Next Gen Console discussion ( PS4 'n Xbox One'n Wii U )

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Legend Never Ends
According to his Linkedin he is. Do Linkedin profiles count as personal information?

He is the Creative director. The screenshots are not fake or made up in any way. He did say that.
If you do a further Google search of his name you'll see he said "f*** halo" while he was in Sony; right before he joined MS.


Thanks for the pic thetechfreak‚ dunno how my resolution got f*cked up.
back on topic. So this guy is basically flipping a middle finger at those who don't have a good high speed connection. And saying 'Deal with it' is just stupid.
Someone's getting fired soon.


PlayStation 4 to appeal to women too | The Sun |News|Sun City

Brit Mr House says the games console will feature a raft of new features to broaden its appeal beyond young male gamers.

Mr House told Sun City: “We are not going down the route of making the console pink of course.

“I think the key is to have people — and increasingly women — with different sensibilities creating different games. It is not all about shoot ’em up games.” Mr House, president and chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment, also wants the PS4 to appeal more to families in general.

He reckons innovations on the console such as a new touchpad on the controller will help Sony tap into the market for worldwide hits such as Angry Birds.

For some reason I think the touchpad will be less accessible than the touchscreen on the Wii U :p.

Miyamoto says give the Wii U time.

'Mario,' 'Zelda' creator says give the Wii U time -

Through a translator, Miyamoto told that having a second screen for gaming in the living room is a new experience for gamers.
He said the touchscreen interface with the Wii U Gamepad controller, combined with the main-screen action on a television, opens up options that have never been possible.
"The challenge that we had was if someone wanted to view television, then you couldn't play games. We wanted to have a second screen for Wii U that would make it possible for people to essentially play games even if something else was on the TV," Miyamoto said.

"There was a period when we first released the Nintendo DS that people would say there's no way people can look at two screens at once," he said. "I almost feel like, as people get more familiar with Wii U and these touchscreen interfaces, that there is going to come a point where they feel like 'I can't do everything I want to do if I don't have a second screen'."

"Our immediate objective over the next few months is to improve the Wii U system and make it a little more stable, a little bit more convenient to use from a system standpoint," Miyamoto said. "Miiverse (a sort of social network that lets players interact) is an example of an ongoing project. We really wanted to be able to leverage Miiverse in something like 'New Super Mario Bros. U.' We're obviously still early on in it and just trying things out, but so far, it does feel like the community itself is doing a very good job of being a warm and welcoming place for people."
"The other thing I think about is how do we begin getting people to understand that and convey the usefulness of Wii U to them. For me as a game developer, obviously I look at Wii U from the perspective of what games I can bring to Wii U."

Give us another Nintendo Direct on the Wii U plos.


Response to Microsoft and Adam Orth by the Rage Geek



This is alarming for nintendo.

Luigi's Mansion released 2 weeks ago so a decline in 3DS sales is to be expected.

DQX sales isn't too surprising. It wasn't all that well received on the Wii and the Wii U version literally has no meaningful enhancements. It enjoyed a ~75% sell through rate so it can be said that was expected.

The Game & Wario bomb is quite shocking though. I'd guess it is because people were expecting something like Warioware but they got something like Game & Watch.

Oboromuramasa isn't unknown within Japan. It did quite well on the Wii.

I'd expect the Vita to stabilize at 15 - 20k after golden week.

If it continues selling at this rate the Vita will need ~500 weeks to catch up to the 3DS if the 3DS doesn't sell at all. Keep in mind that Pokemon X/Y haven't come out yet and Nintendo Handhelds peak with pokemon games.

Right now Nintendo has to hold back until E3 so that they aren't overshadowed by the western consoles catering to semi-casuals. The 3DS alone can keep them afloat for a long time. There is nothing they can do right now. A massive advertising push in the second half when most of the Wii U games come out(The Wonderful 101, WWHD, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Smash 4, hopefully Retro's secret project etc.) will go a long way.


I am the night...I am...
PS4′s Not So Secret Weapons For Longevity | PS4 AMD APU

HSA is the future of computing it seems.


I am the night...I am...
The Risk Behind The RAM: Is next-gen's biggest strength its greatest weakness?

Microsoft Xbox 720 to have omni-spatial gesture and Glasses-Free 3D UI


Emily Rogers ‏@Emi1yRogers

Here's a hint without giving anything away. There may come a time in the future when owning both a Wii U and 3DS will become beneficial.


Emily Rogers ‏@Emi1yRogers

I believe E3 will be a very good E3 for Wii U. Thankfully its only 1 and a half months away.

CVG Blog: Never count Nintendo out: 3DS push shows Wii U won't go quietly -

Which brings me to the Wii U. Regulars at CVG might be aware that I talk down the console's chances in the most definitive language possible whenever asked. Well, from the things I'm hearing, there's a chance I'll soon be added to the reject bin of crazy talking twitter twonks pretty soon.

Hopefully, if we obtain further details from our sources, we'll be in a position to explain more to you soon. But, for now, put it this way: In the past two years there have been moments of disquiet regarding the 3DS and - like an instant magic trick - Nintendo has put an end to this with sudden reveals of significant games that went on to become star performers at Christmas.

For those who are unaware, Emily Rogers is an Nintendo critic who says that although Nintendo makes good games, its recent business decisions have been extremely boneheaded(something I agree with to an extent).

Rob Crossley is one of the coolest(not in the rock n roll kind of way :) ) and most level headed british journalists who has been on the "Wii U Doomed" train for quite some time and for him to change his opinion he must have heard something crazy.

This, in context of the 100bn Yen target Iwata has set for the 2013 - 2014 FY, seems to indicate something big and very exciting is underworks.


I am the night...I am...
The PS4 Must Save The Vita

Lets hope this turns out to be true. After major price cuts in japan, vita has really been selling extremely well there and sometimes beating the 3ds as mentioned in that article(japan only).
Lets hope it gets a big price cut for the rest of the markets at E3 along with some good games. Sony has already hinted at the same. Ps4 can be the key here with remote play and other stuff.

PS4′s Share button was Sony Santa Monica’s idea

This time, all major first and third party developers made a tremendous contribution in making the PS4. One such idea is the share button that comes from their inhouse santa monica studios.
Lets see how good the ps4 turns to look out to be physically.

These next-gen consoles ( except for one) are all set not only to deliver jaw dropping visuals and innovative gameplay options, but are also going to change the face of computing by a big margin.
The digital foundry article proves that. *


The PS4 Must Save The Vita

Lets hope this turns out to be true. After major price cuts in japan, vita has really been selling extremely well there and sometimes beating the 3ds as mentioned in that article(japan only).
Lets hope it gets a big price cut for the rest of the markets at E3 along with some good games. Sony has already hinted at the same. Ps4 can be the key here with remote play and other stuff.

PS4′s Share button was Sony Santa Monica’s idea

This time, all major first and third party developers made a tremendous contribution in making the PS4. One such idea is the share button that comes from their inhouse santa monica studios.
Lets see how good the ps4 turns to look out to be physically.

These next-gen consoles ( except for one) are all set not only to deliver jaw dropping visuals and innovative gameplay options, but are also going to change the face of computing by a big margin.
The digital foundry article proves that. *

Beating the 3DS marginally on price cut week according to one (admittedly reputable) report does not count as sometimes beating the 3DS.

I see two consoles that don't really offer much innovative gameplay options, not one.


I am the night...I am...
Japan: PlayStation Vita Overtakes Nintendo 3DS As Best Selling Gaming Platform

PlayStation Vita Outsells 3DS in Japan

Vita Outsells 3DS in Japan, Strong Sales Continue

Japanese Sales Charts: One Piece Propels PlayStation Vita

Huh...the list goes on. I hope similar things happen to vita after PS4 launch and potential price drop at E3.


Japan: PlayStation Vita Overtakes Nintendo 3DS As Best Selling Gaming Platform

PlayStation Vita Outsells 3DS in Japan

Vita Outsells 3DS in Japan, Strong Sales Continue

Japanese Sales Charts: One Piece Propels PlayStation Vita

Huh...the list goes on. I hope similar things happen to vita after PS4 launch and potential price drop at E3.

You do realize that all of them refer to the same week and use the same Media-Create report as their source right? Plus, it is almost back to pre-price cut level of sales right now.


I am the night...I am...
^^ Source please. You mean it sells 12000 units like before now?

This is the worst i could find

Japanese Sales Charts: PlayStation Vita Sinks Back into Second - Push Square

Still fairly competitive. Has a huge software selection waiting to be unleashed though.

Btw , keep the discussion to next gen consoles. This isn't a handheld thread.


The official website. 14,112 which is almost 12k which it was selling before.

￾Media Create

I was just pointing out misinformation in your post. No intention to derail thread.


I am the night...I am...
^^ My post had no misinformation. It was a month older. This was from a week earlier - Media Create Sales: 4/1/13
Waiting for vita to rise in the western and asian markets.

Anyway getting back on track:

Microsoft employees: We're working on the next-gen Xbox

I guess they have some interesting tricks up their sleeves. No wonder they are taking their time.


"Today, 07:39 PM" doesn't count as one month older.

'Next Xbox Will Not Be Compatible With Second Hand' - NowGamer (new source: Xing Interactive).

I wonder if they will backtrack on this and just do something like authentication upon launch due to the huge backlash against always online.
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