Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Staff member
anyone seen gods must be crazy??..liked it..i for a matter of fact thought it was crap..esp the first few scenes
both parts are classic natural funny boners, i liked them all, especially the 2nd part

Do consider watching Austin Powers series, they are damn funny, no delebrate attempt to make u laugh.

Watched Airplane ! IMO it was pretty bland, desperate attempt to make u laugh


 Macboy
Just watched 30 days of Night. Its a good vampire movie, but I'm not into that kind of stuff. Nice ending. Nothing beats Blade though :)
Hey guys i recently got this comedy flick - The Gods Must Be Crazy 1.
Howz the movie .Can I see with my family ? I mean is content right enuf ?:)
Also is part 2 worth watching


Staff member
Hey guys i recently got this comedy flick - The Gods Must Be Crazy 1.
Howz the movie .Can I see with my family ? I mean is content right enuf ?:)
Also is part 2 worth watching
watch it, a clean movie
i sitill remember the scene(god must be crazy 2) in which that marsupial bites his boot and then persuades him till it fells down due to exhaustion

yea the asutin power series rocks...and for comedy you can also try heathers..a classic teen flick..
thnx, seems a good flick :)

thats was friggin hilarious

Dr. Evil: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my submarine lair. It's long, hard and full of seamen!
[Laughs, then notices he isn't getting any laughs from his submarine crew]
Dr. Evil: No? Nothing? Not even a titter? Tough sub...
[after being struck in the groin by a meteor prop]
Dr. Evil: All right, let me find my balls, for God's sakes. 1, 2... and 3, okay; I'm okay.
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Just finished Shutter.....There is only one scene which can be objectionable, other wise the movie runs safe. BTW shutter was ok for me, not because of the movie itself, but the style of horror is very much like Grudge. And I have seen both Grude I and II and so Shutter was not very much new for me in the style of Horror it presented.

Anybody seen 30 Days of Night. It belongs to vampire genre but the reviews say "its different and has more edge of the seat moments........" then any other Vampire classics in the past.

Dude can you give me more details? Does the scene involve Nudity? Kiss is ok! I need to know coz I may watch it with my parents!


Well the reason I did not explicitly told the scene was because its somewhat intricate to the Plot itself (though not that intrinsic). But still, If you want I can let you know......


Dude I know the story line so it's ok even if it has got something intrinsic to the plot. Just let me know about the scene.


Aspiring Novelist
Dude can you give me more details? Does the scene involve Nudity? Kiss is ok! I need to know coz I may watch it with my parents!
There is no full frontal nudity or partial nudity as well.I don't recollect any kissing scenes either.It's only a rape scene which occurs during a particular flashback seqeunce.This comes in when some of Natre's colleagues attempt a rape on her but no nudity in there as well.


Think Zen.
Must watch for anybody who wants Family Comedy...

2. Cheaper by dozen

and the all time hit, the very common Liar Liar for me its the best Jim Carry movie......absolutely Hilarious....

Cheaper by the dozen is friggin' hilarious.The sequel is a watch-once-and forget though.

And yeah Liar Liar rocks.

a few more comedies:
You, Me and Dupree.
Wedding Crashers.
Just Like Heaven.
The Pacifier.

The Ocean's Trilogy. etc.
Liar Liar is not very clean. Cheaper by dozen is nice and clean movie though.
But i suppose holly wood movies which are really good in there respective genre always have something objectionable especially in India


* Teh Flirt King *
FlETCHER : Would the Court be willing to grant me a short bathroom

JUDGE : can't it wait?

FlETCHER : DISSAPPOINTLY...yes it can.....

FlETCHER : But I have heared if you hold it, it can damage the postate gland making it very difficult to get an errection or even become aroused.

JUDGE : Is that true?

FlETCHER : It has to be.

JUDGE : well in that case I better take a break myself.

Thanks mate I was looking for a comedy like this.. heheh... This dialogue alone makes me desperate to watch this one...
Any more like this ?


Liar Liar is not very clean. Cheaper by dozen is nice and clean movie though.
But i suppose holly wood movies which are really good in there respective genre always have something objectionable especially in India

I completely agree with you on this!

Ok I was just trying not to ruin the movie........its a rape scene, with no nudity though, but pumping action is shown for couple of minutes.......thats all.....

****If this hampered anybodys else movie experience...I apologize....******

I saw one scene where she gets in a lift and there is the hero along with friends. Does the scene follow after this one?
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Aspiring Novelist
Rape scene! Is it anything as classy as a Shakti Kapoor rape scene? :D
You call that classy? :D
Anyway sorry to disappoint but NO it's not as classy rape scene as that Shakti Kapoor one.This scene is more dramatic as Natre is being raped while her boyfriend is made to watch it & click photos of her being raped.

Liar Liar is not very clean. Cheaper by dozen is nice and clean movie though.
But i suppose holly wood movies which are really good in there respective genre always have something objectionable especially in India
It's very subjective as to what you find objectionable.Also depends on how you want to take that movie in a much more mature perspective.Something which you find objectionable might not be felt by someone else.At the end of the day it's just a movie & is meant for entertainment purpose only.;)
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