Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Sure.. Its already on my list...

Has anybody watched "Eastern Promises"... How would you rate it? Its IMDB 7.9/10 and I am planning to see it...


I think Micheal Clayton has only one thing good. Its the ending. Nothing else. I would rate it 5.5/10. The pace was very much varying and that is the main flaw. Editing should have been better. And they left many things hanging. What was the point of intrducing his son and his brother. They are not at all required in the film story line.
In case of No Country For Old Man, I didn't get why the film was titled 'No Country For Old Man'? It has nothing to do with the subject of the film.


I have Yolks not Brains!
^Thats the only film I have to watch. Can you tell me how is it. Is it tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow like Atonement or worthless like Michael Clayton , or is it worth watching??(I'm gonna watch it any way)


@sandeepk, the film Michael Clayton itself is the essence of characterization. The brother character is the main purpose why he is in debt and starts playing poker again and why he is lured to take the offer to defend his friend from suing the agency. I hope you got that point. Otherwise, you did not understand anything from the movie. The boy was to show his responsibilities amidst his debts, sufferings, problems, miseries .... bla bla..

Its the characterization and the screen play which is the hero of this movie. But then, this isn't a debate topic about the movies or this topic in particular, so, I only hope you could have appreciated it...


^^ You can watch it but then I am sure you will not like the end. It is 'bakwaas'.
Yes I know that the characterization is important. But then it could have been done better. Also they had very little time on screen to make an impact. So I felt what was the need of those characters.


Watched my fourth Oscar nominated film 'Atonement' today. I would give 7.5/10. It is also a slow film like all the film nominated this year. But the pace is nearly constant and the acting is very good. Also a good ending. Shots of the war scenes are good.
If you don't get bored by the slowness of the film, then you should watch this.


Staff member
just finished watching Francis Ford Coppola's Apolcalypse Now Redux

War at its absolute worst. An absolute masterpiece. A must watch


[deducting 0.5 for the length more than 3 hours] liked Apocalypse Redux ? I guess there were many scenes quite a senseless. For me its 4/10, great atmosphere and ambient and some crappy attitude of the protagonist with some crappy scenes.

You should hav watched theatrical version.

I suppose people here also know about David Lynch .He is a brilliant director who made movies which turned out to be nightmares of many worldwide..
See yourselves *
I would recommend the movie Eraserhead , elephant man by him (they r black and white)
Dumbland is popular amongst many too.

Yup David Lynch knows how to creat a masterpiece to mess with your mind :D


Evil Genius
Okay...I just watched Into The Wild...and I dont see it, whats so great about throwing away your future and becoming a bum?


Staff member
The Bourne Identity (7.6/10) (a bit slow for an action movie, many things left unanswered, another James Bond variation)

The Bourne Supremacy (8.1/10) (was impressed with the pace and action sequences, loose ends were connected, yet another James Bond variation)

The Bourne Ultimatum
(8.0/10) (lol...i never wanted a third installment, but the origin was vague and yet to be discovered, so they threw in new twist, action was a bit low than previous one, lol Jason is one hardarse)

Fight Club (Despite of some inconsistencies it gets a 8.3/10 rating, story was unique but the twist was before seen, the onlything better than this one and a more realistic approach was The Machinist )

Hellboy (6.7/10 watch it if u want yet another Van Helsing)

Hitman (7.6/10 background score was somber and crappy at times, movie was fast paced but lacked depth)

The Italian Job (7.9/10 there was not even a one moment of hiatus, u r always kept pondering, the nearest one in bollywood could be Chocolate)

Ratatouille (8.3/10 anyone can cook)
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I Always Prefer 1080p
Watched the movie The Wild (Animation) in High Definition.
I liked the movie very much.;)
By the way I have become a rejuvenated movie buff now after getting banned for 2 days.:D
My sig says it all, Thanks to Kalpik and drgrudge for enlightening me.
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Staff member
Amelie [2001] (My rating: 8.6/10) (No deliberate attempt to make u laugh, a genuine story, with some twists...though funny ones)

A Very Long Engagement [2004] (My rating: 8.3/10) (sordidly slow at the beginning but paces up intelligently , thoughtful depiction of war and an optimist's dream )


Another Brick in the Wall
I watched Bee Movie and it's a good movie. It's better than Surf's Up (Oscar Nominee)


Check this out:

Toys - Toy Story 1 & 2, Robot (maybe)
Insects - A Bug’s Life, Antz, Bee Movie
Fishes - Finding Nemo, Shark Tale
Super Heroes - The Incredibles
Cars - Cars
Monsters - Monsters, Inc. , Shrek Trilogy
Birds - Happy Feet, Chicken Run, Chicken Little, Surf's Up
Animals (of all kind) - Madagascar, Over the Hedge, The Wild, Wallace and Gromit
Pests - Ratatouille, Flushed Away, Stuart Little (if you can count this too)

Why Animation Movies are Almost Always Blockbusters


:) @drdrudge, is it really good? (Bee Movie) I read the plot of it in Imdb long back and I couldn't stop laughing over that stupid script... Its the height of saturated imagination, or so I thought! :D Bee Sues us


Staff member
Into The Wild [2007] (My Rating: no rating as this movie is subjective to the viewer POV) (more like a documentary for me, u just cant expect it to be an entertainer not until u get to the real character, which is, though will be after 1 hour, I just feel what if I can go into the wild after graduation :D)

One thing that wast feel good was killing small rodent/animals and a wild goat/or something. Why waste others and snatch their freedom if u really want to know explore the simple beauty and freedom, that was stupid, i say utter stupid.


Rightly put, Its exactly the same reason for which I don't have an urge to watch that movie in spite of its whopping 8.3/10 in Imdb!! I couldn't see it as a movie genre
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