Next Gen Console discussion ( PS4 'n Xbox One'n Wii U )

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Well you can still play it on your 360 if you have a copy.

Do you work for Microsoft in anyway? coz every response of yours sounds like a solution given by the men in suits :p


Just WTH MS?

I noticed that, but it didn't occur to me at all. Everybody was press, busy with their laptops and tablets, where the hell was the cheering coming from?! :| Typical American Marketing.


I am the night...I am...
The great thing is that the sensor comes bundled with the console. This new kinect is what separates Xbox one from the rest.
I'm actually eager to see what the new PlayStation eye can do as an answer to this.:Fingerx:

But it's really doubtful if it can achieve the same thing, the xbox one has. The gesture controls are truly the highlight reel of the show.


I am the night...I am...
Do you work for Microsoft in anyway? coz every response of yours sounds like a solution given by the men in suits :p

Hehe, i wish i was.:p Well its nothing out of the world. The solution is more generic than you think. I mean what else would stop them from integrating the older chips.
Sony followed the same too.


Xbox One: live TV available in US only at launch, requires separate device | VG247

Mandatory plug in kinect and second box necesa
rry. smh.


I am the night...I am...
Been looking everywhere but no info on the GPU. Does anyone have any idea what sort of GPU they are using? SOC or discrete?

Its an SOC just like PS4. Gpu details will surface sometime later, maybe after E3. I guess the previous rumors were true and you can go by them.
It has to be a fully customized 12-14 core GCN gpu with 8 jaguar cores in a heterogeneous mold. Like the PS4, the gpu is heavily customized by AMD allowing more compute instruction in queue ( 64 to be precise) which is actually far more than the desktop counterparts. Its an APU just like PS4 albeit with 8gb DDR3 ram.


Its an SOC just like PS4. Gpu details will surface sometime later, maybe after E3. I guess the previous rumors were true and you can go by them.
It has to be a fully customized 12-14 core GCN gpu with 8 jaguar cores in a heterogeneous mold. Like the PS4, the gpu is heavily customized by AMD allowing more compute instruction in queue ( 64 to be precise) which is actually far from than the desktop counterparts. Its an APU just like PS4 albeit with 8gb DDR3 ram.

Hmm, thanks.


I am the night...I am...
15 exclusives in first year out of which eight are brand new ip's is really something. I hope Microsoft delivers their promise in time.
Quantum Break looked highly promising.


I am the night...I am...
The new COD engine looks promising. There ain't any static lighting anymore. The character models were a huge upgrade.
This time, a new academy award winning writer is penning the script. Hope we get an immersive experience from a pure storytelling perspective.

Kinect will be bundled so no issues. :) That thing is actually going to be the driving force for this console.
Its more like building an interactive webpage (using canvas in html5) without using javascript. The new sensor is what makes the console smart just like javascript makes a webpage smart.


The new COD engine looks promising.

Are you serious? it looked ugly. No wonder they were so desperate to show off the rendered videos, images, wireframe models and effects. It looked plain ugly. Honest opinion, Bf4 pooped all over this.


Are you serious? it looked ugly. No wonder they were so desperate to show off the rendered videos, images, wireframe models and effects. It looked plain ugly. Honest opinion, Bf4 pooped all over this.

Well I wouldn't call it ugly, but I agree, Frostbite 3 looked way better than this.

On a side note though, if the PS4 keeps the same used game model as this gen (i.e. no fee for playing a used game), then the Xbox is in some hot water.


I am the night...I am...
Are you serious? it looked ugly. No wonder they were so desperate to show off the rendered videos, images, wireframe models and effects. It looked plain ugly. Honest opinion, Bf4 pooped all over this.

I would say its better to wait for E3 to see a playable demo before commenting. The character models were no spoof and were real. Its a next gen console and models like that are expected.
Its GCN under the hood so expect all kind of compute based ray-tracing (dynamic lighting) along with particle effects. I would say it would be a major update in technology from previous COD titles.
Both next-gen consoles along with PC are more than capable of handling stuff like these.

BF4 actually blew me over and they showed an actual playable demo. Then again, i reckon waiting for E3 would be good.

Talking Point: How Has Xbox One's Reveal Affected Your Anticipation for PS4?
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I would say its better to wait for E3 to see a playable demo before commenting. The character models were no spoof and were real. Its a next gen console and models like that are expected.
Its GCN under the hood so expect all kind of compute based ray-tracing (dynamic lighting) along with particle effects. I would say it would be a major update in technology from previous COD titles.
Both next-gen consoles along with PC are more than capable of handling stuff like these.

Well I wouldn't call it ugly

In the sense that the output looked ugly, apart from the obvious improvements in detailed models. What's the point of pushing everything on the inside and the output looks ugly? The underwater scene from crysis 1 looked better than this.


In the sense that the output looked ugly, apart from the obvious improvements in detailed models. What's the point of pushing everything on the inside and the output looks ugly? The underwater scene from crysis 1 looked better than this.

But CoD series have been much better than BF3 and Crysis in storyline and gameplay. The new engine focuses more on gameplay like keeping your momentum while running over obstacles, dynamic maps in multiplayer etc. FrostBite is awesome, but needs some heavy hardware to run it smoothly, whereas CoD lets you enjoy the game in a decent configuration. Anyways, lets wait till E3 ... they have promised a lot more @ E3


Wise Old Owl
worst reveal ever. Micro and nintendi are out of the next gen league. With all that hardware, a xbox one is going to cost around 450$... unlike the last time where there was a 100$ price difference, Microsoft is gonna get screwed really hard.

you need to be online whenever you want to start a multiplayer game like steam. LOL

lets just say the ps2 times are here...

i was thinking during the reveal.... xbot one ? when the guy says " Xbox show me the fantasy "

But CoD series have been much better than BF3 and Crysis in storyline and gameplay. The new engine focuses more on gameplay like keeping your momentum while running over obstacles, dynamic maps in multiplayer etc. FrostBite is awesome, but needs some heavy hardware to run it smoothly, whereas CoD lets you enjoy the game in a decent configuration. Anyways, lets wait till E3 ... they have promised a lot more @ E3

lets just say im expecting nothing more than a forza, a gow , and the new ip. i think they meant they will release 15 new ip's not all hardcore. 4-5 Hardcore rest 10 kinect based.

while the ps4 has a lot on its hands. i mean it hasnt even released yet and the numbers are going up day by day.

and all that video / audio input gestures use a lot of computing power... so i dont understand is microsoft trying to reinvent the TV or is microsoft trying to reinvent trolls?

In the sense that the output looked ugly, apart from the obvious improvements in detailed models. What's the point of pushing everything on the inside and the output looks ugly? The underwater scene from crysis 1 looked better than this.

+1, no comparison. Cod engine was getting old like really old, so it needed a reboot anyways.

Oh my god. This conference is hilarious. Why would I want a Xbox One when I already have a 360? Seriously, who thought of that name.

My takeaway is: Kinect, Kinect, Kinect, Skype, ESPN, DVR, Kinect, FIFA, Buzzwords, NHL, COD, Kinect.

Was this conference some sort of giant farce?

They appear to be targeting the kind of people(read: casual dudebros) who buy the same things over and over again.

The number of bullshots were amazing.

I wonder if M$ had anything to do with the EA's Nintendo backstab?

there are only 3 things in the world, which sell

kinect, kinect and kinect :p

even the casuals wont want to buy another cable streaming box, when they own a skybox... :lol:


But CoD series have been much better than BF3 and Crysis in storyline and gameplay. The new engine focuses more on gameplay like keeping your momentum while running over obstacles, dynamic maps in multiplayer etc. FrostBite is awesome, but needs some heavy hardware to run it smoothly, whereas CoD lets you enjoy the game in a decent configuration.

I hope you were joking about the gameplay part, everyone knows the gameplay is a joke compared to BF.

The previous engine allowed better framerates compared to Frosbite; the previous engine didn't have those features you mentioned either. I think system requirements will jump quite a bit with this new engine.

Also, I was amused by how delusional infinity Ward were about their games. "State-of-the-art MW3 textures" "Best fans in the world" who do they think they are kidding ?


so i dont understand is microsoft trying to reinvent the TV or is microsoft trying to reinvent trolls?
LoL! true. Guess they got stuck with trying to find new ideas for the Xbox and thought of integrating other stuff into it :/

I hope you were joking about the gameplay part, everyone knows the gameplay is a joke compared to BF.

The previous engine allowed better framerates compared to Frosbite; the previous engine didn't have those features you mentioned either. I think system requirements will jump quite a bit with this new engine.

From CoD Black Ops, the gameplay along with the storyline creates a sense of involvement to the gamers. The curiosity of what is going to happen and the dramatic cut-scenes are the things that drive gamers to CoD. BF4 had much better graphics but was poor in storyline.

Yea, the new engine might need a little more spec, but its not going to be as far as BF4's demands.


Phil Harrison tries (again) to clarify game ownership, second-hand sales and always-online in Xbox One • News • Xbox 720 •

From what I understood, Xbox One(/Ten) essentially work like steam when it comes to used games. You can play at your mates home but you will need to sign in to play and if he wants to play the game in his own profile he will have to pay.

Note: The "/she" is implicit in the above paragraph.

They will have another mechanism for used games that we don't know about, which will probably line M$'s pockets in some way.

You will need to be online while installing the game and possibly while starting the console/game for this mechanism to work.

We think that most of the biggest games on Xbox One and most of the games and experiences and services you want to use will be internet-connected."

No focus on well made deep single player games confirmed. Focusing on fishsticks and dudebros.

User nib95's summary of the Xbox One(/Ten).

- Forced online activation for all games
- Complex used games system that is anti consumer
- Charged fee for playing used games on non linked profile
- Console that needs to be connected to internet every 24 hours to play games
- Very few games shown at the event
- Massive emphasis on TV, services and non game related stuff
- Rumoured (relatively weak) hardware confirmed
- DDR3 confirmed instead of GDDR5
- Only 5GB of the 8GB ram available for games (a whopping 3GB reserved for the OS)
- No self publishing for games
- Epic PR disaster with conflicting reports from Microsoft and it's heads
- Xbox support on twitter going AWOL
- Microsoft's failed attempts to correct PR with contradicting FAQ's, vague responses, misinformation, lies etc
- Live TV available in US only at launch, requires separate device
- Lots of announced services are for US only
- Kinect needed to be plugged in for Xbox One to function
- Over emphasis on Kinect
- Always watching and on Kinect is a tad creepy
- Xbox One having non-replaceable Hard Drive's
- COD Ghosts not looking that great (and the only game that had actual direct gameplay shown)
- Xbox One not being backwards compatible with the 360
- Only HDMI for output, leaving people unable to use composite or component cables
- Console quite large whilst still also using quite a large external power brick
- Xbox One being called Xbox One...
- And more...?





Kaz right now:


So far the target audience appears to be:

-Not Japan: Massive Size, Forced Kinect, No gameplay.
-Not Europe: As far as Europeans are concerned it is an underpowered, oversized(probably) PS4.
-Not the hardcore: If they were focusing on us they would actually have shown us gameplay and whatever new innovations and gameplay they came up with.
-Not Indies/ Indie gamers: Exactly zero indie support, no developers came on stage.

So the only option left is:

-Murican dudebros: NHL, CoD [redacted] yeah.
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