Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


In the zone
Just watched Eight Below and i must say, i cried like a baby seeing the dogs! Its a must watch if u guys are dog lovers!

@ goobimama, anymore movies wid a similar genre, involving dogs?

Doggie Movies I love them to the core

Beethoven's second
Beethoven's Third
Snow Buddies
Snow Dogs

I think U should be satisfied with this

a kids film (may be!) watched just now in world movies with subtitles ;) MPEG4 transmission quality rocks in SUN DTH!

OK ....another movie Thanks a lot praka
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 Macboy
^^ Seriously man? The Pianist? You are recommending it? I mean, who here doesn't know that the pianist is an awesome film? It's like the 11th commandment that the pianist is an awesome film.

And if there is someone who doesn't think so, he should be thrown off the balcony just like that old dude was thrown in the movie. (I found that scene hilarious btw!)


I have Yolks not Brains!
^^ Seriously man? The Pianist? You are recommending it? I mean, who here doesn't know that the pianist is an awesome film? It's like the 11th commandment that the pianist is an awesome film.

And if there is someone who doesn't think so, he should be thrown off the balcony just like that old dude was thrown in the movie. (I found that scene hilarious btw!)

Pianist Isn't Titanic For One Thing.
And I saw it now, So I am recommending it now!!
People are recommending obvious films like Godfather or Schindler's list, but it's not that I will go and say, Oh it's godfather, #1 in IMDB...and you're recommending it? No.
The thread is about Must See films, not about unknown , buried in the desert great films.
So what if everyone knows its a great film. It still is a Great film, and I will recommend it.And trust me, not everyone knows about it. :))


Genre: Epic, Adventure, Action, Romance.
Rating: 8/10.

Really nice animated movie. Worth a watch.

Pianist Isn't Titanic For One Thing.
And I saw it now, So I am recommending it now!!
People are recommending obvious films like Godfather or Schindler's list, but it's not that I will go and say, Oh it's godfather, #1 in IMDB...and you're recommending it? No.
The thread is about Must See films, not about unknown , buried in the desert great films.
So what if everyone knows its a great film. It still is a Great film, and I will recommend it.And trust me, not everyone knows about it. :))

+1. @goobi, don't force your opinion.
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NP : Crysis
Just watched Eight Below and i must say, i cried like a baby seeing the dogs! Its a must watch if u guys are dog lovers!

i've seen Eight Below and loved it, but its only gud for kids. the way that the dogs get food for the injured one etc. all BS.....personal survival is an animal's top instinct. under such sitautions, what would have happened in reality is that the dogs would have kiled each other to keep their stomachs full. as repulsive as it may sound, thats nature.

^^ Seriously man? The Pianist? You are recommending it? I mean, who here doesn't know that the pianist is an awesome film? It's like the 11th commandment that the pianist is an awesome film.

And if there is someone who doesn't think so, he should be thrown off the balcony just like that old dude was thrown in the movie. (I found that scene hilarious btw!)

whoops!! gotta stay away from goobi. well, atleast now i know the pianist is worth watching


Aspiring Novelist
Ok finally sat down & caught up with Stephen King's The Mist.I am impressed.By the way the movie was crafted & acted well I have to give it a 8/10.The only thing which got a bit messed up was the climax which I am guessing is a plague which has spread among good Hollywood movies recently.It's not the best in visual effects but trust me the performance of the actors are really commendable.Worth a watch.:)


Rockin g33k

mind blowing..disney rocks...peaple here who havent seen it yet..see it as soon as possible..its not always that u get to see such flms..


Staff member
I presume if you like Pianist you should watch The English Patient if you havent already seen it......

not every will like it, but i love it more than Titanic( say Titanic was not that good) .

Desert panorama and performances by Ralph and Kristen were amazing, Juliette Binoche, Naveen Andrews were too an added factor.

Last scene and the letter by Katharine made me cry. I had to watch it two times to link all things together :)


Rockin g33k
@clmlbx-are u out of ur freakin mind?? :O

good luck chuck is nothing less than a cut down bf..

the plot in short-

theres a guy named chuck and if u sleep with this guy the next guy you date shall be ur husband...and evryun goes bam bamm for tht...


Staff member
just watched Dancer in The Dark (My Rating:8.3/10) (If u want a nice tear jerker filled with with most purest kind of human emotions then watch this)


Staff member
^^I kinda remember this movie but forgot the name, thnx for reminding me, will watch it by this week :)

Btw will it worth watching 28 Days Later, considering I hav seen 28 Weeks Later ?
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