Next Gen Console discussion ( PS4 'n Xbox One'n Wii U )

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'The wait till E3' apologists fail to realize that the reveal sets the tone for the console. When they reveal it they need to concentrate on what its primary functions are.

Eg: iPhone: A web browser phone + iPod (even though I dislike apple, I must admit that they hit reveals on the head)
PS4, Wii U: A gaming system
ARM Cortex: Compute power at low price and power consumption etc.

OTOH Xbox One:

DVR, TV and to some extent Kinect box?


I am the night...I am...
Xbox One Reveal Conference Review

Yeah people seem to be whining about games and we'll come to know about that precisely after 3 weeks or so, before passing a verdict.

Considering the advent of ipads and ultra smartphones, it was necessary to take the console approach in a different direction, not neglecting the gaming aspect of course.
The design of the console and the controller itself is great. I mean there was nothing wrong with the 360 controller ( it was better than DS3), and they've done the right thing, improvising on the existing design.

The more emphasis on living room is what making hardcore gamers lose temper, but i don't see a problem with this approach. They are not necessarily following the original wii's plans.
I mean apart from the added ( excellent) gesture controls and living room features, this will still have all the hardcore titles. Atleast all major multiplats will definitely show up on the xbox one, and exclusives are already promised.

I kind of liked their approach. Under the hood, its still an x86 based console and will have all the benefits the PS4 has from a pure development standpoint.
I don't think its gonna falter in this department. E3 is going to be a 2 hour conference both for sony and microsoft. Games will take the center stage there.


some links to follow..



Xbox One Reveal Conference Review

Yeah people seem to be whining about games and we'll come to know about that precisely after 3 weeks or so, before passing a verdict.

Considering the advent of ipads and ultra smartphones, it was necessary to take the console approach in a different direction, not neglecting the gaming aspect of course.
The design of the console and the controller itself is great. I mean there was nothing wrong with the 360 controller ( it was better than DS3), and they've done the right thing, improvising on the existing design.

The more emphasis on living room is what making hardcore gamers lose temper, but i don't see a problem with this approach. They are not necessarily following the original wii's approach.
I mean apart from the added ( excellent) gesture controls and living room features, this will still have all the hardcore titles. Atleast all major multiplats will definitely show up on the xbox one, and exclusives are already promised.

I kind of liked their approach. Under the hood, its still an x86 based console and will have all the benefits the PS4 has from a pure development standpoint.
I don't think its gonna falter in this department. E3 is going to be a 2 hour conference both for sony and microsoft. Games will take the center stage there.

People are only making fun of this reveal. There are going to be hardcore(hopefully) titles, and I'm sure everybody will be happy about it ;)


EA is developing Wii U games, has bigger plans for PS4 and Xbox One, CFO says | Polygon

Well, that was quick :|

So much snaking and dodging. Can't say I expected any better.


EA is developing Wii U games, has bigger plans for PS4 and Xbox One, CFO says | Polygon

Well, that was quick :|

Hehe, EA can't even make up it's own mind. This has been a weird day, so many claims and counter-claims.

In other news, EA is set to piss off more of their PC fans (the few that remain, anyway)

PC version of Fifa 14 won’t be using EA’s new Ignite engine


I think that Microsoft may be trying "the flood of carefully worded, apparently conflicting information".

Eg. "You don't need to pay to install used games" claims person one
"You need to pay to play used games" says person two.

When read some time apart you end up conflating them while they don't actually contradict each other.

If they wanted to clear the confusion they would have openly said "We won't block used games and you don't have to pay for them again" or something to that effect.

On the Wii U there were no EA games in development a week ago. Now they are developing them right after the Xbox One was announced. Strange. Innit?


Yup,The Ignite Engine can only work on a console which is based on "Rocket-Science level stuff" ;-) :rolleyes: :lol:

I hope PC game drought does not come......

Paradox Interactive will save us all ;).

OT: I don't get the "Rocket-Science level stuff" reference.

?Xbox One???????????????????? - ????.com

Confirmed for Japan.

Why do they even try?

"It seems like the day has come for me to leave the Xbox. It's total nonsense that there is no backwards compatibility. Ah, but if The Idolmaster 3 comes out, I guess I'll have to buy it..."

"Television. The NFL. These things seem the biggest, but in Japan, they're totally irrelevant. For Japan, it's totally over. It's at the point where it doesn't matter if this doesn't sell in Japan."

"I gathered that they didn't think about Japan at all."

"I'm looking forward to the new Kinect."

"The PS4 [reveal] had more of a technical rundown, so it was more interesting."

"Western internet forums are on fire. lol"

"It was like, you can play those [old games] on the 360."

"Well, the controller didn't get worse. But, whatever..."

"Even if the functionality is increased, what you end up with is an old PC. It's okay they are putting effort into TV and video services. I don't need that, though, because I'm enjoying my PC gamer life."

"Put together a presentation for gamers."

"I wonder how Americans are gaming at home. Whenever I'm playing a game, I never feel like I want to watch TV, so the ability to switch between the two makes no sense to me."

"They [Microsoft] are not looking at Sony or Nintendo, but are frantically coming up with countermeasures for Apple and Google."

"And here, I thought they were going put out something with amazingly high specs..."

"The only thing I thought was amazing was the multi-tasking."

"Kinect is certainly amazing... But, what's this feeling I have that I cannot really explain... Have I turned into some elderly, decrepit gamer?"

"They're totally not thinking of Japan...This is worse than the Xbox 360."

"That D-pad on the controller was good. I guess they won't put that out on the slim Xbox 360."

"I like the console's design. But I have no clue why it's so damn big."

"The reaction from foreigners isn't good. On Twitter, it's being trashed."

Do they really care about expats so much?

Here's What People in Japan Think of Xbox One


I am the night...I am...
Xbox One Already Up for Pre-order in the UK

Xbox One Reveal Reactions... WTF?

Microsoft Unveils Xbox One: The One and Only Machine One Needs in the Living Room.

Phil Harrison has clarified to Eurogamer the used/loaned game setup Xbox One will use. Since game installs to the HDD are mandatory, your game install is tied to your Xbox. Whoever uses it can play the game. If you take the game to a friend's house, you must be signed into your own account to play the game. No more loaning a friend a game unless you plan on letting them sign into your account (possibly ruining your stats in your favorite online game). If your friend wants to play it using their own profile, they have to pay for the game. Used game sales details were said to be announced at a later time.

This really sucks a lot. The game is actually tied to a live account which is unique to a user. Even if a user bricks his/her console, a new console can still play the games if logged in through the old account. So its an online check and not a hardware checking protocol.
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Oh my god. This conference is hilarious. Why would I want a Xbox One when I already have a 360? Seriously, who thought of that name.

My takeaway is: Kinect, Kinect, Kinect, Skype, ESPN, DVR, Kinect, FIFA, Buzzwords, NHL, COD, Kinect.

Was this conference some sort of giant farce?

They appear to be targeting the kind of people(read: casual dudebros) who buy the same things over and over again.

The number of bullshots were amazing.

I wonder if M$ had anything to do with the EA's Nintendo backstab?

EA backstabbing Nintendo :-o .... The way nintendo is going it is doing the job well for itself... Have you heard that nintendo is claiming all youtube videos related to Nintendo games as it own property and diverting the money to their pockets..
Recently many youtube channels have lost money due to it...
They are even targeting ardent nintendo fans and nintendo promotion channels... and you are trying to depict them as the good underdog when they are acting so greedy (like Sony in the PS2 and PS3 era)


Legend Never Ends
Some one rename the thread.

Xbox One came, it saw and seeing the reaction of people its safe to say it couldn't conquer. The new gen consoles are here.


I am the night...I am...
Some one rename the thread.

Xbox One came, it saw and seeing the reaction of people its safe to say it couldn't conquer. The new gen consoles are here.

Well its way too early to pass a comment on that aspect mate. It was just a physical reveal. Expect games and much more at E3.

Yeah someone should change the xbox 720 to xbox one.


EA backstabbing Nintendo :-o .... The way nintendo is going it is doing the job well for itself... Have you heard that nintendo is claiming all youtube videos related to Nintendo games as it own property and diverting the money to their pockets..
Recently many youtube channels have lost money due to it...
They are even targeting ardent nintendo fans and nintendo promotion channels... and you are trying to depict them as the good underdog when they are acting so greedy (like Sony in the PS2 and PS3 era)

This forum seems to have no shortage of geniuses to beef up my ignore list with.

I'm pretty sure saying that you have an unprecedented partnership, that the console is amazing, that it has your full support etc. one day and then simply giving half assed late ports and calling it the end of the deal, saying that the console is crap the next day, it wont be getting any games from you etc. counts as backstabbing.

They are blocking yt videos of their games to make sure that their brand image , games marketing etc. is not hurt. Whatever they may earn from this will be negligible for them. They are blocking people only if they are trying to monetize their intellectual property without their consent. What they are doing is bs but it is not unique to them. A lot of Japanese companies like SEGA and Square Enix do the same due to a lack of understanding of the western Internet culture. The difference is that they are only targeting monetized videos right now rather than all of them. If you are doing non commercial work the contentid system should stay away from your videos.

Saying that they are doing this to grub money takes another level of geniusosity that I cannot comprehend.

Where did I depict them as the underdog?

Xbox 360

:lol: Lets see if Kinect 2.0 is any better.

Microsoft talks Xbox One naming, privacy and more (Q&A) | Microsoft - CNET News

Microsoft sure loves dodging questions and beating around the bush.
I'm pretty sure saying that you have an unprecedented partnership, that the console is amazing, that it has your full support etc. one day and then simply giving half assed late ports and calling it the end of the deal, saying that the console is crap the next day, it wont be getting any games from you etc. counts as backstabbing.

They are blocking yt videos of their games to make sure that their brand image , games marketing etc. is not hurt. Whatever they may earn from this will be negligible for them. They are blocking people only if they are trying to monetize their intellectual property without their consent. What they are doing is bs but it is not unique to them. A lot of Japanese companies like SEGA and Square Enix do the same due to a lack of understanding of the western Internet culture. The difference is that they are only targeting monetized videos right now rather than all of them. If you are doing non commercial work the contentid system should stay away from your videos.

Saying that they are doing this to grub money takes another level of geniusosity that I cannot comprehend.

Where did I depict them as the underdog?

Dont blindly babble without getting your faacts right. EA never said there wont be any games they said there wont be games based on Frostbite 3 engine due to the technical difficulties.. there are other engines they use... The thing about frostbite still stands..

You are so blind to everything Nintendo does that you can accept their flaws.... you say its to make sure that their brand image , games marketing etc. is not hurt.. but why not just flag the videos or block the content like sega.. why are they still keeping the so called low quality videos in youtube.. if not to rake the money from the views...
If the company feels that the videos are such low quality to hurt their image why keep them up and running?!
I agree I am not as smart as you .. so can you explain why they are trying to make fools of people who have been and are supporting them from a long time and forcing them to close their channels?
I would love to see how you respond when Nintendo block your stuff related their product even when you are supporting them....
BTW Sega blocked the videos related to Shining force (and shining force only.. as they were developing a new shining force game), it didnt divert the money to their account.... And it has apologized since for the actions and has unblocked many of them....
I dont hate nintendo, but the fevour with which you rave about them seems childish like a 14 year old.... When you like a thing you should help in making it better and not keep covering its flaws; eventually people will stop valuing your veiws and the product you are supporting....and finally they will ignore them even theres something good in it...


Wise Old Owl
Dont blindly babble without getting your faacts right. EA never said there wont be any games they said there wont be games based on Frostbite 3 engine due to the technical difficulties.. there are other engines they use... The thing about frostbite still stands..

You are so blind to everything Nintendo does that you can accept their flaws.... you say its to make sure that their brand image , games marketing etc. is not hurt.. but why not just flag the videos or block the content like sega.. why are they still keeping the so called low quality videos in youtube.. if not to rake the money from the views...
If the company feels that the videos are such low quality to hurt their image why keep them up and running?!
I agree I am not as smart as you .. so can you explain why they are trying to make fools of people who have been and are supporting them from a long time and forcing them to close their channels?
I would love to see how you respond when Nintendo block your stuff related their product even when you are supporting them....
BTW Sega blocked the videos related to Shining force (and shining force only.. as they were developing a new shining force game), it didnt divert the money to their account.... And it has apologized since for the actions and has unblocked many of them....
I dont hate nintendo, but the fevour with which you rave about them seems childish like a 14 year old.... When you like a thing you should help in making it better and not keep covering its flaws; eventually people will stop valuing your veiws and the product you are supporting....and finally they will ignore them even theres something good in it...

+1, totally agree with you, but tbh arguing with such people is just a waste of time. So lets not make this into a why nintendo sucks debate and lets try to stick to the topic

This forum seems to have no shortage of geniuses to beef up my ignore list with.

I'm pretty sure saying that you have an unprecedented partnership, that the console is amazing, that it has your full support etc. one day and then simply giving half assed late ports and calling it the end of the deal, saying that the console is crap the next day, it wont be getting any games from you etc. counts as backstabbing.

They are blocking yt videos of their games to make sure that their brand image , games marketing etc. is not hurt. Whatever they may earn from this will be negligible for them. They are blocking people only if they are trying to monetize their intellectual property without their consent. What they are doing is bs but it is not unique to them. A lot of Japanese companies like SEGA and Square Enix do the same due to a lack of understanding of the western Internet culture. The difference is that they are only targeting monetized videos right now rather than all of them. If you are doing non commercial work the contentid system should stay away from your videos.

Saying that they are doing this to grub money takes another level of geniusosity that I cannot comprehend.

Where did I depict them as the underdog?

Xbox 360

:lol: Lets see if Kinect 2.0 is any better.

Microsoft talks Xbox One naming, privacy and more (Q&A) | Microsoft - CNET News

Microsoft sure loves dodging questions and beating around the bush.

lets stay on topic, we all know how big a nintendo fan you are :rolleyes: but there is no need to belittle others. Maybe you should start with adding yourself to your ignore list . People who are running independent channels are not working / own companies with a 10BN $ net worth.. so id just start there. And if you add up all the videos, even nickels and pennies earned from them must amount in millions for nintendo, else it will cost them more manpower to block such content.

Nintendo is taking dues which do not belong to them, i think that much is pretty clear. What you comprehend is another matter.


I am the night...I am...
^^ Exactly. :) No need to argue with people like that. His own signature speaks for himself.

Now get ready for an in-depth analysis by anandtech.

The Xbox One: Hardware Analysis & Comparison to PlayStation 4

The casing is full aluminium and is sturdy according to anandtech. The design is honestly spot on to what microsoft has been targeting all along.
It will just fit beautifully alongside a large screen display.
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Wise Old Owl
^^ Exactly. :) No need to argue with people like that. His own signature speaks for himself.

Now get ready for an in-depth analysis by anandtech.

The Xbox One: Hardware Analysis & Comparison to PlayStation 4

The casing is full aluminium and is sturdy according to anandtech. The design is honestly spot on to what microsoft has been targeting all along.
It will just fit beautifully alongside a large screen display.

there is a 30% performance gap, and with the hypervisor and the gesture heavy ui xbot one is running, i dont think that you will get more than 30fps on 1080p... it just cant keep up with the ps4.

on the other hand the cooling solution seems pretty solid, so temps should be stable and thermal and power brick should be quite cool. The ps4 on the other hand with the 5.5ghz(equivalent) ram will be running quite hot, and i expect the power brick to be larger. Lets see the cooling solution sony has gone with.


Dont blindly babble without getting your faacts right. EA never said there wont be any games they said there wont be games based on Frostbite 3 engine due to the technical difficulties.. there are other engines they use... The thing about frostbite still stands..

You are so blind to everything Nintendo does that you can accept their flaws.... you say its to make sure that their brand image , games marketing etc. is not hurt.. but why not just flag the videos or block the content like sega.. why are they still keeping the so called low quality videos in youtube.. if not to rake the money from the views...
If the company feels that the videos are such low quality to hurt their image why keep them up and running?!
I agree I am not as smart as you .. so can you explain why they are trying to make fools of people who have been and are supporting them from a long time and forcing them to close their channels?
I would love to see how you respond when Nintendo block your stuff related their product even when you are supporting them....
BTW Sega blocked the videos related to Shining force (and shining force only.. as they were developing a new shining force game), it didnt divert the money to their account.... And it has apologized since for the actions and has unblocked many of them....
I dont hate nintendo, but the fevour with which you rave about them seems childish like a 14 year old.... When you like a thing you should help in making it better and not keep covering its flaws; eventually people will stop valuing your veiws and the product you are supporting....and finally they will ignore them even theres something good in it...

You are the one who needs to get his facts straight.


"We have no games in development for the Wii U currently," company spokesperson Jeff Brown told Kotaku yesterday.

EA claimed that they were unable to get frostbite 2 to run properly so they decided not to pursue frostbite 3. Unless DICE is absolutely horrible at code optimization the claims are absolute horse [redacted]

If you actually read my post you would realize that I consider Nintendo's yt actions BS.

I just pointed out why nintendo claimed thay did it. I don't know their reasoning behind it.

It was all implied from their official response.

As part of our on-going push to ensure Nintendo content is shared across social media channels in an appropriate and safe way, we became a YouTube partner and as such in February 2013 we registered our copyright content in the YouTube database. For most fan videos this will not result in any changes, however, for those videos featuring Nintendo-owned content, such as images or audio of a certain length, adverts will now appear at the beginning, next to or at the end of the clips. We continually want our fans to enjoy sharing Nintendo content on YouTube, and that is why, unlike other entertainment companies, we have chosen not to block people using our intellectual property.

Nintendo Flexing Copyright Clout on YouTube Let's Play Channels - |

The last sentence should make it clear enough that they are fundamentally misunderstanding the culture.

Considering my stuff on YouTube is all non commercial Nintendo will not block them if they keep true to their statement.

They are diverting the funds instead of taking down the videos because they believe that fans should still be allowed to share content.

Frankly, I do discuss Nintendo and point out their flaws when on topic. I don't bring up facts irrelevant to the discussion like accounts tied to a console & region lock where they aren't relevant.


Wise Old Owl
You are the one who needs to get his facts straight.


EA claimed that they were unable to get frostbite 2 to run properly so they decided not to pursue frostbite 3. Unless DICE is absolutely horrible at code optimization the claims are absolute horse [redacted]

If you actually read my post you would realize that I consider Nintendo's yt actions BS.

I just pointed out why nintendo claimed thay did it. I don't know their reasoning behind it.

It was all implied from their official response.

Nintendo Flexing Copyright Clout on YouTube Let's Play Channels - |

The last sentence should make it clear enough that they are fundamentally misunderstanding the culture.

Considering my stuff on YouTube is all non commercial Nintendo will not block them if they keep true to their statement.

They are diverting the funds instead of taking down the videos because they believe that fans should still be allowed to share content.

Frankly, I do discuss Nintendo and point out their flaws when on topic. I don't bring up facts irrelevant to the discussion like accounts tied to a console & region lock where they aren't relevant.

not replying. Keeping this clean. Anyone who wishes to reply, please take this to the offtopic thread.
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