Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


I have Yolks not Brains!
Unlike what I hoped, this movie turned out to be rather good.Yeah, the pace was slow but it was a nice thriller. Many people pointed to its ending, which they say is Crap. I found it unconventional, but not crap.But is this the best film of 2007??? Hell, no!!!

My rating: 7/10

Can someone tell me how Zodiac is??After seeing masterpieces from David Flincher (Seven,The Game,Fight Club ....and well Panic Room(OK sorta)), I am really looking forward to it. In terms of Box Office or Critically acclamation , this guy is under-appreciated!!!

Also suggestion about this films will be welcomed
Following,The Prestige....By Chris Nolan(Memento guy)...
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Zodiac, you can watch once. I found the pace of the movie slow... besides its been directed many times before...
The Presitge: Awesome movie, I liked it... Wonderful!!! Don't dig deeper in to the physics! Take it lightly... Enjoy the ride! :D


Death at a funeral -> I also recommend this movie. Really nice comedy. though the trend might seem a little too old.

Except, you have to withstand the British accent for 2 hours! :D I find it somewhat difficult really! :lol:


Please dont go by IMDB reviews or ratings. Though they r not biased but users there have under rated some very good movies and some egregious movies are over rated:mad:
Single reviews r chosen properly though so read helpful reviews and then see which points r u looking for

yeah I agree. movies like munnabhai mbbs & rang de basanti don't deserve to be amongst those classics.

hey guys watch this comedy: Groundhog Day. I feel this is one of the most brilliant comedies ever made- rated 8.1 on this movie appears to have a very silly storyline in the beginning but as it progresses you realize that this is one of the most beautiful movies ever made. this movie has a really great theme. it tells u that although everyday of ur life may seem to be dull or trite there is actually a lot to learn fromit & its only u, who has the power to change it.
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Hitman..? I really dint understand the plot..! had good expectations but the movie turned out to be mediocre!!

spoiler warning: can someone pls tell me " y the hell does Belicoff order his own execution?"


Staff member
Hitman..? I really dint understand the plot..! had good expectations but the movie turned out to be mediocre!!

spoiler warning: can someone pls tell me " y the hell does Belicoff order his own execution?"

Belicoff has doubles and Yuri was trying to get a puppet controlled state.

Goof up: Did u see the children playin hitman video game when he escapes through the window by hangin and crashing into a window bleow his floor


i only liked hitman movie coz i wanted myself to like it.. the movie had too many flaws.. but then also i was satisfied that atleast a concept is there.. its 5/10 but 10/10 for my satisfaction as i am a diehard hitman fan...


Another Brick in the Wall
Into the Wild.

The movie of the year, 2007.

What a movie! Beautiful music, beautiful cinematography, beautiful screenplay. Such beauty that you'll be mesmerized for those 150 minutes.

Sean Penn rocks! Hard to believe his journey from Fast Times at Ridgemont High to I am Sam to Into the Wild.


P.S: I'm yet to see the Oscar Nominees last year. Hope they're as good as this flick; otherwise my respect for Oscar will come avalanching down.


"The Gentleman"
ashwin... dont u do anything else ... U blog SO MUCH with all those reviews & other crap, ur forum... are you a male nurse in dubai or what. :p


 Macboy
^^ Dude! You wanna get smoked! He's a mod around here remember?! These guys have a lot of power and are not afraid to misuse it!


excuse me ^^^ ..... did you just got up from sleep :D:D lol

GODfather : i am over with the movies mentioned at your blog.. and all the oscars also.. liked none..

saw i am legend : awesome movie...

anything else ???
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"The Gentleman"
^^ Dude! You wanna get smoked! He's a mod around here remember?! These guys have a lot of power and are not afraid to misuse it!

lol... I do remember he's mod, i'm not trying to be smarty here but to max he can only ban nothing more :p... Well ! we do have liberty to chat dont we ? btw that comment of mine isnt gonna cost me to ban :D

saw i am legend : awesome movie...

anything else ???


good comedy movie
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