs at a stretch..and i had to live without bb :cry:
but after i configured the conection to b always on..its rocking..each time i switch on the modem..in 30 secs flat it gets linked up.

u also have a toll-free no. to ask ur queries..we dont have tht either :cry:


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
well i dont have one after the 8:00 AM but i have one before 2:AM
Service From To Send(Kb) Receive(Kb) Bandwidth(Kb) Duration Charged Usage(KB) Daily total

Speed 256 Kbps 2006/03/25 01:59:27 2006/03/25 04:09:47 4861 58746 63607(BW used) 7820 267--(charged)

The download starter before 2 am and went up to 4:10 AM but i was charged only 267kb for the whole time :roll:


@charangk: have a glance on this records


Please note On all these days Bitcomet client was shut down before 8.00 am


Another Brick in the Wall
That's your problem... it don't happen with others. Just contact BSNL naa..

And man.. pay the bill along with your complaint. They'll take anything along with $$.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
^^^ indyan no need to disconnect the line at all. Every thing is automatic now. so now on whenever you the timer ticks past the 2 am mark the bsnl timer just stops the counter and restarts after 8:00:59 AM just like QwertyManiac said. i never switch off the modem at all ,even when i switch off my pc . I switch off the modem only when i goto sleep at nite.


Ambassador of Buzz
Indyan said:
I have set my connection to autodisconnect at 7:50.I dont want to take any risk.
Btw, suppose I am connected to the net before 2 am.
Now, after 2 am should I just disconnect and reconnect, or do I also need to restart my PC?

And any news about the probably tarrif update?

Well, earlier there was a myth that if you started before & continued after the Happy Hours, you would be charged for the usage( which is not the case now).

There is no need to do that disconnect, reconnect business. Even though your night download will be included in Mixed Usage, you will only be charged for whatever transfer there was before 2:00AM, which is next to nothing if you simply kept your connection on.
naveenpoddar said:
@charangk: have a glance on this records

Please note On all these days Bitcomet client was shut down before 8.00 am

Even though Bitcomet was shut down before that time, the connection was on. It will show you whatever usage you have during a whole connection period, which breaks when you switch off your modem.
So, dont worry, all you will be charged will be whatever you used after the Happy Hours.
Trust me, experience is the source brothers... 8)

Savvy :!:


Even though Bitcomet was shut down before that time, the connection was on. It will show you whatever usage you have during a whole connection period, which breaks when you switch off your modem.
So, dont worry, all you will be charged will be whatever you used after the Happy Hours.
Trust me, experience is the source brothers... 8)

Savvy :!:

BSNL has already send me a bill of Rs 2894 in which Rs 1849 + Service tax has been charged for 1541 mb extra data usage in the month of february.And you are saying that they dont charge.

If you are so sure then pls keep internet on till 9.00 or 10.00 am in the morning . And you will see the differnece .

I have experienced it that is why i am warining you guys. Trust me !


Commander in Chief
I got a new problem. After sometime of connection time, the BSNL link breaks down (not the modem tho) and it tries to reconnect, sometimes successfully or keeps breaking down. When I put my phone off the hook and keep it that way, this problem goes away. whats the reason?


Ambassador of Buzz
naveenpoddar said:
BSNL has already send me a bill of Rs 2894 in which Rs 1849 + Service tax has been charged for 1541 mb extra data usage in the month of february.And you are saying that they dont charge.

If you are so sure then pls keep internet on till 9.00 or 10.00 am in the morning . And you will see the differnece .

I have experienced it that is why i am warining you guys. Trust me !

I think they might have charged you not for those 2-3 instances only, but for many other such occurences. You might not realize it, but those stats in their sites can be very misleading.

Even with Shaplus, you have to be careful as the mixed usage isnt actually seperated from the Free Hours usage in its reading.

Yes, there might be some problem with your area, but here in the west, its all just & fair, atleast upto now


i have a bsnl broadband connection and the modem came with the connection.. SmarAX MT882
there are two ways to connect the modem to the PC ,
1. USB
2. Ethernet

which one is good in any way in between them?

and i am using it in USB now , can u tell me how to configure it to use in Ethernet ?

help me plz..



D PrankMaster
I am currently using Airtel DSL (128Kbps), their rent is 700Rs + 10.2% tax,
This is the main reason i have'nt migrated to BSNL...
coz the downloadlimit of BSNL's 256Kbps plan is 1GB(that much i download daily!!)


Wise Old Owl
With the BB of Dataone, I am not able to use the Caler Line Identifier with the phone. Has anybody else a problem like that? I have tried both phone with Caller ID and a separate Caller ID unit.

V.Prem Kumar


i have taken the dataone broadband connection on the 29th March 2006 , my plan is Plan Home 250, as i was not aware of the Happy Hours facility in the Home 500 plan , now i want to change my plan to Plan Home 500 , is that possible ?
if possible then what should i have to do ?

for taking the BB i have paid Rs 1771 according to the demand note...in which
500 is security of BB
500 is security of modem
500 is 2months advance rent of Plan 250
200 is 2months advance rent of modem
71 is service tax

i donno if i am able to get any free trial offer as the service is started in my area on the same day..

thanks and please let me know how to change the plan and am i eligible ?
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