** Post all your BSNL Broadband Related Queries Here **


die blizzard die! D3?
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

@din: your line is highly unstable.I too faced similar problems with 2mbps when it used to work @ 2mbps for 4-5 hours per day flawlessly but downtime after it.

Whats your connection speeds?if its 2mbps then try getting your line changed or consider degrading back to 256kbps.BTW distance from exchange and snr ratio?


Tribal Boy
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

No, I was having problem from beginning itself. I got connection on 15th last month (Nov). Almost one month now, and I could access net through Dataone only 15 days or so. Some days full down, some days down for 3-4 hrs :(

Tried toll free number. They are telling thats for Bangalore only. Called SDE, he said line is ok, called the tech guy whos doing these things for BSNL, not much help.

Not sure whom to contact or what to check, helpless again :(


I am on Home 256 unlimited scheme (UL 900 Plus ?)

Remote Line Attn 43.0 dB
Remote SNRMargin 12 dB

Thats is what you meant ?

Also, please explain what you meant yb line unstable. Also, I am getting very good speeds when it is up. So it is like, when internet is there, good speeds, when its down, nothing at all. I mean no speed issues when it is up.

Speed, I am getting very close to 256 itself.

Also, what can be done if SNR is very low ? Any solutions from our end or BSNL will solve it ?

Oh, I forgot, I am about 5.5 KM from Exchange, is that the issue ? But I know two guys who are like 6 or 7 KM form exchange, they are getting BB without any break o problems..
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Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

You have been tricked by BSNL for so many days.I suggest you send them a letter and action will be immediately taken.
Warn them that you want refunds for the downtime.They are not god send that they have a reason to not give refunds.
In the letter mention technical details.
Send the copy of the letter to DE and one to SDO.


Tribal Boy
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Last post was made using TATA indicom CDMA. Now, back in Dataone ! Not sure how long. Goes down unexpectedly :(


die blizzard die! D3?
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

din said:


I am on Home 256 unlimited scheme (UL 900 Plus ?)

Remote Line Attn 43.0 dB
Remote SNRMargin 12 dB

Thats is what you meant ?
snr ratio is too low.I have a snr ratio of 40+ on my 256kbps connection.

Also, please explain what you meant yb line unstable. Also, I am getting very good speeds when it is up. So it is like, when internet is there, good speeds, when its down, nothing at all. I mean no speed issues when it is up.
Told you buddy I used to face the same problems with 2mbps--when net was there I used to get 2mbps speeds no problem but only for 4-5 hours each day otherwise dissconnections.So no speeds issues at all.

Also, what can be done if SNR is very low ? Any solutions from our end or BSNL will solve it ?
yep,the the copper at lines joints gets oxidised(greenish susbtance) after sometime,so call them and ask them to change your line.It should help.bribing some 50-100 rupees to the local lineman will get things done faster.

Oh, I forgot, I am about 5.5 KM from Exchange, is that the issue ? But I know two guys who are like 6 or 7 KM form exchange, they are getting BB without any break o problems..
Yea at 5km you should get 256kbps without any problems.


Tribal Boy
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

The_Devil_Himself said:
Told you buddy I used to face the same problems with 2mbps--when net was there I used to get 2mbps speeds no problem but only for 4-5 hours each day otherwise dissconnections.So no speeds issues at all.

How did you get it solved ? Are you getting net full time now ?


die blizzard die! D3?
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

^^yep,I complained too much and they degraded by speeds to 288kbps(288 sounds weird),now my connection is super stable(no DC even for a single second).I am happier now atleast there are no DC.


Tribal Boy
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**


Hmm, lil confused. You were on 2 Mbps and when u changed to 256 / 288, it became stable and ok. I am on 256, so theres no option for me to downgrade :(

Also, how to get the usage history ? I tried the data.bsnl.in link, but it shows the websphere page and nothing in that !

Edit - Oops, seems I checked wrong link, lemme chk again ...
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die blizzard die! D3?
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

^^yea thats why asked your speeds.If you were on 2mbps then degrading back to 256kbps would have helped,but now.....

anyways a sure shot way is to get the line changed,and consider spending some bucks on some good quality wiring from the the pole to your router.Ask Harvik780 about it,he did something like this iirc.

lol can't help with bsnl link cos I use MTNL.it sux though but i got no other option.


Tribal Boy
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Oh ok, but the line is fully underground cable from exchange to home. Will they change the cable ? Ok, will ask them anyway.

Also, usage check link is

*p3hosting.bsnl.in:9080/BroadBandCustomerPortal/ ?

Not working for me :(
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die blizzard die! D3?
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

^^underground right to your home?thats strange.

Well mine is like underground from exchange to nearby that box kind of thing then the poles and then finally to houses.So its like 2-3 poles between me and the underground wires.

will they change the cable?well why not I say if something is wrong with it.And told you handing over 50-100 bucks to local lineman should help a lot.I know this aint right but It saves all the hassles.

that link doesn't work here also,maybe cos I use MTNL.

lol your dual posting clearly shows your connection is in bad shape.


Tribal Boy
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Yes, from exchange to home, no overhead lines. Fully underground cable form exchange till home. There were some old connections (not mine, neighbor etc), and recently they changed those also to UG cable.


I see you are online :) Any suggestions / comments on my issue ?
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die blizzard die! D3?
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

looks like my overhead line is better then your UG line.lol.

well i dont know what you can do now.maybe you should still try to get your line changed.


Attitude matters
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

After I sent a warning email that I will haul BSNL to the consumer forum, an SDE from the BB section called me and after ascertaining the problem ( which in any case was intimated to them by email a number of times ) said that looks like I have been connected to a "dead pair" of lines and he will inform the exchange to do the needful.I also received an email that the exchange has been sounded. Today being Sunday nothing has happened.

@din your problem more or less looks to be a similar problem a dead pair of lines.

In my case as already posted , the BSNL linesman the day before yesterday had checked my line and had reported that nothing is wrong.

I do not know who is wrong and who is right.Irrespective, if the problem is not resolved by BSNL in the next two days I am determined to shoot a notice to PGM BSNL asking him to show cause before I file a complaint before the consumer forum.

Now going technical here is the screenshot of the route to thinkdigit.com server in USA.

View attachment 1352

The international gateway being used is that of Bharti Televentures in New Delhi.

Inbetween the second NIB node my immediate gateway IP address, and the fourth NIB node 218.248.255,there is an unknown node , contributing 100% packet loss while the fourth node itself contributes 80% packet loss. None of the other nodes show any packet loss.

What is the significance of this? Anyone?

@cyrus the virus r u watching?


Unmountable Boot Volume
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Ponmayilal said:
Inbetween the second NIB node my immediate gateway IP address, and the fourth NIB node 218.248.255,there is an unknown node , contributing 100% packet loss while the fourth node itself contributes 80% packet loss. None of the other nodes show any packet loss.

What is the significance of this? Anyone?

@cyrus the virus r u watching?
Yes, I'm here looking at all the issues going on. However, the tracert result you have doesn't make sense.. do you know why? How can you have another 80% loss after you have a 100% loss? If there is a 100% loss, the packets will not proceed any further. What I would advise you to do is do a direct tracert from the command prompt that is:


paste those results here. I'll be able to interpret them better.

Also do this and paste the results as well

ping www.google.com -n 50
ping -n 50


Attitude matters
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Thanks @cyrus. Since I am retiring now, I shall do what you have mentioned later and try to post perhaps tom.

Coming to the packet loss , they are actually not the data packets from the site that are lost. In that case I will not perhaps be able to access the site as you have rightly said.

What I understand from the Visual route manual is that their server pings all the nodes and reports the packet loss.It also says that some servers could have been firewalled not to accept such pings.I am not a networking expert, but if this data is not in someway significant, why at all should this data be presented?
And why that unknown node?(Visual route cannot find the ip address of the node)


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

I also had instability issues with BSNL broadband.What i did was followed what choto said.Write a letter to the DE and SDO explaining your problem and slight technical details and also urge them to give you a refund for not correcting the problem within 3 days as specified by TRAI.
U can also go to ur local exchange and confirm from the people at the exchange via there systems whether or not ur line is faulty.They will ask ur telephone number for checking the line.
For a 256Kbps connection 27-30Db SNR is acceptable.For a 2Mbps connection anything above 12Db is acceptable.
Also confirm if your modulation is set to ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+ or ect.
Different modulations have different guidelines of SNR margin.
Whenever ur given a new connection the line has to first stabilize in 10-15 days.This time you might not get ur user name and pass but the exchange might conduct tests to see if ur line has any stability issues.
U can also check to see if forcing alternate modulation from ur modems settings page helps getting ur SNR higher.
For me G.DMT was unstable so i forced my modulation to T1.413


Attitude matters
Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

^^ @ Cyrus here is the screenshot of tracert my first attempt nodes 3 and 4 did not get the IP address and said request timed out.
View attachment 1353


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

Harvik780 said:
Check the modem settings page and see it the wan settings are configured properly.

And what exactly should be the WAN setting? I've tried my leval but still no progress. :confused:


Re: **Post all your BSNL Dataone Related Queries Here**

its my results( i am posting it as a sample as i don't have any problem with BSNL yet)
0 donwtime in past 3months:cool:
gaurish@gaurish-desktop:~$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1 (  0.770 ms  0.990 ms  1.599 ms
 2 (  36.608 ms  38.403 ms *
 3  * * *
 4  * * *
 5 (  109.913 ms * *
 6  * (  90.846 ms  88.473 ms
 7 (  336.827 ms  338.898 ms  340.763 ms
 8  p4-1-3-2.r23.londen03.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net (  363.803 ms p4-1-3-0.r23.londen03.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net (  365.051 ms *
 9  * * *
10  * * *
11  * * as-0.r21.asbnva01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  347.480 ms
12  xe-1-2.r03.stngva01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  348.939 ms  350.735 ms  353.815 ms
13  mg-2.c20.stngva01.us.da.verio.net (  361.329 ms  364.227 ms *
14  * * *
15  logistics20.com (  348.738 ms * *
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